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  • Jim Blue's Gear List

    JimBlue - - Gear


    Honestly I was joking.

  • 2017 - Hiking Plans.

    JimBlue - - Trip Planning


    One place the ship I was on visited a small island and there they we just down the pier from us. I had the duty and couldn't go talk to them. A few of the guys went but they asked our Captain to tell us they were busy and not bother them. They were close enough to see they were having a few drinks out on deck. Not diving. Maybe they were working on gear. This was about 1970. I think it was Saint Croix.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    JimBlue - - General


    low to high 80s. for the rest of this week. 60% rain on Thursday. Could reach 90F. On Saturday.

  • This was a wasteland

    JimBlue - - Coffee Talk


    Cotton wood along creeks. With oak trees where I grew up. Except for China berry trees I do remember what else grew there. Outside of town was oak, squat cedar trees, and some others. Mesquite was not far west of town. About 20 miles. Out by ft. Hood it was a few oak and cedar with lots of mesquite and areas of prickly pear cacti. Prickly pear could take over a yard or field rather quicker than I ever saw cedar take over any area. This is between Waco and Austin, Texas.

  • Jim Blue's Gear List

    JimBlue - - Gear


    I might put a bicycle rack with a waist height platform on my car. That way I can just place it on there and buckle the pack on. No trying to stand up with a pack on.

  • Hiking & Biking

    JimBlue - - General


    nope. Never heard of anything but the tour de. France before this. This one has lots of up and down hills. Including the highest point in Alabama. The ultra and one other group have to go up it twice. I am likely remembering this wrong but it's about a 400 foot climb from the entrance to the mountain top in less than a mile. Drop off to the right for part of the trip up from the entrance and a sharp right turn at the bottom. There should be one photo on my hiking site from the entrance that show…

  • Hiking & Biking

    JimBlue - - General


    Quote from JimBlue: “the 2017 Cheaha. Challenge is going to be even bigger than the 2016 as it is now opened up to more Europeans due to a rule change. ” I just got confirmation that more cyclists have registered for this year's bike race than last year at this time. There were close to 200 people bicycling past my post last year. Good grief.

  • there is aluminum in the soil. Not large amounts unless you are near bauxite ore which is aluminum ore.

  • Wild Edibles

    JimBlue - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from Foresight: “Morels are hard to mis-identify if you ask me. Training your eye to see the first one is the tough part. After that they normally just start appearing right in front of you. The ones in the picture above were the anomaly. I was easing along frustrated because I had been searching for an hour or so real slow (turkey hunting) when those fools just jumped out at me....couldn't not see them. Morel camouflage would be the cat's ass. ” Unless cleaned and cooked properly cat's as…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    JimBlue - - General


    got only up to about 60F. today. Cloudy this morning.

  • 2017 - Hiking Plans.

    JimBlue - - Trip Planning


    My hair is grayish white or whitish gray. With an occasional dark hairs on there. I had medium brown, not blond, decades ago.

  • Jim Blue's Gear List

    JimBlue - - Gear


    I have a semi-smartphone. I'm using it. That's the semi part. As for making multiple trips. I had considered it.

  • Jim Blue's Gear List

    JimBlue - - Gear


    oh that is average grade as tracked by back country navigator. Not all up nor all down grade.

  • Jim Blue's Gear List

    JimBlue - - Gear


    uhm. I stopped carrying that huge back pack about 40 years ago. You should to. I just walked 1 mile at 3.1 mph. average speed at a max of 3.4 mph. Grade was 3.4%. no pack but I did have a lance peanut butter cracker packet in my shirt pocket. I didn't see the need to weigh it.

  • What Are You Reading?

    JimBlue - - Books


    Revere got arrested early on. Two men and a teen age girl warned Concord and Lexington. and they shouted 'the regulars are out !' not the British are coming as they were still British at that point. The show America Facts vs. Fiction is very informative. Along with Forgotten History.

  • Jim Blue's Gear List

    JimBlue - - Gear


    I was never in the Army but I was a Boy Scouts assistant leader. I had to carry extra food. A first aid kit. Axe and folding shovel. We had canned food. I did weigh my pack by hanging it from a suspension type scale. One time was 75 pounds and another was 80 pounds. We typically walked up to 5 miles. A few times to 10 miles. While the 90 pounds is an estimate I was carrying more than the two times I did weigh my pack. This doesn't count the weight of the plywood patrol kitchen nor the canvas ten…

  • What Are You Reading?

    JimBlue - - Books


    Quote from Dan76: “Quote from Wise Old Owl: “From Woo... I am not here to take sides. But I had no trouble finding what Jim was referencing, just poorly presented. American History unfortunately when I studied as a young man, found lots of "embarrassing stuff" left out of books back when I was in school. ” Unfortunately with Texas being the 900 lb gorilla regarding textbook sales nationally, most publishers listen intently when the Bubbas of the Texas state school board textbook selection commit…

  • What Are You Reading?

    JimBlue - - Books


    chief you bser. I used to collect stamps so I know that one exists. They may or may not have sent every Congress critter such a letter. All they had to do was send it to the committee that was discussing it.

  • What Are You Reading?

    JimBlue - - Books


    the Nicaragua problem was caused by a postage stamp. A group against that nation getting the canal sent letters to all members of the US Congress saying what a great idea a Nicaragua canal was... With the volcano stamp on the letters. The politicians fell for it and turned down the idea of a Nicaragua canal. All this was taught in my public school history classes.

  • What Are You Reading?

    JimBlue - - Books


    it ain't hate just facts.