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  • Quote from g00gle: “Call of Uluru? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Call_of_Cthulhu Quote from OzJacko: “No it's the indigenous name for it. ” ” appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ae0aeb44efb8682c338335105

  • Quote from OzJacko: “Known nowadays as Uluru. ” Call of Uluru? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Call_of_Cthulhu

  • Quote from hikerboy: “i think it merits the change without nefarious implications, which ,btw, are designed to take our minds off more important issues ” Just to be clear (I'm often not good at that, especially when typing stuff) my suggestion about potential implications are less nefarious and more administrative, etc. Just wondering who we say yes to and who we say no to (and why) when the next similar issue arises. Other than that, like I said, I like Denali better anyway. However, if by nefa…

  • shi**y music

    g00gle - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox


    C'mon, now you guys are just fishing for replies.

  • Quote from Foresight: “It was named Denali LONG before it suddenly took up residence in a "National Park". ” And this wonderful land we currently live on was called something else long before our ancestors took up residence here... Quote from hikerboy: “alaskan lives matter. ” I agree 100%. I never said or implied otherwise. I only expressed concern over where we draw the line after establishing politically-motivated hollow gestures with potential long-term implications.

  • the baxter debate continues

    g00gle - - Appalachian Trail


    Quote from socks: “I wonder if Mr.Bissel is king of his domain? ” youtube.com/watch?v=7VSDTMUVSL4

  • Quote from Foresight: “I disagree. It's in Alaska and they want it RE-named Denali so it should be named Denali. ” Maybe I'm off the mark here, but doesn't this big hill reside in a National park? If it was a state park that might be different. I'm all about state's rights, but this is an issue with much broader implications for our nation-at-large. Compare this to other semi-recent decisions, i.e., marriage laws or certain herbal legalization's. Those (IMHO) are terrific examples of state issue…

  • Quote from hikerboy: “it cracks me up when some of you go off about state rights and then when alaskans have been fighting for 30 years to get the name changed you think its some sinister plot. what the heck does mckinley have to do with either alaska or denali ? if ohio gets all bent out of shape, rename lake erie ” Tough one, there... Are we going to rename the many other areas that Native Americans had names for before we (or the Vikings before us, or the Chinese before them) got here? I thin…

  • Quote from Drybones: “Quote from Astro: “This may actually be the first intelligent thing he has done in two terms. ” There's something rotten in Denmark. ” True enough... Quote: “Even though environmentalists welcome the President's focus, some conservationists have accused Obama of climate hypocrisy, citing the recent approval for Royal Dutch Shell to begin oil and gas drilling in the Chukchi Sea off of Alaska's northwest coast. Also of concern to climate change activists is the administration…

  • life lessons ruined by technology

    g00gle - - General


    Quote from hikerboy: “i think originally there were around 32 titles. i also had a hardy boys primer on detective work, with stuff about fingerprinting, searching a crime scene,etc. th ” Heyyyyyyyy... I don't see the The Mystery Of The Chinese Junk in there! Only title I remember cause it was the first one I ever read. I was laid up isolated in a hospital with chickenpox just after getting over pneumonia - talk about luck, I went from an oxygen tent to an isolated room. That was a horrible week …

  • This video is great (but the guy doing it is much more talented than this single video lets on.) If you are a Pro-2A, you'll probably get a huge kick out of some of his other music videos on YouTube. youtube.com/watch?v=r01YiwEqn_o

  • Quote from hikerboy: “criminals still have too easy a time of it to get guns ” Our government helps with that much more than many might care to believe. And I ain't talking about loopholes (well, at least not the same loopholes that "street"criminals use.)

  • Just Another Reason I Like Aussie's

    g00gle - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from OzJacko: “but why an ak47 ” Because they don't make an AK-48.

  • Winter Backpacking Thread...

    g00gle - - General


    Quote from LIhikers: “Winter has a beauty all it's own... ” Sitting next to a dying fire just around midnight, with a clear sky and moonlight reflecting off the snow, and that majestic glow that allows you to see for (figurative, in my case) miles in every direction. Every sound carries for miles, every breath of clean, crisp air cools the mind and warms the heart. And in that perfect moment of solitude, you forget how insignificant and biodegradable you really are, and simply just exist knowing…

  • the baxter debate continues

    g00gle - - Appalachian Trail


    Appalachian Trail Record-Setter to Contest Summonses Quote from MPBN News: “MILLINOCKET, Maine - An attorney for record-setting hiker Scott Jurek who completed the Appalachian Trail in just 46 days, says his client will contest three summonses issued by Baxter State Park. ” news.mpbn.net/post/attorney-ap…-setter-contest-summonses

  • Quote from Dan76: “Quote from OzJacko: “Neither would the average Aussie. ” How true...Especially the ones I know. ” Yup! I'm no language expert, but I do know that the common Aussie verbiage has been formed through years and years of cultural influence. And while most of their modern language still seems based on the same English system that spread around the globe over the last 500 years, some damn fool forgot to add the word fear to the Australian lexicon. Poor folks been running around for a…

  • Quote from Dan76: “I find this incident as described not funny, but an extremely sad commentary on this department's view of the community supposedly served. ” Brother, if you find that disturbing, then just don't leave the house. I don't mean to sound like a smartass by that. But a bunch of the stuff (Humvee, MRAP, etc.) that has rolled back from Iraq and A-stan has been getting bought up by local departments all over the country for quite a few years now. Combine that with all of the surplus a…

  • What The Frack Is Going On?

    g00gle - - Coffee Talk


    Doing some reading and research to help a buddy look around for a new piece of property. He wants to sell his current place and move the family to a better location. While looking at hazard potentials and other geo issues in one area, I came across an interesting video. vimeo.com/52937854 I knew some bad things about gas and oil drilling in Ohio (such as your land can actually be taken from you by eminent domain if you refuse to lease it to one of the companies chartered with the state) but I ha…

  • life lessons ruined by technology

    g00gle - - General


    Quote from milkman: “Winters in the library is where we first learned about the Appalachian Trail ” Not where I first heard about it, but that's certainly where I started learning about it.

  • Trail magic

    g00gle - - General


    Quote from OzJacko: “Take a car from there to New Jersey. ” Don't think that's ever been said anywhere in this country with a straight face.