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  • Background Back in 2013, my hiking partner Smoking Sox and I were completing a Section from the Connecticut River in Hanover to NH Route 25C. On the climb to the Smarts Mountain fire tower, my body told me that it had no interest in hiking all the way to Route 25C when Route 25A was five miles closer. I listened to my body, but then had to listen to Smoking Sox remind me that I was five miles behind him over the last three years. This section hike gave me the opportunity to catch up and link up …

  • Nice reading your reports from Maine. Smoking Sox and I are saving Maine for last, but I did start laying our some potential section hikes just to see how many trips we would need. Took my dog out for her first hike last weekend - she wanted to jump in a stagnant beaver pond...

  • Nice pic, Coach Lou! I did hear something crashing through the woods on Friday but couldn't see any fur.

  • Day 2: Saturday July 23rd Last April, I met a NOBO thru in Tennessee named North Star. He spent a night with me as he passed through PA and completed his hike on Sunday July 24th. When he hiked this section, he reported that the climb up to South Kinsman was one of the toughest miles on the AT. I knew it wouldn't be easy, and I hoped that a good night's sleep and a short day yesterday would make it a bit more tolerable. The overnight storms left the roots and rocks wet & slippery, but they also …

  • Background Sox and I have been itching to get into the Whites and knock off some of the tougher sections of the remaining portions of the AT. Our original plan was to head north from NH Route 25A but Sox's youngest son wanted to join us and do an overnight. Completing a notch-to-notch hike seemed like more of a challenge than day-hiking Moosilauke. So I jumped in the car, drove 8 hours north, and met up with Sox and his son Adam on a Thursday afternoon. Day 1: Friday July 22nd We drove over to F…

  • Travel Outside the US

    StalkingTortoise - - Trip Planning


    Immigration forms Before you land in an overseas country, the flight attendants hand out customs and immigration forms. Besides the typical name and address stuff, there are a few items that have most travelers rooting through their carry on bags to find the information. Passport number and expiration date Address where you will be staying in that country It's a whole lot easier to fill out these forms if you make sure you have a pen and a cheat sheet in your pocket. I forgot last week and my br…

  • Travel Outside the US

    StalkingTortoise - - Trip Planning


    Sorry to shift the conversation back to travel outside the U.S.... My boss recommended signing up for the Global Entry program through the TSA. I filled out the on-line application, paid $100, and got a preliminary approval e-mail a couple of weeks later. Come to think of it, I got the e-mail while I was passing through Damascus on my last hike. The next step was scheduling an interview at an airport Customs office. Got lucky and scored an interview in Pittsburgh the same day I was driving there…

  • Hiking & Biking

    StalkingTortoise - - General


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Tortoise, what was your cycling experience/fitness before going to RAGBRAI? ” Good question. I've participated in a bunch of MS 150 rides so a full day in the saddle didn't scare me. My uncle and his riding buddies were all looking to have at least 1000 miles in the saddle before the event. I was hoping for 300 - 500 miles and a bunch of 25-mile days. It didn't happen. Still, my area of Central PA is nothing but hills, so my 15-mile rides were a good workout. And I rode a…

  • Hiking & Biking

    StalkingTortoise - - General


    The only part I didn't like was when I got an early start and there were riders from (road) shoulder to shoulder, riding shoulder-to-shoulder. There were a lot of folks that weren't used to riding in tight formations and I saw more than a few broken collarbones. The solution? Start late, spend extra time in the first town for breakfast and hit the first beer tent. That thins out the crowd significantly. I didn't take any pictures of the 2x20 pace lines doing 25+ mph as I was focused on the surro…

  • Hiking & Biking

    StalkingTortoise - - General


    Lets talk RAGBRAI! I made the trek to Iowa last July for my first RAGBRAI. If you've ever had an interest in doing a 7-day ride where food and beverages are available every 10 - 15 miles, RAGBRAI is for you. Here's a summary of the week to give y'all a taste. We did a self-supported trip with three of us taking turns driving the sag wagon so I did not ride the full route. But having our own vehicle meant that we could drive 30 miles from the finish town to find a room with A/C, showers and porce…

  • Trail Names

    StalkingTortoise - - General


    This year was the first time that my hiking partner Smoking Sox and I were in the thick of the thru-hiker crowd on our spring section hike. The thrus all referred to each other by their trail names so it seemed pretty natural to introduce myself as 'Stalking Tortoise'. Getting back to the original question in the first post (and to tie things together), I recognized a thru hiker 30 minutes into my first section hike. First guy in my group said hi as he passed, Sox was second and said hello, then…

  • Jumping in the car and driving north gave us an opportunity to re-live our 500+ miles of hiking in Virginia. 10 miles up I-81 was Atkins and the Relax Inn, where we rode out the ice storm. Passing I-77 North reminded us of that long 22-mile day from the Chestnut Knob Shelter to Route 52 and a ride into Bland for food and showers. And I always love passing Exit 150, where the AT comes off the high ridge to the west, crosses Route 220 near Daleville, then passes under I-81 to parallel the Blue Rid…

  • Day 7 - Friday April 8th There's something about the last day of a section hike that gets me extra motivated to get moving in the morning. Take your pick - an empty food bag, the promise of a shower, a celebratory restaurant meal... I hit the trail by 07:30 with Sox just a few minutes ahead. We didn't know exactly when the weather front was scheduled to hit so getting an early start was a safe option. Upon descending from the ridge and exiting the woods, I got my best view of the day. RIMG0427-L…

  • Day 6 - Thursday April 7th Forgot to mention that I got passed (again) by Quick yesterday - a thru that I last saw at the Iron Mountain Shelter on the morning of Day 3. He caught us even though we jumped 25 miles up the trail from Damascus. Wonder how he got his Trail Name... As I approached the Old Orchard Shelter last evening, I could see gaps between the wall logs and figured it would be a cold and windy night. I was right. It also rained pretty good overnight. There were five of us squeezed …

  • Day 5 - Wednesday April 6th In my first post, I mentioned that we had hiked out of Damascus in 2014 and got as far as Elk Garden before leaving the trail. I arranged for a shuttler to pick us up at the Mt. Rogers NRA Visitors Center and bring us back down to Elk Garden this morning. To give us the maximum amount of daylight for today's hike, we got out of the Lodge before 07:00 and were standing outside the doors of Mojo's Cafe as they opened for business. The plan was to be in the Mt. Rogers Vi…

  • Day 4 - Tuesday April 5th RIMG0376-M.jpg Sox was up and packed when I finally pulled my head out of my bag. I rushed through my morning chores knowing that a restaurant lunch was in my immediate future. The 10.3 miles flew by quickly and I only took a short pack-off break at the state line marker. Normally, crossing a state line would be a big deal but I only just started Tennessee and I still had 40+ miles of Virginia remaining. RIMG0379-M.jpg Passing through the Damascus arch was cool, althoug…

  • Day 3 - Monday April 4th No need to be quiet this morning. Everyone was up and packing to make as many miles as possible. It looked like Sox and I were the only ones looking to have a 15.9-mile day to the Abingdon Gap Shelter. Everyone else was either pushing for the full 26 miles into Damascus or a campsite two miles outside of town. Today didn't have any of the large climbs of the previous two days but I was still working on getting full strength in my hiking legs. The first two miles passed q…

  • Day 2 - Sunday April 3rd Normally, a shelter full of thru's would be a beehive of activity in the morning. Not today. A family was putting on a lunch feed at the Wilbur Lake Road crossing a mere 2.5 miles to the north, so all of the thru hikers were sleeping in and taking their time. Sox and I had intentions of covering 15 miles to the Iron Mountain Shelter so we reluctantly extracted ourselves from the depths of our sleeping bags and completed our morning chores. It was after 8 before I finally…

  • Pre-Trip Sox lives near Boston and I'm south of Harrisburg PA. It's always a logistical challenge to get us both to a trailhead and then back home after the hike. For all of our VA Sections, Sox flies into Dulles on Friday evening and I pick him up before heading south. Friday, April 1st Sox was at the Arrivals curb at 20:00 with his pack as I pulled up. We made one quick stop for a late dinner and made it as far as Christiansburg VA by midnight. Going straight from a desk to the trail is one ch…

  • I've been posting my previous section hike trip reports on Trailplace, but having the site go dark last year doesn't give me much motivation to keep up the effort. Might as well post my new ones here. Background My high school buddy (and best man) Smoking Sox and I have been section hiking the AT since 2003. We usually get a full week away from family and work every other year, so it's been a combination of 2 - 3 day trips mixed in with the occasional week-long outings. In March of 2014, we set …