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  • Happy Birthday to Astro & Scotty!

  • welcome to the cafe

    Mountain-Mike - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from IMScotty: “Went on a road trip this weekend to Southern Vermont with my wife. At the 'Battle of Bennington' monument I saw a guy in the parking lot that looked familiar to me. I could not quit figure out who he was so I introduced myself. It was Matthew 'Odie' Norman, trail angel and publisher of the Thru-Hiker Yearbook. First time I have met Odie. He could not have been more gracious, a great guy. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…58a60ae29911e171e87947259 ” Odie is a…

  • Astro on the AT 2019

    Mountain-Mike - - Trip Report


    A puffy in the summer in the Whites is overkill. You just have to guess on what day it will hit.

  • Hiking Plans 2019

    Mountain-Mike - - Trip Planning


    Quote from IMScotty: “Just arrived in Big Bear Lake, CA where I left off on the PCT last year. I came ready for Southern California desert conditions and it is actually snowing a bit here. I am not sure where I am staying tonight, but tomorrow I'm going for a walk. ” That'a a diverse section. Snow to desert in the same day. On that section two couples were hiking together somewhat & at the base of MT Baden Powell the stamped GO For Snow Meanining they went over the mountain. The other couple rea…

  • St Patrick's Day

    Mountain-Mike - - Coffee Talk


    my favorite quote was from an Irish boss" Us Irish are known for two things. Drinking & fighting! We tend to do them together & neither of them end up well."

  • looking for a 90 mile hike

    Mountain-Mike - - Trip Planning


    Bennington > Killington VT is another great moderate sections with plenty of alpine ponds & views. Also easy & cheap public transport for a section hike.

  • looking for a 90 mile hike

    Mountain-Mike - - Trip Planning


    North from Damascus will put you through Mt Rodgers & Grayson Highlandlands with the wild ponies. Another great streach is Pearisburg northbound. You would hit the VA Tripple Crown; Dragons Tooth, MaCafee Knob & Tinkers Cliff.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Mountain-Mike - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “Quote from Mountain-Mike: “I watched a show where one character said he wasn't old. His friend said "Can you stand up or sit down without groaing?" OK I'M old. Packing for a show these days include a multitude of Braces & splints a huge bottle of Vitamin I. Had our "Company Doc" stop in today & got a steroid shot in my back that has beeen causing me trouble. I went off the ibuprofin & another part of my back started hurting. Had to take an hour off to streach out untill …

  • welcome to the cafe

    Mountain-Mike - - Coffee Talk


    I watched a show where one character said he wasn't old. His friend said "Can you stand up or sit down without groaing?" OK I'M old. Packing for a show these days include a multitude of Braces & splints a huge bottle of Vitamin I. Had our "Company Doc" stop in today & got a steroid shot in my back that has beeen causing me trouble. I went off the ibuprofin & another part of my back started hurting. Had to take an hour off to streach out untill the ibuprofin kickrd in. Thankfully it was a slow da…

  • Yep, setting up for bike week.

  • Low 80's today. Did get up in the middle of the night to watch the rocket launch.

  • 2nd Chance Hiker

    Mountain-Mike - - Pacific Crest Trail


    Quote from IMScotty: “Mountain Mike - As a section hiker I have some choice as to when I hike. I went through the Sierras in August which was gorgeous, but I know I had it easy compared to the thru-hikers. On the other hand the earliest I can get out to do these desert sections is the end of May. If all goes well I will be hiking across the mojave towards Tehachapi in early June. That should be interesting. This pale Irish boy really suffers in the desert. ” I also did the Sierra in August, SOBO…

  • 2nd Chance Hiker

    Mountain-Mike - - Pacific Crest Trail


    I'll second that! Cold night kill of the bugs. Frosty mornings warm up to comfortable hiking. The smell of the leaves & colors in New England or the crimson hues & elks bugling out west. No (or little) mud. Fewer hikers. What's not to love?

  • 2nd Chance Hiker

    Mountain-Mike - - Pacific Crest Trail


    When the PCTA started setting per day start limits on permits I had mixed reactions. I did the PCT 20+ years ago now & THE resouce was Ray Jardines Guide. While I disagreed with some of his advise, just about everyone was on one of his schedules. All of his schedules arrived at Kennedy Meadows at the same time when he figured the snow pack was low enough that the Sierra could be traversed. I hit it in an extremely high snow year (95) & there was a bottleneck there. Hikers were planning bail out …

  • Hiking Plans 2019

    Mountain-Mike - - Trip Planning


    Thinking of BMT in March/April & Hopefully Sheltonwee June/July.

  • Christmas 2018

    Mountain-Mike - - General


    Merry Christmas to all!

  • Knead Bread

    Mountain-Mike - - Trail Chefs


    Some of the best bagels I ever had were in Hollister, CA. A NYC transplant opened a shop there & made them bigger & a huge varieity along with a selection of spreads/toppings. They had to be 50% bigger than normal ones. Add one of their flavored cream cheeses & you had breakfast.

  • I agree with all that has been mentioned. It's doable if you have your trail legs. The AT is conseriably tougher than the JMT. Lots of ups & down as opposed to the gradual elevation change of the JMT. On the flip side, re-supply is a lot more available along with hostels & laundry. I reccomend getting "Companion" guidebook from ALDHA. aldha.org/ You get a free PDF copy when you join, all for $10. Other options are AWOL's trail guide & the Guthook app that many use. If you want , I have some Trai…

  • I've enjoyed following your exploits on your Sabbatical. I wish you the best on your future endevours.

  • Whiskey Thread

    Mountain-Mike - - Coffee Talk


    On a whim I bought some Jim Bean Maple. Way to sweet for me. It did work great in bourbon chickeen though!