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Search results 1-11 of 11.

  • A map for the AT

    Energizer - - Maps and Navigation


    Thanks guys for the info. I do have the thru hikers companion which I have torn apart for the sections I need. I will check out AWOL website. That sounds like what I am looking for.

  • A map for the AT

    Energizer - - Maps and Navigation


    I know technology is wonderful, but I still like having a map with all the pertinent info such as towns I will be hiking through, shelters, etc. Is there a map out there that I can purchase when I get to Georgia in April? I tried the links on this website but can't figure out how to get a map such as I need. Any ideas out there?

  • Bug spray on tarps

    Energizer - - Tents & Shelters


    Well. I start hiking at Springer mt on April 14. My trail name is energizer so we will see who can keep up Wise Old Man.

  • esbit tabs

    Energizer - - Cooking Gear


    I usually use an alcohol stove but have a tiny esbit titanium stand for backup. Are there places along the AT where you can purchase esbit or should I leave it at home?

  • clothes for the AT

    Energizer - - Gear


    Yep. I already cut my hair shorter than in my picture. I think that's about as short as I dare go before people confuse me with being a guy. A hat and hood should suffice.

  • clothes for the AT

    Energizer - - Gear


    Thanks everybody for your input. This really helps, except for the head shaving part...;-) You did not see that I am a women...

  • clothes for the AT

    Energizer - - Gear


    Not sure if this post should be in general or clothes. Newer to site. I am starting the AT in April (3rd. week) at Springer Mt. Confused on what to bring as far as clothes go. What kind of temps should I expect to encounter? I know it can be rainy so have that covered. I know what to bring when I hike in California and what I bring in Minnesota and Isle Royal. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

  • Skirts or pants

    Energizer - - Women's Threads


    I am used to hiking in a skirt when I head out to California. In Minnesota, I wear pants. For the AT, not so sure. What do women wear on the AT?

  • Bug spray on tarps

    Energizer - - Tents & Shelters


    Hey, I'm not ornery. At lest I don't think so.....;-)

  • Bug spray on tarps

    Energizer - - Tents & Shelters


    So Wise Old Owl, I won't have to worry cause I'm a red head? Ha ha

  • Bug spray on tarps

    Energizer - - Tents & Shelters


    New to site, so not sure if this is the right forum to ask a specific question. Has anyone tried spraying their cuben fiber tarp with Sawyer Permethrin. If so, any problems with not sticking or harming the fabric? I also want to do my 90 Degree hammock, but that is made from nylon, so should be fine. Am I being totally paranoid with the idea of deer ticks out on the AT? It's bad enough up here in Minnesota. I have sent my hiking clothes to Georgia to get treated.