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  • Well here is what shocked me, I tune in to a old AM radio station a few days ago, WEEU from Reading PA and Mighty Mike is the host and was discussing an insect that has been brought to Pennsylvania in the last 8 years. "spotted lantern fly" For those that do not know I am in pest control, nah, I am in Pest SOLUTIONS. Some old guy living up there in central PA verbalized on a call into the show how each insect knocked out various trees over the years. So the tree space has clearly changed over th…

  • Yea this is a project and I got it started - then had to go to work on a Sunday...

  • DNCR Well I have seen over the last 40+years devastation from invasive species. I think the first one I saw as a kid was the Japanese Beetle brought into the country with the Japanese Cherry Trees that surround the DC area. They were everywhere destroying my moms roses and other trees. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…07cbcbf4ccc5672a742d57669 Since then the Gypsy Moth hit PA and wow did they kill off the Oaks...I remember the tunnel on the northeast turnpike stripped of dead trees on the mountain…

  • Serious - folks a second loose fabric or shirt makes a huge difference!

  • Quote from Traffic Jam: “Quote from Wise Old Owl: “Enjoy - a funny commercial youtube.com/watch?v=hVSTrHf7h7U ” It’s crazy to think how excited people were to go from homemade to ready-made (or nearly so). ‘Homemade’ became synonymous with country bumpkin. O’course, maybe...ultimately...things like this assisted women with becoming more independent/liberated. ” Hmm I am not sure if you agree with this, Education in the key, The Isle of Man ( an Island my dad visited many times) was the key to Wo…

  • Enjoy - a funny commercial youtube.com/watch?v=hVSTrHf7h7U

  • A touch of history.... The American president Thomas Jefferson and James Hemings, his chef and slave, encountered macaroni in Paris and brought the recipe back to Monticello. Jefferson drew a sketch of the pasta and wrote detailed notes on the extrusion process. In 1793, he commissioned American ambassador to Paris William Short to purchase a machine for making it. Evidently, the machine was not suitable, as Jefferson later imported both macaroni and Parmesan cheese for his use at Monticello.[12…

  • Quote from odd man out: “that Bear Creek m&c had some terrible reviews. Not sure I ever tried M&C while hiking. I did make some cheese filled totellini. How do you get the pasta cooked without using too much fuel. ” There are a lot of younger than me people out there, I do not give much credence to reviews as most of us were brought up on Kraft (Crack) Mac and Cheese products. I wasn't, my mom refused to buy it. My mom went to culinary school in France after the WW2 sometime around or about 1956…

  • Quote from Traffic Jam: “Interesting find WOO. I wonder if I can tolerate that goat milk, will give it a try. ” Check out their website, dry goat milk goes back to needs in the 1930's, easier to digest than Dairy milk. Keep in mind I only post info about whole milk.

  • Quote from Mountain-Mike: “I've always considered good food as a reward for the miles I do. Thus a bit more weight in fuel is never a concern. Cook time doesn't bug me either because I can be filtering water or setting up my tent at the same time, or just kick back & read. If I share weight with a partner, I'll make it from scratch. If I go boxed, I'll lean toward the heavy velvita with broccoli. If doing a box with powder,it needs help; tuna, salmon, bacon, FD veggie, pack of mustard, etc ” Yes…

  • Pop Muzik

    Wise Old Owl - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox


    Damn I bet the French toast was wonderful

  • Filter or Drops

    Wise Old Owl - - Gear


    I set my tarp on the hammock to catch rain. I am allergic to iodine, and have bought the drops in the past but now I keep chlorine tabs in case the filter gets clogged and to be frank, I too will drink from mountain springs... I honestly don't care about the squirts on the trail. been there and done that.... its just walking... and now I am impaired.

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    Wise Old Owl - - General


    Quote from odd man out: “The other day I caught a couple of Mallards swimming in or backyard pool. Yesterday they left us a present. Seems like an odd place to lay an egg. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…07cbcbf4ccc5672a742d57669 ” Hmm Delicious? Quote from Astro: “This thing stung me as I was emptying the skimmers of the pool. I took a picture before I terminated him. It had an orange section on it's bottom side. Anybody know what it was? ” Assassin bug

  • Current Gear Sales

    Wise Old Owl - - Gear


    Quote from LIhikers: “Quote from max.patch: “marmot precip is at rei outlet for $70. spend $100 and get another $20 off. ” Wait, I don't have much financial sense but even I know not to spend 30 dollars to get 20 off, unless that 30 is on something I need or want. ” Uh maybe math is not your strongest issue,,,, consider gambling- many people do not understand the value of keeping their money. Just kidding,,,

  • So the idea is a boil bag and add some Nido or string cheese to reduce salt and increase flavor. Kraft Mac requires an extra minute and a half to make the product edible. Some products like Natural Annie Mac is a shorter boil.... but you may want to do it longer. So I am making a few tests and may come up with something that kids can wrap their head around.... guess I will make a video.

  • So tonight I purchased several over the counter microwave Mac and Cheese just to taste... OMG I am such a heathen. My mom used to bake five cheese and other good examples. But read on.... I am pulling the heavy load here. My basic idea is that you can take the guts of the mac and cheese add something and it will taste better and provide calories and energy. Perhaps a two to three minute boil.

  • Quote from odd man out: “that Bear Creek m&c had some terrible reviews. Not sure I ever tried M&C while hiking. I did make some cheese filled totellini. How do you get the pasta cooked without using too much fuel. ” After reviewing the ingredients, the lack of whole milk solids appears to be the real issue. Hense my adding Nido and Butter buds or a string cheese stick.

  • Adult mac & cheese variety pack amazon.com/Cheese-Creamy-Chipo…T=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch Add a little NIDO Yum....

  • You can shop, buy stuff, get on line... but Mac & cheese is king on the trail for young and old and in some cases ancient alike. Becaue Mac & Cheese calls for milk in most preparations. I have seen my son add Half & Half or Mini Moo's (shelf stable real Milk) So what do you do to be a rock star for Mac and Cheese, to those younger ones? Here is my idea. amazon.com/Bear-Creek-Grown-Up…300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch&th=1

  • Well i gave it a try as we went to a HOT day at a family picnic and wore a loose shirt over summer golf tee and there is something to it in direct sun.