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  • Quote from JimBlue: “Still not eating raw meat ” Back when I worked in a restaurant I used to be responsible for grinding the beef scraps into burger. There was one waiter that would always grab loose pieces of the unground meat out of the bucket I was working with and eat them.

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    Sarcasmtheelf - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from WanderingStovie: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “Quote from JimBlue: “Dilithium. Not lithium. ” Why do you want the lithum to die? ” I guess you're a trekker, not a Trekkie. ” Trekkie I am not, but I still know that James Doohan was a total badass en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Doohan#Military_service

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    Sarcasmtheelf - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from JimBlue: “Dilithium. Not lithium. ” Why do you want the lithum to die?

  • Quote from CoachLou: “All those folks that ask me if I'm safe, do I carry a gun, what will I do if I meet a bad person.......... ....I remind them......... ....I'm the Boogeyman! ........................ ” Just tell people that you carry a Garand. If they laugh you're probably in good company.

  • Happy Birthday

    Sarcasmtheelf - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from JimBlue: “I do wonder if any of you know the official way to retire a US flag ? ” Yeah, givem to a bunch of Boy Scouts as a service project. We always enjoyed being able to combine patriotism, community service and pyromania.

  • And yes, despite being born in '81, I still had a stereo that played 8 tracks as a kid.

  • Quote from Astro: “It has been a while, but if I remember correctly an 8 track tape interestingly actually had 4 tracks. ” I thought it had 4 tracks, but each track had two sides.

  • Quote from mental note: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “Quote from Mountain-Mike: “I remember when I decided to do the PCT. I bought a DVD on it (1984) & my Mom wanted to watch it. A few minutes into the tape the couple sighted a mountain lion. That is as far as she got! Refused to watch the rest. ” Do you mean a VHS?Maybe Betamax? ” I knew a guy that could stick a 8 track in his mouth...funniest thing I've ever seen! Dude had one big mug. ” Yeah, but he could only play tracks one and four.

  • Quote from Mountain-Mike: “I remember when I decided to do the PCT. I bought a DVD on it (1984) & my Mom wanted to watch it. A few minutes into the tape the couple sighted a mountain lion. That is as far as she got! Refused to watch the rest. ” Do you mean a VHS? Maybe Betamax?

  • Yoga

    Sarcasmtheelf - - General


    Quote from jimmyjam: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Did y'all know there is hot yoga and naked yoga? Hot yoga is done in a hot environment so you sweat and naked yoga is self explanatory. You can find naked yoga on YouTube also. ” I'm thinking hot naked yoga because well you know cold naked yoga would make things well you know...... ” ...that's some next level hippie stuff right there.

  • It's tarp season

    Sarcasmtheelf - - Tents & Shelters


    Quote from jimmyjam: “Quote from Wise Old Owl: “Tents-Treepee.jpg nuff said ” That thing looks like it's about blast off !! ” Only after mountain house chilimac wirh beef.

  • Quote from Dan76: “Quote from mental note: “Quote from CoachLou: “All those folks that ask me if I'm safe, do I carry a gun, what will I do if I meet a bad person.......... ....I remind them......... ....I'm the Boogeyman! ........................ ” exactly, you really don't want me to flip the script and start hunting you! ” anyone I'm concerned about their psychological stability will be told Mental Note is about 5 minutes in trail. ” I'm sure they'll make a mental note of it.

  • It's tarp season

    Sarcasmtheelf - - Tents & Shelters



  • Mammoth - It's What's for Dinner

    Sarcasmtheelf - - General


    Quote from chief: “Never made past the first step. I lost all interest in OA and Scouting in general when I got a girlfriend. ” Well there's yer problem. I knew many a fellow scout who failed to reach their full potential because they discovered they could spend their time getting lucky instead.

  • Has everyone here heard Baltimore Jack's story of the first time he stayed at the Doyle (under the old owners)? If not it's worth a listen. He discussed it on the Pox and Puss podcast. Link below. itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/po…74638806?mt=2&i=157021289

  • That's from walmart nonetheless...There are far worse ones.

  • Quote from Datto: “Quote from max.patch: “email from sams club -- now your dog can be a minion too. $15 ” Is there one for the GF? The goggles are what does it for me. Hot. Datto ” a6e993bd7b4afc95ac7572317ca8dd15.jpg walmart.com/ip/Adult-Sexy-Subo…12=46541810&wl13=&veh=sem

  • Mammoth - It's What's for Dinner

    Sarcasmtheelf - - General


    Quote from Mountain-Mike: “Quote from odd man out: “I used to be a pro at foil meals when I was a scout but I seem to have completely lost that skill. Did the eggs in a paper bag trick too, but it was more,of a novelty - a way to win a bet with a tenderfoot. ” I used boilining water in a paper cup in a fire for that! ” During my OA initiation They made us cook our breakfast using the boiling water and paper cup technique. Most of us had never seen it before and thought they were nuts when they h…

  • Quote from max.patch: “wasn't around when i thru'd; we just kept truckin til hot springs. the facebook algorithm states that if ya like the standing bear page you will like sevens hiker trash video page. that sounds about right. ” I was about to ask Rasty what he meant when he said he didn't like the vibe there, but I think you just explained it.

  • My "once I win powerball" list includes Buying/silent partnering to restore the Doyle, among other cool old buildings. The current Jackpot is $164m I'll have to remember to buy a ticket after work.