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  • Hiking plans 2021

    IMScotty - - Trip Planning


    Day 3 on the PCT: Roasted, Toasted, and Sick to my Stomach Editappalachiantrailcafe.net/index…438c6577ec6d9814d69454124Chimney Creek Campground This is my campsite from the previous night at Chimney Creek Campground. Not a bad hang considering I set up in the dark. The single water faucet was across the way along with a pit toilet. Luxury! I was the only person here. In fact, I have yet to see another person on this entire journey. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…438c6577ec6d9814d69454124Interest…

  • Hiking plans 2021

    IMScotty - - Trip Planning


    Day 2 on the PCT: Blown Away appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…438c6577ec6d9814d69454124 Here is a photo of last night's campsite, a flat patch of dirt at the top of a climb. It was a calm, clear evening when I got there, so I just spread my ground cloth and slept under the stars of the Milky Way. I had no problem falling asleep after the long hike and a day in the merciless sun. In the middle of the night a stiffening wind woke me up. I secured the belongings that lay around me as best I could, bu…

  • Hiking plans 2021

    IMScotty - - Trip Planning


    OK, I have recovered my lost photos. Here is a 'Day One' Trip Report... Due to my late summer start, I could not hike my next sequential section north from Agua Dulce. That crosses the Mojave desert which I certainly did not want to do in July. Instead I skipped ahead with a plan of walking from Walker Pass to Whitney. As you will see, 'the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.' A Trail Angel named 'Tie Dye' was kind enough to get me the 50 miles from Mojave, CA to Walker Pass (which me…

  • Corona Virus and the Trail

    IMScotty - - Trail Health


    I thought this was interesting. The group that was most 'Vaccine Hesitant' (by education level) was Ph.D's. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…438c6577ec6d9814d69454124

  • Susquenannock Trail System

    IMScotty - - Other Trails


    Nice write up HB

  • The photo reminded me of a Woody Allan movie... appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…438c6577ec6d9814d69454124 I'll also borrow from Monty Python and go with the caption... "Every Sperm is Sacred"

  • welcome to the cafe

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “Thats a good one. She had such a distinctive voice. One more; she wrote it and I saw Maura O'Connell sing it in concert at my favorite small venue in Little 5 Points. youtube.com/watch?v=qwFYQW_Dyn0 ” In concert she had a way of introducing her next song with such charming, folksy stories about her friends (Mary Margaret), family (she wrote this song about her Aunt and Uncle who were farmers), and places (The Woolworth five and dime). Listening to her talk between the song…

  • welcome to the cafe

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from AnotherKevin: “Hey, anyone remember me? It's been a while. ” Great to see you here Kevin, 'pull up a stool and stay awhile' Hope all is well.

  • welcome to the cafe

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Max, I was so saddened to hear this news. I've seen Nanci G more than a half dozen times in concert. Early in her career when she toured Boston I got to see her in some very small venues. At one of her Boston concerts Jerry Jeff Walker opened up for Nanci and he almost stole the show. Two great entertainers that I will sorely miss. To hard to pick a favorite, but I'll offer up this one... Nanci had many fans in Ireland. youtube.com/watch?v=a9lUG4gBjSE

  • welcome to the cafe

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Looks like a great place to stay.

  • Darn Tough

    IMScotty - - Gear


    Quote from Astro: “Ever try gaiters to keep the sand/dirt out? ” I do not use them , but I have observed others do. I think in the desert, it is a losing battle anyway.

  • Sheltowee Trace Trail

    IMScotty - - Other Trails


    TJ, the head net I use works with my brimmed hat (the 'Outdoor Research Sombriolet hat). The net has a hole at the top so it sits on the brim and hangs away from my face. The net weighs perhaps an ounce, so I always keep it in my pack.

  • Darn Tough

    IMScotty - - Gear


    Since we are bragging about how long we go without changing... I wore 100% merino shirt and shorts for my two weeks in CA for the PCT. Wore them into a shower when I on my breaks to keep them clean, but little else. As far as I could tell, they never smelled. At least no one complained about sitting next to me on the flight home. I brought two pairs of darn tough socks, but I wish I had brought more. It takes a while for the socks to get stinky, but they will (the shoes especially). The real pro…

  • Sheltowee Trace Trail

    IMScotty - - Other Trails


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “Finished the next section, 29ish miles. Hot, buggy, and muggy is the best description. Didn’t take many pics as I was too busy fighting mosquitoes, swiping spider webs off my face, trying to keep my shoes on in the mud, or climbing over blowdowns. Can’t wait for the next one. ” TJ, did you bring a head net? Sometimes it can be a life saver. Those pesky buggers can drive a person insane.

  • And In Other News

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Sad News appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…438c6577ec6d9814d69454124

  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    IMScotty - - General


    Quote from IMScotty: “On the JMT/ PCT... fresnobee.com/news/local/article253212033.html ” More details on this story. Sounds like a heroic effort... fresnobee.com/news/local/artic…DmNg3FgTGImxJAw6J8vi-CSNU

  • Hiking plans 2021

    IMScotty - - Trip Planning


    Hope your knee feels better. Take it slow and easy at first. Good luck. Let me know if you need a pit stop north of Boston on your way back home. You can camp in my yard and even have a camp fire (North Reading, MA). S

  • Beware of Oboz shoes

    IMScotty - - Footwear


    I find that most my trail runners last 400 - 500 miles at best. The price I pay for light weight shoes like Altras and Topos. Sucks when they fail on the trail, though.

  • Baseball Thread

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Fun stuff... mlb.com/news/brock-holt-throws-31-mph-eephus-pitch

  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    IMScotty - - General


    On the JMT/ PCT... fresnobee.com/news/local/article253212033.html