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  • Wild Edibles

    Bodyman - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from IMScotty: “Quote from AnotherKevin: “USDA says that fiddleheads need to be blanched with at least one change of water because even ostrich ferns have allergenic properties sometimes. Roasting them without blanching has sickened people. ” Hi Kevin, I noticed in my supermarket that they now have a sign warning people to do just that. Clearly some people have had problems. Honestly, the ones I roast, I just roast. No problems for me. The ones for the quiche I do boi…

  • new AT record

    Bodyman - - AT Specific


    Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “Quote from CoachLou: “Ok, easy now boys..... I was schoochin' with my real life friend 'Socks ” Gotcha, I had thought you meant that you and Bodyman were gonna stop by the cottage (and hopefully bring me a pizza ) ” I almost did last week! We finished early Sunday, I had time and a wild hair so I took 34 home. The place where you can see your house, is curvy and narrow, lots of traffic. I was thinki…

  • welcome to the cafe

    Bodyman - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from CoachLou: “I watched Coneheads for the 75th time ” Ever see the State Farm commercial they did a year or two ago?It was with the son of one of my co-workers. ” You forget, no TV in our household..........but I will google youtube for it...... Coneheads is one of those movies..........I can watch it 75 more times and it is histerical every time!

  • Introduce Yourself

    Bodyman - - General


    Quote from mental note: “Good night! ” Fingers got blisters, 'Socks?

  • welcome to the cafe

    Bodyman - - Coffee Talk


    These points we amass.........can I redeem them at Crazy Larry's.......maybe a shuttle from Miss Janet..............ALDHA membership in 2 weeks???

  • Ask a Chef

    Bodyman - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from mental note: “Anyone ever get shot in the finger, phiggin' hurts! ” No, but my brother stuck my sister in the neck with a dart

  • Ask a Chef

    Bodyman - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from Grinder: “Can you imagine the reaction to a kid walking down the road with a rifle today? Frantic phone calls to 911, then SWAT and 11 1/2 federal alphabet agencies pouncing the little bugger and the parents being hauled off to Gitmo or some lesser known place. ” I lament to folks all the time. I lived 1.5 miles down the main road to both sides of town, from the local rifle range. We had 4 scout troops back in them olden days. Ours had a group who were members of the local Junior NRA …

  • hiking plans 2016

    Bodyman - - Trip Planning


    You got that from your 'Essential Subjects' manual...didn't you?!

  • hiking plans 2016

    Bodyman - - Trip Planning


    I really wish I could have made it to VT.....but, I couldn't take another week so soon and Steve not being able to get away at all. The one good thing for him is that they have a seasonal at a pretty nice campground near The Peaquot casino.

  • hiking plans 2016

    Bodyman - - Trip Planning


    He just got home from Maine.........Stratton to Caratunk...........I couldn't go. I was lucky to get away for my Roan trip. We have been crazy busy....the boss took 1 day this summer!

  • Woo Update.... Autobiography

    Bodyman - - Coffee Talk


    Good Luck WOO

  • Man with goat

    Bodyman - - Trip Report



  • new AT record

    Bodyman - - AT Specific


    Bravo for him..........I cringe every time I see someone running down the trail.............all I can think of is turned ankles

  • the football thread

    Bodyman - - Coffee Talk



  • whats the weather where you are?

    Bodyman - - General


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from CoachLou: “It was very good. My poor Ov, she vaguely remembered something about a plane in NYC in water...... Not having tv, she does not pay attention to every day current events............. She has a Jill sticker on her car ” yeah, I have no idea what y'all are talking about. ” New Tom Hanks movie 'Sully'.....about the jet that struck birds leaving LaGuardia Nyc. The Pilot 'Sully' Sullenberg, miraculously lands the plane ON the Hudson River off Manhattan Isl…

  • welcome to the cafe

    Bodyman - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “I use this as my every day carry: appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…bb038299da537fb5290c03da1 ” Just alittle plinking over the river?!

  • welcome to the cafe

    Bodyman - - Coffee Talk


    the place I can not post

  • welcome to the cafe

    Bodyman - - Coffee Talk


    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so for some strange reason, I have no idea that there is such a thread They must have been talking about it on TPICNP!

  • The Compass thread

    Bodyman - - Gear


    Bodyman cannot post at TOS, in this thread. If we weren't so far......you wouldn't need no stinkin' class! If I ever get my butt to GSMNP I will teach you myself.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Bodyman - - Coffee Talk


    What happened to " " ?........................