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Search results 121-140 of 495.

  • So very sorry for your loss.

  • And In Other News

    ScareBear - - Coffee Talk


    If they made it to the sea stack and thrived, isn't it possible they made it off the main island to somewhere else? Remember, everyone thought the coelacanth had been extinct for...oh...65 million freaking years until the 1930's... However, it is cool to find the little buggers anywhere. The rat story is one of the classics about foreign invasive species causing havoc in paradise...

  • Baseball Thread

    ScareBear - - Coffee Talk


    I believe I called it a Yankees/Dodgers subway series Vegas has the Dodgers to win it all... Let's see how the next round plays out...

  • welcome to the cafe

    ScareBear - - Coffee Talk


    I had been working on one of the motorcycles' engines, sitting on a creeper. Went to stand up and my back was locked. Literally. I walked into the chiro's office hunched over like an old man. Two hours later, I could stand straight again. Hasn't locked since. I am no longer on the fence about chiros...just sayin...

  • welcome to the cafe

    ScareBear - - Coffee Talk


    Probably PSW...

  • the football thread

    ScareBear - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from uncle meat: “Quote from max.patch: “some of the kennesaw state cheerleaders took a knee during the anthem at the last game a couple weeks ago. on saturday -- they weren't allowed on the field until the anthem was over. kennesaw state says that was a coincidence -- they just decided to change up the way they do pre game stuff -- but everyone knows better. CMH_4016.JPG ” - a picture sez a thousand words ” I guess I am illiterate. What does this picture say?

  • the football thread

    ScareBear - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “what bothers me about sports -- is when a-holes like odell score a touchdown -- and they feel the need to "celebrate" by pretending to take a piss like a dog in the end zone. that schitt turns me off more than anything. how can you root for someone like that? screw em. ” Well, you won't have to root for Odell anymore this year. And maybe never again. He broke his ankle yesterday. Here's the video...it's bad, very bad... youtube.com/watch?v=ydvGZTzyNU8

  • Took a walk today

    ScareBear - - General


    Did some interesting walking/hiking this weekend. I spent a couple of hours and maybe 4 miles walking around the Epic Systems campus in Verona, WI. I didn't take pics because I had no idea and left the cellphone in the car. To put it simply, it is the largest, weirdest, craziest, most expensive piece of ego stroking I've ever seen. Judy Faulkner has so much money, she can't spend it all in what's left of her life. So, she indulges herself. Completely. And, it is quite simply DisneyWorld of corpo…

  • welcome to the cafe

    ScareBear - - Coffee Talk


    For me, it's the realization that due to RA/PA, I am not going to be able to retire the way I hoped. I was going to live December-April in the mountains and ski every day and then live May-November in NC hiking and kayaking. But, by retirement age I can't see being able to ski more than 1/2 day every other day and wonder how many miles I'll be able to do in the mountains...5 a day? Meh.... So, I've altered it. I've moved up the date sooner by 3 years and will travel and "trek"...basically still …

  • Baseball Thread

    ScareBear - - Coffee Talk


    Classic Dodgers v. Yankees coming up!

  • Basketball Thread

    ScareBear - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Drybones: “Quote from chief: “Quote from Drybones: “Heard a statistic today...the average black is graduating high school and going off to college with an eighth grade education. ” you hear that at your klan meeting? ” 70% of black children are raised by a single parent (aka mother), how much home training do you think they get. I heard a great sermon by a black preacher (Richard Price I believe was his name) of a very large predominately black church in California, the guy didn't pul…

  • Basketball Thread

    ScareBear - - Coffee Talk


    Dude, you need to watch this. Seriously. youtube.com/watch?v=2tN4Zulagb8

  • Basketball Thread

    ScareBear - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Drybones: “Heard a statistic today...the average black is graduating high school and going off to college with an eighth grade education. ” What the F is "the average black"????? You excluding mixed-race folks? You got a "blackness" criteria for your judging? Holy freakin 1930's racism, Batman! Just in case you didn't get it...."the average black" is about as racist a phrase as you can put together, unless you just drop the N bomb at random. Seriously. Racist. Nonsense. F'd up as all …

  • Baseball Thread

    ScareBear - - Coffee Talk


    Don't forget Ozzie Smith, Lou Brock, and possibly the greatest catcher ever, next to Yogi Berra, Yadier Molina. BTW, it seems that Yadi's career may have ended. He took a foul to the mask two nights ago that left him defenseless. The next pitch was another foul and his glove never moved, the foul striking him so hard in the mask/helmet that it almost knocked it off. And because he was still dazed and defenseless the impact almost ripped his head off. Actually, if you look closely, he dropped his…

  • Baseball Thread

    ScareBear - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from chief: “Quote from ScareBear: “Quote from uncle meat: “Quote from max.patch: “i love stuff like this. youtube.com/watch?v=pynlJgw8lzk ” That's awesome! ” So, that is all on the 3rd base coach, not the runner. All on the 3rd base coach. It is HIS job to watch for the friggin bush league hidden ball trick with a man at second or third, FFS...Oh, and BTW it seems MLB has changed a lot over the last 20 years or so. How do I know? Goins didn't get plunked between the shoulder blades his ne…

  • Baseball Thread

    ScareBear - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from uncle meat: “Quote from max.patch: “i love stuff like this. youtube.com/watch?v=pynlJgw8lzk ” That's awesome! ” So, that is all on the 3rd base coach, not the runner. All on the 3rd base coach. It is HIS job to watch for the friggin bush league hidden ball trick with a man at second or third, FFS... Oh, and BTW it seems MLB has changed a lot over the last 20 years or so. How do I know? Goins didn't get plunked between the shoulder blades his next AB. 20 years ago every pitcher would h…

  • welcome to the cafe

    ScareBear - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from uncle meat: “Besides, what's in a skirt really? It moves the rain off parts unwanted. ” Now that the possibilities include....shudder...... I will never look at a skirt the same again. Thanks for that.

  • Baseball Thread

    ScareBear - - Coffee Talk


    People have been getting hit by balls and bats since the game started. With today's technological distractions, bad things are going to happen... I recently sat just past first base at Yankee Stadium, 20 rows off the field. Unlike almost everyone around me, I never took my eyes off a batter to look at my cellphone. You only have a split second to react at that distance and the damage from a foul ball line drive could be fatal. I've actually caught a few MLB fouls balls with my bare hands over th…

  • welcome to the cafe

    ScareBear - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Every time I google "women hikers in kilts", this comes up. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index.php/Attachment/9551/ ” Ah, good old Minnesota Smith! ” What a supreme tool that fool was. The thought of him humping a 65 pound pack with 6 liters of water and 6 rolls of toilet paper in February through GA, NC, TN, etc....made me believe that there is hell on earth for sick and twisted aholes like he. Then, I realized he probably has Asperger's and that t…

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    ScareBear - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from TrafficJam: “I've been really unhappy with my violin bow. It's been sliding on the strings so I decided to take it to a luthier and have it rehaired. He said it's a cheap piece of Chinese-made crap and not to waste my money but save it for a better bow. After conferring with my teacher and sleeping on it, I am now the proud and delighted owner of a 1920's G.A. Pfretzschner pernambuco bow. It will set me back a while on my violin upgrade but I'm so, so happy. ” Did you forget to rosin …