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  • Deflatriots

    Blue Jay La Fey - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from JimBlue: “So, since the umpires handle the football as well as the players, if the footballs were underinflated, why didn't the officials on the field notice ? ” Because they were in New England, they're always deflated there. That's why they always have home field during the playoffs. See what happens this season. Wait, I forgot, they also always come up with something new once they get caught. The NFL more like wrasling each season. That's why I love it.

  • Quote from AnotherKevin: “Uhm, well, it's hard to put a port city anywhere else. New York and New Orleans are where they are for a reason, which unfortunately means that they will both get hammered by the occasional hurricane. ” That's why humans are trying very hard to euthanize them.

  • Quote from g00gle: “Plus, there seems to be a mean ol' nasty Alligator lurking in that other sandbox... ” He's still there, I can't believe it. I actually got him to admit in a private message he has never set foot on the AT. What an over the top poser.

  • Deflatriots

    Blue Jay La Fey - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from JimBlue: “He used the definition the Senate gave him. Under their definition, he didn't. ” I must be misunderstanding you. The Senate has a definition for sex, that would be worse than deflated balls. I'm hoping Trump will solve the Deflatriot problem on this way to the white House. Deflated balls, President Trump and Vice President El Chopo, it's an exciting time to be alive.

  • Deflatriots

    Blue Jay La Fey - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “well, ole frankeroo had a great career, but the first thing i think of when i hear his name his when that tabloid paid the airline stewardess 100k to lure him back to her hotel room where they had installed hidden cameras. poor frank swallowed the bait hook line and sinker and that was that. ” Now why did you have to bring that up? There are very few men in America that have not been lured into hotel rooms and even fewer that would resist a 100K sting operation. Even I wou…

  • Deflatriots

    Blue Jay La Fey - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from OzJacko: “Know nothing about it. That's cooperation. ” Well, if you remember you bought Slick Willie's "I did not have sex with that woman"

  • Deflatriots

    Blue Jay La Fey - - Coffee Talk


    I'm looking forward to the Colt game more and more and I don't care if the dolt plays or not.

  • Quote from max.patch: “moving the AT off K becasue of azzhole hikers isn't the answer. ticketing and removing hikers who act like azzholes is what needs to be done. start writing tickets and kicking hikers outta the park and the word will get around. ” I completely agree, however Rangers do not like to be police (can't blame them at all). Also it would cost the park more. This is simply a horrible sign of the times.

  • the football thread

    Blue Jay La Fey - - Coffee Talk


    Very sorry to here about Ken Stabler. I will always remember a playoff game with Miami, I had money on Miami. There were 2 Dolphins, one on top of him and one holding his legs together as he was going down. This was before the "in the grasp" BS. Right before his ass hit the dirt he threw a touch down pass that in effect won the game. He was one of the best in an era before money ball. Damn we lose yet another hero.

  • A trail necessity!

    Blue Jay La Fey - - Electronics


    Quote from Drybones: “Would be more fun than shooting skeet. ” Correct however the plastic guns we all carry are not very good for that and we would spend too much time throwing rocks before we we ran out of bullets and went after the controller.

  • Taos?? Is that near Irwin?

  • Quote from Tuckahoe: “Hiking south from Grayson Highlands this week it was interesting to hear the rumor mill among the thru-hikers regarding this particular incident. ” Actually I've been directly involved with events that have been reported in the news media both on and off the trail and events reported on line. There is very little chance that news media reports or trail rumors or on line reporting has any resemblance to what happened in reality. The National Enquirer has about the same amoun…

  • Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “My dogs aren't perfect, but in the rare event that one of them breaks a heel command and runs up to somebody, the first words out of my mouth are an apology, not a justification ” I'm so very glad my skin ( to say nothing about my terror ) depends upon a heel command.

  • Quote from hikerboy: “thinning the population is sometimes necessary, especially since they have no natural predator.. the increasing number of encounters between bears and humans the past few years lead one to believe a hunt necessary, for the good of both bears and non-bears. ” I have often thought of this however you have to go to the middle east as it is not allowed here and I hate to fly.

  • There are sooo many more dangerous problems hikers have to face than bears and yet if there is a bear attack anywhere in the world it is immediately reported on hiking web sites. IMO here is a list, please feels free to dispute it 1) Hypothermia 2) Ticks 3) Falling down 4) Getting lost 5) Dog People (avg. 40,000 bites per year, I don't count dogs as there has to be someone to yell "it's OK he's friendly") 6) Sasquatch People (you know who you are) 7) Things from other planets Cooking in Plastic …

  • I'm glad someone brought up Mad Cow. You have to ask yourself, would any other animal feed dead cows to cows and then sell the meat to other unsuspecting animals. We are superb at coming up with new ways to hurt ourselves and others. Bears are terrible at this.

  • Sorry I was unclear I was referring to the humans as unpredictable and dangerous.

  • Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “It's interesting to me that whenever one of these rare attacks happens, some people always try to rationalize the bear's motives and attempts to blame the victim (Did he have food smells?). My take on it is that sometimes bears are unpredictable and on very rare occasion they are dangerous. ” I think it's because most people prefer bears to humans because they are always unpredictable and often very dangerous. On a side note, dogs loved Hitler and many other mass murde…

  • Quote from Trebor: “Those who continuely push the boundaries will eventually find them ” Those who stay away from boundaries make new boring ones for themselves.

  • The Doyle

    Blue Jay La Fey - - Supplies & Town Stuff


    Quote from max.patch: “missing out on the total doyle experience would be like hiking the a.t. but skipping katahdin. stop, eat, drink, shower, and spend the nite. ” I completely agree. I've actually driven there just to spend the night and I live near Vermont. I would take the Doyle over the best hotel in the world simply because it has history and character, you can't buy that.