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  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    jimmyjam - - General


    Saw this heron today in the neighborhood BMP pond. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…023ac0c25eced4910a77b4ac7appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…023ac0c25eced4910a77b4ac7

  • Took a walk today

    jimmyjam - - General


    You learned to make fire! You camping in VA ?

  • whats the weather where you are?

    jimmyjam - - General


    81 here today. Might head up to the park tomorrow and glamp even though it's a chance of rain in the afternoon. A night out in the mountains is good anytime to me.

  • When Animals Attack!

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    She bee crazy

  • Good gear manufacturers

    jimmyjam - - Gear


    Enlightened Equipment has a Warehouse Sale going on 10-30% on quilts, jackets and other stuff. enlightenedequipment.com/warehouse/

  • Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from LIhikers: “Is it me, or does anyone else think the prices of tents are a bit excessive ” The fabrics they use, Dyneema, and now Ultra, are very expensive, and also very difficult,very unforgiving to work with, thus the higher cost. I can't justify spending 7 or 800 dollars on a tent, unless I was climbing Denali or Everest. ” It's crazy isn't it. I've bought a dyneema tarp but it was used and the dyneema Tarptent Protrail Li I bought was a "Seconds" with cosmetic…

  • My two cents: if you pitch your shelter in the open like in a meadow and not in the woods you will almost certainly experience condensation to some degree. Z- packs makes a nice product but all of their tents seem to take a ton of guy lines and stakes- that's what I really like about the Tarptent Protrail I bought- just 4 stakes. I haven't used it but a handful of times, but so far I really like it.

  • When Animals Attack!

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    About 10 years ago at the South Rim I had either a coyote or a wolf follow me from the store back to the lodge. He never came closer than about 150 feet but it was unnerving because I knew whatever it was that it was faster than me. It looked about the size of a German shepherd, never got a really good look at it as it kept to the shadows and all the lighting at the canyon is dark sky lighting.

  • Water Weight Gain After Hiking

    jimmyjam - - Trail Health


    Eating salty food on the trail probably contributes to it. I've never experienced it that I noticed.

  • Planning a Trip

    jimmyjam - - Trip Planning


    Welcome and I second the Zelph alcohol stoves. Very fuel efficient and the fuel- either denatured alcohol or Yellow Heet fuel additive is readily available along the trail at hostels, Dollar General, drugstores hardware stores and convenience stores.

  • It's time for new shoes

    jimmyjam - - Footwear


    My podiatrist also made me two sets of inserts, one for dress shoes and another for sneakers/casual/athletic shoes. I used them until I wore them out- a couple of years -and then switched to the moldable otc ones as I figured my gait had been corrected. I've had no problems since. Oh I did go to about a month of PT during my healing as part of the operation in which they had me do stuff like pick up marbles with my toes and stand on one of those pool noodles in the long direction. I'd say my foo…

  • Hiking & Biking

    jimmyjam - - General


    I wish there were more roads with bike lanes.

  • It's time for new shoes

    jimmyjam - - Footwear


    TJ, At Bryce I iced at the hotel, Ruby's lodge. After 4 months my foot was still a little swollen, but I was still able to get it into my over the ankle hikers that I was using back then. But yeah after that I did soak it in some streams. My bunion was in the early stages, it hadn't gotten as big as a golf ball- I'd seen what they did to my mom's feet, so when they told me it was a bunion, I got it cut off ASAP. I never wore a boot that I remember, just a massive gauze wrap for a couple of weeks…

  • It's time for new shoes

    jimmyjam - - Footwear


    I'm sure the surgery techniques have improved since mine was done. I stayed awake for mine with just a local anesthesia and I read a book while they operated on me. I wouldn't do that again. It wasn't bad until after he had removed the bunion and then realigned my big toe by breaking my foot. I still remember that awful sound of my bone snapping. They didn't tell me they were going to do that!!! The first week of recovery was the worst of course, things got better fast after that. I'd do it agai…

  • It's time for new shoes

    jimmyjam - - Footwear


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “It looks like I’m going to have surgery on my bunion in January. The pain in my foot is almost constant and radiates across the top of my foot. I dread it so bad. The thought of not being able to do vigorous exercise for months and needing a year to fully recover is horrible to think about. I think there’s a 50% chance that I’ll back out at the last minute. My biggest fear is that the pain will be worse afterwards and I’ll never be able to hike again. ” Way back in 2006?…

  • Hiking & Biking

    jimmyjam - - General


    Quote from WanderingStovie: “I rode 22 miles yesterday on a mountain bike towing a trailer I built from metal scrap. It has been months since I rode more than 7 miles in a day, so I stopped to rest at a picnic table along the bike path on the way back. I saw three sandhill cranes in the street while riding through a residential zone. ” what's the trailer for?

  • I like the plan, a mini flip-flop of sorts, or maybe it's a Wraparound

  • Knee injections

    jimmyjam - - Trail Health



  • McAfee Knob Trail Shuttle

    jimmyjam - - AT Specific


    Quote from dmperkins74: “I'm glad to hear more folks are getting to enjoy such an awesome place, but also what a bummer if it's getting inundated with people. I hit McAfee very early in my section hiking days and didn't know it was such a "big deal". I just stumbled across it and thought "wow, this is amazing", but had no idea of it's high regard among the AT community. I've always intended to go back and "really enjoy it". Guess I'll have to make it an early AM thing ” AS long as you go during …