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  • I don't think I've ever got a tick on my you-know-whats, but for the last few years, I've worn permethrin-treated clothing. I'm seldom tempted to go commando. I'd be more tempted to expose my compression shorts. They don't chafe and they wick. They'd be a lot more comfortable by themselves than my hiking shorts would be! A fifteen-year-old should be able to maintain his own equipment. On going commando: I recall being on the University of Illinois campus in the 1980s, wearing cycling shorts (it'…

  • Those ol' Heavy Boots

    AnotherKevin - - Gear


    I'm of two minds. I never seem to get more than 400-600 miles out of a pair of trail runners. That short lifespan means I'll burn through them in a matter of months. I put at least 15-20 miles a week on them in town, to say nothing of hiking. Still, they're surely lighter and more comfortable to hike in than my much-missed and lamented Pivettas. If I wanted to, I could spring for Limmer boots, and I'm sure that they'd perform just about as my Pivettas did. (I'm sure they wouldn't be made of dino…

  • Quote from WanderingStovie: “ To that, I would add flora and fauna. Find some wild edibles. Go where the deer are unusually tame, where raptors glide on thermals, or birds and chipmunks habitually look for crumbs around the shelter in the morning. ” We'd done all those things on day trips. Heck, we'd done most of them in our own neighbourhood - raspberries and blueberries invade my backyard, there are nuisance deer living at my workplace, there are lots of raptors (including a couple of pair of …

  • MLK 2017 get together weekend

    AnotherKevin - - General


    Quote from CoachLou: “Laz started the talk on TOS. Unfortunately, he will not be able to make it this year. Harriman is our best bet. I'm open for any route. ” Me, too - I think at this point with all the time you spend there, you probably know the place better than I do. Are you looking to mix things up? One trip did Letterrock/Brien and Fingerboard. Another did Big Hill/Jackie Jones and West Mountain. I understand that a trip that I wasn't on did Stockbridge. Stone Memorial is pretty far out o…

  • When my daughter was in middle school, she went away to a camp run by the YMCA - one that has a really great reputation and an extremely active alumni association. They did a backpacking trip, and she got a terrible guide. She liked the activities of the trip, but the logistics had some serious problems, they wandered from the trail they were supposed be on, her gear got wet, and she was NOT a happy camper. She refused to try backpacking with me for a few years thereafter, although we went on so…

  • Winter Camping Application

    AnotherKevin - - General


    41554N133, or: I want to go winter camping because: I always forget how much the last time sucked. I do like a cuppa cawfee in the sleeping bag but seldom have the opportunity. More often I have a hiking partner unceremoniously dump me out, "How long are you going to sleep, Kevin? We gotta get moving!" I pack up the sleeping bag while the water for breakfast and my partner's temper are both coming to the boil, and drink my coffee from a Nalgene while walking. Yeah, I'm that guy. I have gone wint…

  • Grilliput?

    AnotherKevin - - Cooking Gear


    Quote from meat: “now if I could just get spell check to understand that sometimes I actually want to adulterate some words. ” Why am I thinking of some line about the infantry committing adultery?

  • Grilliput?

    AnotherKevin - - Cooking Gear


    Quote from meat: “it was just easier to expand on George Carlin's 7 dirty words you can't say on TV list. ” That has led in the past to some clbuttic mistakes. My colleague, Tom Adcock, tells some hilarious stories about automated filtering.

  • Except for sitting at someone else's fire, I think I've had two fires in the last five years or so. Both times I was wet and cold, with no easy way to get dry. Both fires were laid on bare rock, well doused in the morning and the ashes scattered widely. One was close enough to a stream to be unlawful where I was, but I'm pretty confident that in the unlikely event that a ranger should appear, I could make the case that it was an emergency. I'd wiped out at a ford and gotten soaked!

  • whats the weather where you are?

    AnotherKevin - - General


    Couple inches of snow, and the walk to work was kinda sloppy. Broke out my spikes for the first time this season.

  • Quote from Datto: “Sex during an AT thru-hike. ” ... must be pretty uncomfortable. Another case, I suppose, of embracing the brutality. (I wouldn't know, I'm happily married and want to stay that way.)

  • Quote from jimmyjam: “Did you know that pee can freeze? ” Yeah. More than once I've had to top the bottle off with a fresh contribution to get it to pour so as to get rid of it.

  • Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “Quote from AnotherKevin: “Uh-oh... Are these pants green or grey? (As I said, I'm color-blind.) 14735260721_610a8a7457.jpg[ ” Wait a minute, did I take that photo? ” Suddenly embarrassed to have been seen with me? Not that anyone saw us on that trip.

  • Wild Fire

    AnotherKevin - - General


    Don't expect things to get back to anything resembling normal very fast. The Roosa Gap and Sam's Point fires wiped out sections 13 and 14 of the NY Long Path, and they've been closed for the whole of the 2016 hiking season. There's some uncertainty whether they can reopen in 2017 - it really depends on how stable the revegetation looks to be. The trail crews have been in there, and there actually isn't that much to be done on the trail proper (it was on rock to begin with). But the conditions of…

  • Quote from WanderingStovie: “Do they speak English in Queens? ” I got to use that line once. I was working at NBC with a contractor from the UK who was facing quite a language barrier with the operations people (who included among others a bunch of Cypriot-Americans from Astoria, a bunch of Haredi Jews from Borough Park, and a bunch of Puertorriqueños from East New York - in short, the usual sort of New York City mix). Eventually he sighed and said to nobody in particular, "Can't anyone in this …

  • "Where am I Now?"

    AnotherKevin - - General


    Quote from Rasty: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “Quote from Rasty: “appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…9684b1d8a289b617ea2e4fb40 Good Luck ” I know where you are. You're under the rainbow! ” I'm taking the picture ” Looking down on the tent, so you're somewhere over the rainbow....

  • Quote from odd man out: “ I married a librarian. We have a rule that no electronic devices are allowed at the dinner table UNLESS you are Googling information that pertains to the conversation. ” I married a history/English teacher. The same rule prevails in our household.

  • "Where am I Now?"

    AnotherKevin - - General


    Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from AnotherKevin: “Quote from jimmyjam: “Quote from AnotherKevin: “Hawk Rock, above Duncannon? ” Ding Ding Ding we have a winner! ” Guess that means it's my turn. I think I'll throw you all an easy one.4988896002_164f9389fe_z.jpg ” Perkins Tower on Bear mtn. Ny ” Right you are! Your turn!

  • "Where am I Now?"

    AnotherKevin - - General


    Quote from WanderingStovie: “Mt. Greylock? ” Nope. Farther south.

  • "Where am I Now?"

    AnotherKevin - - General


    Quote from jimmyjam: “Quote from AnotherKevin: “Hawk Rock, above Duncannon? ” Ding Ding Ding we have a winner! ” Guess that means it's my turn. I think I'll throw you all an easy one. 4988896002_164f9389fe_z.jpg