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  • Took a walk today

    Traffic Jam - - General


    Quote from LIhikers: “I wish I could say I've been walking. The second week of Feb. I took a spill and the back of my ankle and foot have been painful ever since. If there isn't some improvement soon I'll be making an appointment with my doctor. ” doing any better?

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    Traffic Jam - - General


    The neighborhood hawk looked majestic this week. The woods behind my rental house was decimated for some sort of industrial building. It was extremely distressing to watch the destruction of the animal and bird habitat…but now I have a really good view of the mountains (which are too smoky to see this afternoon).

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    Traffic Jam - - General


    I saw this little guy a few days ago. I’m almost certain it’s a Salt Marsh moth (Estigmene Acrea).

  • Took a walk today

    Traffic Jam - - General


    Wow, everyone is going on some great walks! Thanks for sharing. I walked nearly a mile today, the furthest I’ve walked in 2 months… except for a trip to wal mart, that may have been a mile. Looking forward to hiking…

  • Stone Mountain

    Traffic Jam - - General


    Cool! I’ll have to stop by one day.

  • It's time for new shoes

    Traffic Jam - - Footwear


    Hello friends. The past month has flown by and recovery is going great. I had a few episodes of intense pain because I tried to go too long without narcotic pain meds but was totally off them after 3 days. The foot looks good and I have great movement in my toe. I’m so happy with everything. Three days ago, I was allowed to start walking in the boot so I’m now mobile and getting back to my regular activities. The forced inactivity has been great for me, I needed to show down and rest for a while…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Traffic Jam - - General


    I had to turn on the air conditioner.

  • Hiking & Biking

    Traffic Jam - - General


    I’d rather ride the gap again but decided I have to do this at least once. The paw paw tunnel should be reopened. thinking about fenders for the c&o.

  • It's time for new shoes

    Traffic Jam - - Footwear


    Surgery was rescheduled to yesterday and it’s over, yay! I nearly backed out several times but the size and discomfort had increased in the past few months, affirming my decision. Numbness wore off by 8:30 last night and it’s painful (about a 6.8) but not intolerable or unmanageable which was my worst fear. I’m getting around good on the little knee scooter, practicing beforehand was a hoot. I’m signed up for a sock knitting competition again this year which has been a good focus for me and the …

  • Hiking & Biking

    Traffic Jam - - General


    I’m making plans for the C&O in July. Can’t wait to start training, thinking about buying a trainer.

  • Took a walk today

    Traffic Jam - - General


    Took an 8.5 mi walk on the BMT yesterday with Time Zone. We met at Hiwassee Outfitters and hiked to Lost Creek Campground and back. It was overcast with a chilly start but very pleasant nonetheless. Of course there was a snafu. I screwed up the beginning in the exact same way that I did last time…went under the first trestle and crossed the stream, taking time to change shoes…and it was the wrong direction and wrong crossing. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. I think TZ has learned to expect my screw ups. The wate…

  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    Traffic Jam - - General


    Quote from IMScotty: “Quote from Wintergreen: “Two Hikers Rescued In Tennessee. ” I must admit, I am confused by this story. Rescued because it was dark and they were surrounded by cliffs?Dod they go off-trail? Guess they were not prepared to spend the night? ” I have also been wondering about this but so far, haven’t seen any details. Several years ago, a GSMNP employee got lost or stuck at the top of Alum Cave Bluff (maybe she climbed up there?). Due to the failing light and dangerous drop off…

  • Took a walk today

    Traffic Jam - - General


    Started to head out to the East Lakeshore Trail, my first hike of 2023, but decided to bail. I strained a dang muscle while running on NYD, ugh. I expected it to be better today. I want to hike as much as possible before foot surgery but my body isn’t cooperating.

  • Quote from LIhikers: “I'm considering a freestanding tent with shorter pole sections to use for bicycle trips. Has anyone used a Tiger Wall UL Bikepack Solution Dye Series tent ? Or maybe you have another suggestion I could consider. ” I bought the copper spur bikepack tent and love it. It’s made to strap onto front handle bars which is much easier to carry. It’s very roomy and has the taller door with a big gear loft and other pockets/storage spaces. It’s a bit heavier than the Tiger Wall but y…

  • BMT-3

    Traffic Jam - - Trip Planning


    Thank you! That’s very helpful.

  • BMT-3

    Traffic Jam - - Trip Planning


    I have a question for Hikerboy or anyone else who knows. Hiking nobo, Ellis Creek Ford is the stream that you cross right before entering Hiwassee Outfitters in Reliance. My memory is that it’s ankle deep, sort of wide, and lacks rocks for hopping…so guaranteed wet feet. Is that correct?

  • First aid kits

    Traffic Jam - - Trail Health


    My daughter and son in law take the girls hiking quite often but I was still surprised when she pulled out her FAK to show me…cutest thing ever.

  • First aid kits

    Traffic Jam - - Trail Health


    My 3 yr old granddaughter was showing me her new backpack and pulls this out…”It’s my first aid kit for hiking, gwama”. My heart melted.

  • Holidays

    Traffic Jam - - Trip Planning


    You too, as well as all my cronies in the cafe. I love you all and appreciate you more than you know.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Traffic Jam - - General


    Quote from hikerboy: “My house is flooded out. High tide hit around 7, I got out of there around 6, but the street was under 2-3 ft of water at hi tide. We lost the water heater, so we won't have heat for a while. Anyone who had parked their cars on the street lost them. merry christmas. ” Oh goodness! I’m so sorry you have to deal with this on Christmas. I saw the pics of the area and it’s crazy. Hoping for a speedy replacement of the water heater and hope you have a merry Christmas despite thi…