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  • life lessons ruined by technology

    hikerboy - - General


    Quote from socks: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “I am part of a generation where a large portion of people got screwed by being overpraised, overprovided for, overcoddled and overprotected as children. I was lucky to go to a great public school but still be raised in a blue collar home. A lot of my classmates were never allowed explore in their own, to learn anything the hard way, were never denied something they wanted badly enough for them to actually go out an earn it, heck, most of them wouldn'…

  • welcome to the cafe

    hikerboy - - Coffee Talk


    look for vegan eggs.no cholesterol

  • life lessons ruined by technology

    hikerboy - - General


    i remember when scientific calculators came out, yo werent allowed to use them in school at first, but eventually, you were allowed to use them on tests(high school). one of the cool things about doing research was finding out about things accidentally while doing the research.kind of like only listening to cds or record albums but never listening to the radio. you dont get accidentally exposed to new things. i hated school for the simple reason very few teachers inspired critical or analytical …

  • life lessons ruined by technology

    hikerboy - - General


    Quote from chief: “Friday night I brought home a brand new 2016 GMC Canyon pickup (to replace my funky xterra). It does not have a radio, it has an "Infotainment System" complete with an 8" touch screen and a users manual that will take me months to get through. Back in the day, when someone swiped your radio, it was gone. Apparently now it's just a screen gesture. Huh? I guess I could have saved a bunch of money (did pay cash) with a base truck with just a radio, but then I wouldn't have the co…

  • welcome to the cafe

    hikerboy - - Coffee Talk



  • life lessons ruined by technology

    hikerboy - - General


    Quote from JimBlue: “Quote from hikerboy: “Encyclopedia Britannica ” Couldn't afford one. We had the Compton Encyclopedias. Junk. The photos and most of the info was out of date. ” most of my friends had "world book" instead of eb.

  • life lessons ruined by technology

    hikerboy - - General


    Encyclopedia Britannica

  • Dreams: A Year of Alpine Adventure

    hikerboy - - General


    "To live the dream, sacrifices must be made and hardships overcome." After suffering from a case of frostbite, American Alpine Institute instructor and guide Tad McCrea took to the mountains for some recovery. This short video represents a year of adventures that helped McCrea live the dream. Dreams: A Year of Alpine Adventure

  • unplugged

    hikerboy - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox



  • the baxter debate continues

    hikerboy - - Appalachian Trail


    mt washington doesnt seem to have a problem with commercialism Cars stream up the Mt. Washington Auto Road early this morning for their last Sunrise Drive of the 2015 season. 11915117_10153200189909685_6762867275934661817_n.jpg

  • life lessons ruined by technology

    hikerboy - - General


    "The ’80s and ’90s were a much more simpler time. If you grew up during those decades, then you remember a world without the internet. You remember a world where we weren’t constantly inundated with information. A world before sharing and re-sharing of posts. A world before the insta-celebrity culture, smartphones, and social media. Overall, it was an easier world where we learned valuable life lessons that kids today will never understand. Below we highlight some key life lessons from our frien…

  • the baxter debate continues

    hikerboy - - Appalachian Trail



  • bmta newsletter

    hikerboy - - Benton MacKaye Trail


    Quote from JimBlue: “Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from JimBlue: “I have a Baofund 5 and a Yaesu FT60R. The Baofung battery simply doesn't hold a charge. Battery charger is necessary to, and spare batteries. I would thnik HF would be better, but they have their criteria. ” you might want to start a ham radio thread hint hint ” Where should I start it ? ” Electronics

  • bmta newsletter

    hikerboy - - Benton MacKaye Trail


    Quote from JimBlue: “I have a Baofund 5 and a Yaesu FT60R. The Baofung battery simply doesn't hold a charge. Battery charger is necessary to, and spare batteries. I would thnik HF would be better, but they have their criteria. ” you might want to start a ham radio thread hint hint

  • the baxter debate continues

    hikerboy - - Appalachian Trail



  • bmta newsletter

    hikerboy - - Benton MacKaye Trail


    Quote from g00gle: “Quote from JimBlue: “Okay, it mentions ham radio licenses. The $15 is for a written test, there are guidebooks for the test. This would be for the Technician license. 2 meters and 70cm bands on the Baefong they mention would work, but there aren't repeaters along all of th trail. Well, the newsletter did say more info later on. The test requires study, its not just electronics/electricity. The email I received a few weeks ago mentioned APRS for most of the AT. I don't know if…

  • welcome to the cafe

    hikerboy - - Coffee Talk


    95063e731faef5f3d136c1866ca2ba97.jpeg dose.com/parents/16594/27-Hila…ok&utm_campaign=fijifrost

  • Secret To A Happy Marriage

    hikerboy - - Hiking Humor


    I was married for 13years two of the best years of my life

  • there were lessons learned from katrina that helped response after sandy

  • bmta newsletter

    hikerboy - - Benton MacKaye Trail

