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  • Clarity on an AT thru-hike

    OzJacko - - Trip Report


    Maine is tough but beautiful. Get a high calorie meal in Rangeley and a hot shower. You will love the next week. Big wilderness awaits. You go girl!

  • How far do you go before you go?

    OzJacko - - General



  • How far do you go before you go?

    OzJacko - - General


    Quote from Tuckahoe: “And yet, hikers post all the time that the wont get out of their sleeping bags and . ” Okay ladies move on - male talk following... I hope that I am not unique but I find that while hiking I tend to make a Greek statue look well endowed, even in warmish weather. "Things" return to normality at night and the problem doesn't arise (pun not intended) in my tent. My strong preference is to get up and take a short walk if needed at night but on sub freezing nights on the AT I di…

  • Water Treatment

    OzJacko - - General


    I didn't vote but on the AT IM and I mainly used Sawyer mini (IM rigged up a gravity feed system which was bloody useful-like having a tap) and backed up with Aqua Mira drops. Here I don't treat water. Our huts all have rainwater tanks connected.

  • How far do you go before you go?

    OzJacko - - General


    Quote from Tuckahoe: “just pivot, whip it out and go. Of course I have an effective range of 100+ feet. ” Hiking affects you differently from me then... My favorite hiking joke. The old hiker goes to the Dr and says he'd like a prescription for Viagra. The Dr says at your age that's perfectly understandable and starts to write it out. The hiker says can you put in there that they cut the tablet into quarters. The Dr says quarters! You won't get an erection with a quarter of a tablet. The hiker s…

  • Memory Lane

    OzJacko - - General


    By the way, it is winter here and yes I am just wearing a t shirt and Columbia hiking pants.

  • Memory Lane

    OzJacko - - General


    Having a day in my home town of Albany. Took a trail just over half a mile up the hill from the house I lived in for my first 15 years. This photo taken while sitting on a 10ft high granite rock. Damn I was spoilt having this as a child.

  • Wine

    OzJacko - - Coffee Talk


    Wine is one of the few consumables that we get at similar or cheaper prices than the USA. I believe ours are of high quality too. Shame I rarely drink the stuff.

  • bad bar-be-que

    OzJacko - - Coffee Talk


    Milkman come here man! We will lead you back to the light. The yellow one near the bbq that repels mosquitoes.

  • Forgotten History of Americans Parks

    OzJacko - - General


    The Australian Aborigines have a slogan "White Australia has a black history". Very true on many levels. We literally slaughtered them no less than America did to your native people. But on another level they changed the land immeasurably. Through hunting and the use of fire as a hunting method, they made many species of plants and animals extinct. When white man came they were living in harmony with the land (but not each other - tribes again), but the land was substantially different from the …

  • Forgotten History of Americans Parks

    OzJacko - - General


    But none of that applies to Manchester United fans.....

  • Forgotten History of Americans Parks

    OzJacko - - General


    This is all typical human behaviour repeated thousands of times in our history. We are a tribal animal. People not in "our" tribe are lesser in our eyes. Common "other" tribal groups are or have been non Romans, Jews, Christians, French, blacks, Spaniards, Muslims, gays, Mexicans, women, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Steelers fans, disabled, military people, nonmilitary people, Republicans, liberals, the list goes on ad nauseum. The problem is that when we deal with another "tribe", we reduce to s…

  • bad bar-be-que

    OzJacko - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Tuckahoe: “Quote from OzJacko: “You have rabbit food with bbq? To me bbq is burnt steak, sausages (our sort not yours - they're beef patties) and lamb chops all served with some bread rolls, onion and tomato sauce. Washed down with copious quantities of cold beer. ” Jesus Christ y'all are as bad as Yankees. Burning burgers, steaks and hot dogs on a grill is a freaking cookout. ” Yeah but we can have them 12 months of the year in our climate....

  • bad bar-be-que

    OzJacko - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from AnotherKevin: “Quote from OzJacko: “You have rabbit food with bbq? To me bbq is burnt steak, sausages (our sort not yours - they're beef patties) and lamb chops all served with some bread rolls, onion and tomato sauce. Washed down with copious quantities of cold beer. ” youtube.com/watch?v=cauE2CSCDyE ” He's a bloody Pom. The English should not criticize the food of others. Glass houses and stones and all that.

  • bad bar-be-que

    OzJacko - - Coffee Talk


    You have rabbit food with bbq? To me bbq is burnt steak, sausages (our sort not yours - they're beef patties) and lamb chops all served with some bread rolls, onion and tomato sauce. Washed down with copious quantities of cold beer.

  • the football thread

    OzJacko - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Grinder: “Pre.-season, shme-season. They signed Michael Vick. F**k the Steelers. For good. ” Fremantle Dockers.....

  • Anish announces FKT attempt

    OzJacko - - Appalachian Trail


    Exactly what day did she start?

  • 19 hikes

    OzJacko - - Other Trails


    And the Bib has nowhere that you need to "climb". The nearest to it are some beach dunes.

  • 19 hikes

    OzJacko - - Other Trails


    Quote from hikerboy: “and one last best list adventure.nationalgeographic.c…ickrock_57059_600x450.jpg ” I can't argue with number 11.

  • Everest, The Movie

    OzJacko - - General


    There are many tougher than Everest. It has become crass and commercial. More abused than any section of the AT.