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Search results 41-60 of 184.

  • Trip Planning with Another Kevin

    1azarus - - Trip Planning


    i'm starting to think around 10 miles to first nite at that dutcher notch water source, then around 10 miles to the elm ridge water source for nite 2, then around 11 1/2 miles (including a 3.8 mile roadwalk) back to dutcher notch for the third night, then out on the fourth day... I would prefer to hike farther than dutcher notch for that last night -- how close can i get to north/south lake and still camp without registration? seems like a really sweet loop hike!!!

  • Trip Planning with Another Kevin

    1azarus - - Trip Planning


    why would i ask anywhere but here? first of all, you don't laugh at me when every other question i have is stupid. second of all, you know everything. ...I knew you would have the answers, and I thank you for it.

  • Trip Planning with Another Kevin

    1azarus - - Trip Planning


    At the risk of embarrassing Another Kevin, he has a range of knowledge which is incredibly useful in trip planning. That list would include trail area history, compass use, orienteering, and all season hiking just about anywhere in New York State, to name just four. First questions for AK: Are there any water sources on the Escarpment trail in the Catskills? Is there water at the two shelters in the Windham Blackhead range? What are those shelters called? Is it pretty much guaranteed that there …

  • Quote from AnotherKevin: “Foot felt better enough that I went snowshoeing for a few hours in the Plotterkill Preserve (a local nature preserve, in which the most salient feature is the many waterfalls in the deep gorge of a stream flowing off the Helderberg escarpment). Fun time. Trip report with pictures. 12578687133_f0b75fe898.jpg Lower Plotterkill Falls by ke9tv, on Flickr” Beautiful local stuff is wonderful... You go, Kevin!

  • Batona trail

    1azarus - - Other Trails


    i think if i am ever to get warned off, tarred and feathered, banned, or whatever it is that seems to happen to all of you regularly, it will be for bringing up the Maprika smart phone ap way too many times. anyway, i made a map of the batona trail, showing the relocations, and posted it to Maprika. it is free and you can use it if you like. i used it on my end to end or whatever you would call it on the Batona. did i suggest you hike this trail in the winter?

  • The Cabin

    1azarus - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Mountain-Mike: “Just a little bit They sure beat the 60 degree staircase they replaced.” not much fun telling you you did it all wrong. you are so right about the upgrade being, well, an upgrade.

  • The Cabin

    1azarus - - Coffee Talk


    those are illegal winders on that there stair, sir. you are doing it all wrong.

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    1azarus - - Coffee Talk


    in my fine state of CT you don't have to serve after 65 years old, and with the time off for good behaviour, they can't ask me to serve more than one more time.

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    1azarus - - Coffee Talk


    hey coach... when we were there last did you head up to that shelter? i passed by that afternoon and that is one beautiful view form one stupid cold exposed place... not much firewood around, but a double fireplace shelter says it all.

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    1azarus - - Coffee Talk


    i just want to say hello all. got nothin else.

  • show us your DIY projects

    1azarus - - General


    i've got to go back a few posts and say, that underquilt looks great, Tauwillow!!! very impressed.

  • AT Passport

    1azarus - - General


    i just got done flipping through the appalachian trail conservatory's 2012 callendar before tossing it into the recycling bin, and those pictures made me awfully nostalgic. maybe i did it wrong. maybe i need to do it all over again with a passport. ...kinda tempting.

  • Dolly Sods

    1azarus - - General


    well, i've heard people refer to the dolly sods, but never knew anything about that area. thanks for giving me an excuse to google dolly sods!!! is it a great place to hike?

  • Happy Birthday Rock-N-socks

    1azarus - - General


    Happy b'day mr. Socks sir!

  • Quote from rocksNsocks: “How bout that AK, he is on top of it...I think we should nominate him for Field Trip Chairman, Activities Director, and probably some other stuff too. Nice report Kevin.” nomination seconded... really nailed it -- i was just looking at the map. freekin' brilliant.

  • You guys are the best... thank you to AK and lostandfound... AK, your pictures, and lostandfound, your reference to a rope bigger than kite string both have me deciding to take a skip on the devil's path for a winter condition solo... at this point i'm going to schedule the hike and plan a catskills great weather path and a not so great weather path. i like a good rock scramble, but would find doing the wildcats even on wet rocks an experience i would rather miss, and thank you, AK, for that com…

  • Quote from LIhikers: “Sounded like another Kevin has pretty good info on hiking in the Catskills, you might check with him. On a more somber note,hiking in the Catskills in March can be dangerous, please be careful” ...i'm embarrassed to just come out and ask AK for help, so i figured i'd pretend i was asking for other people to give me advice, knowing he'd eventually come around and tell me what to do.... wait for it.... wait for it...wait for it... on that somber note, i am trying to get a fee…

  • Quote from LostAndFound: “Hmmm, I haven't been to the Catskills in a while but I used to spend a fair amount to time in them, as I remember, at night the temps can still fall below 15. My favorite hike up there is probably the Devil's Path, something like 21 miles end to end with lots of up and down (I'll be doing it around Mar 7th). The Escarpment Trail is another good one, but is also end to end. Not too much in the way of loops, there is one that requires a small bit of road walking (name now…

  • i just loooooooooooooove to plan hikes. so, i joined the Adirondack High Peaks Forum to try to figure out where to walk in the Catskills for three days or so around March 20th. They basically told me I was going to die... and die a death I deserved for daring to enter their hallowed ground -- which is more difficult and demanding terrain than, well, anywhere. I am sort of kidding, and i imagine i will get some useful information there. that being said... where should i hike in the catskills that…

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    1azarus - - Coffee Talk


    Is it ok to just post without a yard of conversation above? Little known fact: LI hiker stands for Lillehammer hiker.