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  • welcome to the cafe

    max.patch - - Coffee Talk


    I just realized that Soylent Green takes place in 2022.


    max.patch - - AT Specific


    I shouldn't have missed yesterday's. He "walked off the war" only one answer made sense. Answered too quickly

  • YouTube Thru-Hike Videos

    max.patch - - AT Specific


    Quote from LIhikers: “I followed Taylor last year. This year I'm watching aquaman. He started in Baxter in December and is hiking sobo. I believe he's in Pennsylvania right now. ” This was just posted in my N GA hiking FB page (heckuva accomplishment assuming the posting is correct -- SOBO in 5 months starting in December): For any of you following, Aquaman aka Scott Benerofe, the first SOBO from Maine just made on Springer an hour or so ago. Dec 5- May 5.

  • Astro on the FHT 2022

    max.patch - - Trip Report


    Glad you're not hiking the Florida Trail this time of year which is what I assumed from the thread title. Don't know anything about the Foothills Trail.

  • I just remember being out of breath and needing to stop. I wouldn't be surprised if I had muscle or joint pains later for the reasons you mentioned, but it's been too many years ago to remember.

  • welcome to the cafe

    max.patch - - Coffee Talk


    In Texas you need to check the toilet before you sit down.

  • Baseball Thread

    max.patch - - Coffee Talk


    <snip> "In the strongest possible terms, I deny committing any violation of the league’s domestic violence and sexual assault policy," Bauer said in a statement released by his representatives. "I am appealing this action and expect to prevail. As we have throughout this process, my representatives and I respect the confidentiality of the proceedings." ===== The cynic in me understands why Bauer wants to keep this whole thing "confidential".

  • Baseball Thread

    max.patch - - Coffee Talk


    Obviously Manfred is a member of the cafe! We talk about it -- and Manfred reacts. Bauer suspended 2 years without pay. No credit for time served. And Manfred gave the Dodgers a huge favor -- when his suspension is over (assuming appeals are unsuccesful) his contract with the Dodgers will be over. So they don't have to worry about what to do with him.

  • Baseball Thread

    max.patch - - Coffee Talk


    One of these days Manfred is going to have to something -- anything -- about Trevor Bauer. My guess without following this thing is that the worst he'll do is kick the can down the road, suspend him and give him credit for time served. That'll then become the Dodgers problem to figure out what to do. Huge contract and (at least when this story broke long ago) none of the players on the team want him back.

  • MLK 2021

    max.patch - - Trip Planning


    Elf, I only have one word for that. Yikes!

  • Outside Magazine article: outsideonline.com/outdoor-adve…tside%20Magazine-facebook <snip> Did Thru-Hiking the Appalachian Trail Ruin My Body? Many hikers hope their treks will make them better at other sports. Instead, mine kept me from distance running for a year—a common side effect we don't discuss enough. “The fittest a thru-hiker has ever been or will ever be is when they’re thru-hiking,” says Sara Boughner, a physical therapist, hiking trainer, and trail runner in Missoula, Montana. “I’ve …


    max.patch - - AT Specific


    If I remember correctly, it was something along the lines of "What is the lowest elevation on the AT?" with a choice of elevations. ETA: Apparently my memory was correct. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…?postID=142432#post142432

  • Basketball Thread

    max.patch - - Coffee Talk


    I thought this was great. And playing "One Shining Moment" was a great touch. youtube.com/watch?v=lt2cDSJbLGo

  • Hiking Plans 2022

    max.patch - - Trip Planning


    Quote from odd man out: “It's been a few of years since I've been able to take a multi day backpacking trip so I'm maybe a little less confident than usual. I'll admit the specs on this one (last day is 8 horizontal and nearly 1 vertical mile) has me a bit spooked.yes, it's on. ” Glad you're getting over the virus. I had an altimeter watch the last time we hiked the GC. I very annoyingly gave updates -- only 4,000 feet to go, only 3,900 feet to go, etc -- until I thot I might get pushed into the…

  • The Inca Trail and Machu Picchu

    max.patch - - Other Trails


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from IMScotty: “Many years ago I treated myself with a solo trip to Machu Picchu. It was a long flight to Lima and then to Cusco sitting under those airplane air vents. My eyes were getting dry. When I finally got to Cusco I rented a room, splashed some water on my face, and went to bed. When I woke up the next morning I thought the place must be on fire; the room was filled with 'smoke.' But, when I went outside, it was the same thing. It was not a fire, it was my eyes.…


    max.patch - - AT Specific


    I'm not going to pretend I know everything about BSP becasue I don't, but ironically the correct answer for the question they wrote is one of the choices -- which they say is incorrect.


    max.patch - - AT Specific


    I'm pretty sure the answer to todays question is incorrect. I know what they meant, but the question they wrote isn't what they meant.

  • Baseball Thread

    max.patch - - Coffee Talk


    If you serve in one war you'd think you'd get a pass to not serve in the next one. Or at least get put at the end of the line. If my memory is still working, Cabera's mistress wasn't thrilled with him when he wouldn't leave his wife for her and the 2 kids they had together. Ugly lawsuit at the time.

  • Taking the first step

    max.patch - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from LIhikers: “That might have something to do with the fact that there's a real shortage of aircraft mechanics, with most new ones going to airlines. ” Another congrats. A couple weeks ago consumer advice guy Clark Howard was talking about education options for students about to graduate high school -- college, trade school, etc. and he mentioned that there was a great demand for aircraft mechanics at the airlines.

  • Baseball Thread

    max.patch - - Coffee Talk


    I'm not surprised that Yankee fans threw beer cans at the Cleveland outfielders. I am surprised that they still serve beer in cans.