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  • Jim Blue's Gear List

    JimBlue - - Gear


    Both says Deep Woods Off. Different percentages.

  • And In Other News

    JimBlue - - Coffee Talk


    one sad and one funny I noticed at Cheaha. This past weekend. Sad one first. Some previous camper cut chunks out of the picnic table at the camp site I used. Funny one. Lots of lightning so I looked our of my tents window to see if my car or a nearby tree had been hit. I see a guy walking across the road. No rain gear in the pouring rain. He fills a container at the spigot. He goes back across the road. He could have just stuck his arm out of his tent while holding the container and he would hav…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    JimBlue - - General


    rain. 65F. 3:30 am.

  • Urinating in Water Sources

    JimBlue - - Trail Health


    Myth Busters did a show on the germs in the home.

  • Jim Blue's Gear List

    JimBlue - - Gear


    I took lots of stuff this past weekend and had to refrain from doing anything as I didn't want to walk in the rain. And there is a new tick borne disease that is very bad in this area. I hope to hike some this year. My sister and I started walking and life got in the way.

  • Quote from Wise Old Owl: “OK I like Bacon Jerky, made with Stubs hot BBQ sauce, with a hard boiled Egg and a packet of sea salt - does that make three ingredients? and does that cause cancer?.. Inquiring minds want to know. ” If I remember correctly, its the nitrites and nitrates in bacon that causes the problems.

  • Jim Blue's Gear List

    JimBlue - - Gear


    Now I can open two windows on my computer and give more details and see what I am replying to. Jeans; i typically just take a pair. I wound up needing them this past weekend. Otherwise i wore a pair of Dickies shorts, probably too heavy for hiking. Underwear; I go through underwear. Toilet paper, always zip locked. I think I have a micro poly shirt, got it on sale. I would have to look through my stuff. Shirt, not short. the gloves are to protect my hands. I have two baseball caps, one is orange…

  • new AT record

    JimBlue - - AT Specific


    I thought of not going before any of you were born, so there.

  • Jim Blue's Gear List

    JimBlue - - Gear


    I'll have to use my computer to reply to most of this. Most of that is beyond my means to pay fore. The clothes I mean. Some bran things I have to avoid due to my 'roids. Most apricots contain sulphur dioxide which is a laxative for me. It also is an industrial pollutant. Pepto. tabs don't last. I have to use the liquid.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    JimBlue - - General


    light rain in my area.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    JimBlue - - General


    at 5 am. It is 65F. at Cheaha.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    JimBlue - - General


    Partly cloudy and 80F. at Cheaha.

  • Hiking in Texas, DFW

    JimBlue - - General


    Humidity is lower in DFW.

  • Hiking & Biking

    JimBlue - - General


    no rain during the race. Some riders had to quit early due to exhaustion or gear problems. One ultra finished his 124 miles in record time.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    JimBlue - - General


    stopped raining and the race started at 7:30 this morning.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    JimBlue - - General


    no idea when but it has stopped raining. 61F. according to my thermometer I have here.

  • Outdoor Outfitting 101

    JimBlue - - General


    I remember a sailor off another ship who we saw with his buddies in an Italian restaurant in Naples, Italy order a pizza. We told him it had multiple layers he ordered any way, just for himself. He ate only one piece of layers and said he was full. Moma, owner of the place with her husband, came out of the restaurant and yelled at him. She refused to let any one else help him eat it. Instead of asking for something to take the rest with him, he asked for a doggie bag. She yelled, "are you saying…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    JimBlue - - General


    rain let up for about 20 or so minutes but it has been pouring for the past 2 hours.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    JimBlue - - General


    rain has arrived at Cheaha. Hopefully it will now cool off.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    JimBlue - - General


    hot today but only in the 70s. predicted for Sunday. And 70% rain chance. The bicycle race will go on as far as I know.