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  • Quote from LIhikers: “The annual weekend BBQ and work outing at the RPH Cabin shelter is sheduled this year, 2020, for July 10, 11,12. Will it happen this year? I don't know, check the website RPHCABIN.org for e-mail addresses of people who would know. For any of you that have attended in the past you know this is a great weekend that benefits the trail. ” I got a message from them that the Shelter opening weekend is Canceled................knowing Tim, Bill, and Carlo, and Jim as I do, that pla…

  • Corona Virus and the Trail

    CoachLou - - Trail Health


    Well, my whole spring is now shot! We just put a deposit on a house. We are going in with my mother-in-law, so there will be alot of mileage catching up after that!!!!!!

  • Missing Winter

    CoachLou - - General


    Quote from LIhikers: “I haven"t used my snow shoes in years ” Next year I will be exploring the Catskills often!

  • Corona Virus and the Trail

    CoachLou - - Trail Health


    This is insane.....our state high schools have canceled all championship tourneys! My step son is home from NYU........for remote classes!!!!

  • Missing Winter

    CoachLou - - General


    I pulled the trigger on the Tubbs Sno Shoes last month. I went once in central Vermont for an Overnite and 2 weeks ago in the Catskills for a day hike! I'm lovin' it. I may have to make a late season run to the Mtn. Washington area. We had 2 storms, both 1 inch....here on this side of Lawnguyland sound!

  • Corona Virus and the Trail

    CoachLou - - Trail Health


    This is why I don't watch TV!

  • Quote from LIhikers: “Kathy and I have $20.84. that won't get us very much, but we don't really need much. ” Fuel canisters and tent pegs and maps are on my list when I get one like that....................which is normal!

  • Well for some reason I can't produce a photo, but by some strange coincidence the carrying bag for my new Tubbs Sno shoes costs my dividend! It is mine. I'm really digging this sno shoe thing. Gotta fix OVs car this week end, but Vt. should have 3 days of snow next weekend!

  • Woo Hoo.....$41.51!!!!! What else did I buy besides the Flash

  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    CoachLou - - General


    Quote from IMScotty: “This bus is a vortex of unhappy outcomes... yahoo.com/news/italian-hikers-…a-visiting-230459201.html ” and to think these guys may be descended for Chris!

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    CoachLou - - General


    Oh I have a flock of Turkeys in my neighborhood to!

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    CoachLou - - General


    I have no photo, but for the first time in my life IN Connecticut.....I saw 2 Bald Eagles! Just circling the road. Lots of Red Tailed hawks, Flocks of Ospreys, but never an Eagle.

  • GHD I.......II

    CoachLou - - Trip Planning


    Next year ON MLK!!!!!!

  • GHD I.......II

    CoachLou - - Trip Planning


    So MLK VIII was a wash....................HB & I are heading up to West Mountain Shelter Saturday nite. This weekends predicted Nor'easter seems to be going out to sea.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    CoachLou - - General


    Beautiful weather here all week, brite sun, no wind temps in the 40's........................another nor'easter monsoon is forecast for this weekend!!!

  • Hiking Plans for 2020

    CoachLou - - Trip Planning


    Quote from Astro: “Planning to knock out the last 167 miles of the AT in July. Have Pinkham Notch to Grafton notch, and then Monson to Mt. Katahdin. So far my Tuesday hikes coming back from Fort Smith have been prevented by bad weather and meetings, but I do plan to get quite few miles done around AR by June to prepare for my AT final section(s). ” I like the sound of July! HB is in Maine August......and I still need to do Wildcats. We will still have bugs in July.......but snow in cold spots is…

  • Hiking Plans for 2020

    CoachLou - - Trip Planning


    Quote from IMScotty: “Talk them into a September girls trip.... Then do Maine or New Hampshire ” why not both?

  • 2019 Hiking Miles

    CoachLou - - General


    I would guess around 250..........80 of the AT, and all the loops, bikes and backtracks that went with it.

  • Happy New Year 2020

    CoachLou - - General


    Quote from LIhikers: “Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2020. Me and Kathy will be going to bed at 12;01 tonight so we can get up early tommorow to go hiking. We'll be on NY's Long Path. We'll start at the town of Nyack and go north. Then we'll turn around and walk back to the car ” I guess our crew did some work in that section this fall.......................I'm not 100% sure cause I was delinquent from work this year................................I was HIKING!!!!!!!!

  • welcome to the cafe

    CoachLou - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from jimmyjam: “Quote from IMScotty: “Quote from Traffic Jam: “....I remember learning most of those songs in grade school. I’ll have to ask my daughter if they’re still allowed to play patriotic songs in their classrooms. ” Isn't it sad that this is even a question? So many are being taught to hate this country ” It's a very very sad state of affairs indeed. ” no smiles here