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  • whats the weather where you are?

    BillyGr - - General


    Quote from odd man out: “per TV weather, 16" of snow since Thursday. That's like 2 corgis ” Is that part of some new measurement system? Not sure that I've ever heard of that one before...


    BillyGr - - AT Specific


    Quote from Astro: “⛰️ AT Question Of The Day – Dec 8, 2022 ⛺ My answer today was – CORRECT Total questions answered – 91 Total answers correct – 90 Percentage answers correct – 99% Longest correct streak – 75 hykeroo.com/atqotd #hykerooatqotd Kept streak going at 75, but must admit this is one I got right because I remember the answer from previously missing it. I stayed at Uncle Johnny's back in 2013, but I didn't buy a Snickers. ” Quote from rhjanes: “Almost a guess. But I think I'd read it so…

  • Hiking & Biking

    BillyGr - - General


    Quote from LIhikers: “ This week it looks like Thursday will be my day to ride as there's rain in the forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday. ” Hopefully you are south enough that it is only rain, unlike some parts of the state where it may have a variety of other things mixed in


    BillyGr - - AT Specific


    Quote from rhjanes: “Careful. One question asks who is on the LEFT. ⛰️ AT Question Of The Day – Oct 23, 2022 ⛺ My answer today was – CORRECT Total questions answered – 231 Total answers correct – 209 Percentage answers correct – 90% Longest correct streak – 46 hykeroo.com/atqotd #hykerooatqotd ” That must have been the question for Sunday (even though you posted that today, Monday)? Since at least what I got today had nothing to with left or right, just north


    BillyGr - - AT Specific


    Quote from rhjanes: “I got it, but isn't it actually the bridge over the Hudson that has the lowest elevation at.....? (don't give it away). Is the bridge part of the park? Don't think so. ⛰️ AT Question Of The Day – Sep 23, 2022 ⛺ My answer today was – CORRECT Total questions answered – 201 Total answers correct – 182 Percentage answers correct – 91% Longest correct streak – 46 hykeroo.com/atqotd #hykerooatqotd ” The bridge is run by the New York State Bridge Authority, so that doesn't seem to …


    BillyGr - - AT Specific


    Quote from Astro: “But you do get to climb Mt. Everett in MA. ” We had a Scout leader (being in NY, but actually closer to the MA section of the AT than any part of the NY section) that had a good way of saying that quickly when we were planning a trip that covered that particular mountain, so it sounded like the much larger well known one


    BillyGr - - AT Specific


    Pretty simple if you think about what it says on the sign - it mentions something besides the trail in question that should give it away for many...


    BillyGr - - AT Specific


    Quote from Astro: “When did they move Harriman State Park to NJ? ” Must have gotten squeezed out of NY due to lack of room?

  • Cog Railway

    BillyGr - - AT Specific


    Quote from IMScotty: “The last remaining Victoria Station was in Salem, MA. It closed in 2017. Nope, I never ate there... ” Think that may have been one I was at in the past (given that I wouldn't have been back into the 1970's or even much of the 1980's) Quote from max.patch: “Thinking about Victoria Station reminded me of another gone but not forgotten restaurant I went to in my 20s. Beefsteak Charlies. Dinners included all the beer, wine, or sangria you wanted. Two drinks was a big night for …

  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    BillyGr - - General


    Quote from odd man out: “Quote from IMScotty: “Another retelling of this crazy day on Everest... ” Did you know the famous viral photo in the story was taken by Normal Purja, who incredibly climbed all 14 if the 8000 m mountains in just 6 months. For reference, the previous record was 7 years 10 months. And in that attempt, he summited Everest, Lhotse, and Makalu (#1, #4, #5) in 48 hrs. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nirmal_Purja ” That does sound quite incredible, but I suppose it is on the same think…

  • Quote from rhjanes: “Quote from StalkingTortoise: “Quote from IMScotty: “Here is another one. Just look at that 'non-skid' tread.... ” But if you do slip... OUCH! ” + a tetanus shot ” Or Just be sure you get one every 10 years and stay up to date just in case

  • And In Other News

    BillyGr - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from odd man out: “...and in other news MOO-ville Chocolate Ice Cream is named best in the US by the National Ice Cream Retailers Association. What makes this noteworthy is that outside of it's production facility in Nashville MI, they have only two retail outlets, one of which is only 10 miles from me. Curiously, it's sold out of a gas station convenience store in Vriesland, a "town" out in the middle of the countryside, consisting of a house, Farmer's Co-op grain elevator, church, and a …

  • whats the weather where you are?

    BillyGr - - General


    Quote from jimmyjam: “45 for a high a couple of days ago. Then it's 74. 26 this morning. Verginya in the fall. Yep. ” It was nearly 60 on Saturday here in NY for the local "Winter" walk... and windy, but not nearly as bad as some areas.

  • Southbounders

    BillyGr - - AT Specific


    Quote from odd man out: “I do believe that is correct. But that was back when this was the preferred place to post thru hike journals, where the data was comprehensive and could be easily extracted. With the emergence of so many other social media outlets (TwitSpace, You Tock, Twick Tube, Faceplant, Instabook, SnapApp, WhatChat, Redtrest, Pinnit, YouAreInspiredByMe.com, etc...), that type of study would be harder to reproduce today. ” Looks like someone was having way too much fun with names in …

  • Is there any particular reasoning behind doing the 2nd & 3rd parts that way (south first then north)? Only seems it could be easier to just start in VA and go through towards ME - not having to do that trip back to Kent (which is probably not the easiest town to get to in that section - a few miles further south into the NY section may offer better transport options) and seeing that there isn't any major gap there (be it the few days in the original pattern or none in the 2nd pattern) that would…

  • Hamstring

    BillyGr - - Trail Health


    Quote from odd man out: “Not familiar with Sarah Chalke so I Googled her. If she is a national treasure, it would be in Canada as she's Canadian. ” Perhaps more known in the US as being one of the people to play Becky on Roseanne many years ago (and popping up again when the show revived more recently for the first year).

  • Gear Repair

    BillyGr - - Gear


    Quote from max.patch: “Personal preference. And while my first backpacking tent was the classic non freestanding Eureka Timberline (7 pounds) and I used a non freestanding Walrus Solo Plus on my thru (2 3/4 pounds which was pretty darn good back then which was the reason I got it even though it was like sleeping in a coffin) every other tent I've owned has been freestanding. And I don't see that changing. ” Wait - isn't that the standard green a-frame shaped Eureka? They are freestanding (can be…

  • To the Moon!

    BillyGr - - General


    Would make sense, and at least be an easy way to explain it should it happen on any given trip (since there are likely many riding the train that would have no connection to hiking to know about the possibility of such a thing occurring). Though perhaps it should be earlier in the trip, in case they happen upon a hiker going up?

  • We had a small group of Scouts many years ago that did the whole CT section as a 50 miler (done over 5 days of 10 miles, plus a bit since the section is 52 and you can't exactly stop at the CT/MA line, as that isn't at a road like the NY/CT one is). We've also had a few Scouts doing Hiking MB do their 20 mile day hike starting from the CT/NY line, since that allows the end of that 20 miles to be the about 5 miles that parallels the Housatonic (and has a total elevation change of about 100 feet o…

  • You can't teach and old dog....

    BillyGr - - Gear


    Quote from rhjanes: “I only took a few camping trips as a scout. I wasn't in scouts long because as a military brat, well we'd up and move. BUT, those few trips were tough due to pack size and weight! I am around some scouts and they go on hikes when camping and they call it a day at around mile 8 to 12. they are worn out due to the weight they carry do "Be prepared". But it does teach them self reliance, being in nature, how to use all their gear. ” Quote from odd man out: “I was a scout for a …