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  • Netflix

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “Coming to Netflix July 23, "Happiness for Beginners" -- a movie about a group of people backpacking the 51 miles of the AT in CT. Ellie Kemper makes this one a must see! youtube.com/watch?v=45Iuy6YmMBs ” Finally got around to watching it. A lighthearted RomCom. A 'Hallmark' type movie. There are worse ways to waste 1 hour 45 minutes. The movie certainly made Connecticut and Bear Mtn. area look beautiful.

  • RHJanes, "I still wonder about the "Thousands" who agree with him. Yet his video's, most have under 100 views after being up for months." I'm beginning to think 'the thousands' may be the voices speaking to him inside his head.

  • Quote from StalkingTortoise: “Apparently, ultralight has no relationship with the mass of an item. It's all about volume. And 90% of the people out there who don't understand this have no right to be hiking or camping. ” Hmmm. I'm going to have to rethink everything I thought I knew about Physics, mass and the Force of gravity.

  • Hiking plan for 2024

    IMScotty - - Trip Planning


    LIHikers, most hikers seem to be using the Apps now. Not me, so I cannot tell you if they are any tailored to SOBOs or not. Have you picked out start date yet? I'm thinking SOBO southern half, end of August might be a good start time. Hopefully you would miss the worst of the summer mugginess, and still be home before Thanksgiving. Scott


    IMScotty - - AT Specific


    I think they need an advanced version of this game for our group.

  • Astro on CT 2023

    IMScotty - - Trip Report


    Oh Wow, Lake Anne Pass was beautiful. Well worth the effort. Or at least it was worth my effort sitting here enjoying your photos from my keyboard S

  • When Animals Attack!

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    I don't do 'Instagram,' but I did come across this Instagram account called 'TouronsofNationalParks.' Lots of clips showing people being stupid and sometimes getting their just desserts. instagram.com/touronsofnationa…8f-4775-8e17-d501a5f2c2f9

  • A place for jokes

    IMScotty - - Hiking Humor



  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    IMScotty - - General


    OMO, let us know what you think of this book. The Chris Sylvia case is the one I think most likely to be something sinister. On my hike through that section I decided that 'Mike's Place' just wasn't my scene (drugs and they just wanted the cute young things to stay anyway). I moved on and camped next to a dirt track just a little bit north. I had an uncomfortable feeling all night, and random cars driving on that dirt track in the middle of the night stopping, turning off their lights and just s…

  • Quote from hikerboy: “Supposedly he's starting in March, ” Starting on March is 'cheating.' Real men start in January. I want to see the video of him getting rescued off of Clingmans Dome after spending three days and nights hunkered down in a porta=potty.

  • Matt_C's rant against the Gator is a hoot. Pure Gold! And he used the same 'If you argue against me, you prove my point' line as he did with us. I'm telling you, Matt_C is a genius. He can never lose an argument this way. He will always be in the right while the rest of the world is wrong. What a way to go through life. He must be a lonely, lonely man.


    IMScotty - - AT Specific


    I got this one wrong, but I did it at a different computer at work than I usually use. New Cookies. My winning streak on my desktop computer is preserved. I'll walk away from this other computer leaving my 0 / 1 score in the dustbin of history S

  • welcome to the cafe

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    It is this format in general that is not growing. TOS faces the same thing. Everything is a Tweet or Snapchat now. I prefer a thread history I can follow and content that is (can be?) informative.

  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Astro, Ha, ha... I see the resemblance Nice Quilt BTW.

  • Folk Music

    IMScotty - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox


    Agreed Max Patch, Unfortunately, Kristie met her own tragic ending

  • Folk Music

    IMScotty - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox


    Shane MacGowan of the Pogues has died. He lived hard, and died young. I am not sure how to classify his music, Celtic Punk? I suppose this is the wrong thread for that. Since we are entering the Christmas Season I'll offer up one of my favorite Christmas Songs, the controversial 'Fairytale of New York.' youtube.com/watch?v=j9jbdgZidu8

  • Took a walk today

    IMScotty - - General


    That photo with Big Sister's arm around the little one is so sweet TJ.

  • Quote from odd man out: “Quote from rhjanes: “I'm wondering if a certain person will be banned in the next few days ” of course we all know where TOS exiles go. ” Nooooooo......

  • The New Triple Crown

    IMScotty - - Other Trails


    What a great article Astro. It is fun to dream My thoughts... Pacific Northwest Trail: The photos that accompany that article are stunning. Certainly a great advertisement for that hike. I would consider it. Mountains-to-Sea Trail: I actually like trails that include some interspersed town-walks (sorry Matt-C). This trail sounds like fun to me. The way I would want to handle the longer road walks is by bike (although the paddling options sound great too). I did this with a shorter 200 mile trail…


    IMScotty - - AT Specific


    Quote from rhjanes: “⛰️ AT Question Of The Day – Nov 19, 2023 ⛺ My answer today was – CORRECT Total questions answered – 623 Total answers correct – 573 Percentage answers correct – 92% Longest correct streak – 53 hykeroo.com/atqotd #hykerooatqotd are we SURE it's exactly 100 miles? Or is this just ruining it for everyone (me)?!?! ” The 'Long Trail Mileage Calculator' says 105.2 from the Mass. border to the 'Maine Junction.'