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  • Katahdin Blues

    hikerboy - - General


    Quote from JimBlue: “I've been to Maine, nice visually. But the people don't talk to you unless your family has been there for generations. I find that offensive. ” stay in the woods

  • Katahdin Blues

    hikerboy - - General


    Quote from JimBlue: “I've never hiked the AT, nor been on the Katahdin. But I can do without going to Maine. Period. As for the atitudes you got from the other place, well, 'holier than thou' doesn't occur just in religion discussions. I'm rather rude to people who try that silliness on me. They may be a bit shocked to discover I'll laugh at them. ” maine is beautiful. and theres plenty more attitude on line than on trail

  • Katahdin Blues

    hikerboy - - General


    katahdin is a great mountain to climb. if you want to climb it,climb it. theres a lot of great mountains to climb. a lot of great blue blazes to take. dont sweat it.just go out for an adventure, and make it your own. let your hike take you there.

  • life lessons ruined by technology

    hikerboy - - General


    Quote from chief: “Quote from OzJacko: “Those of us that grew up in the 60's and 70's are obviously too prehistoric to even think about.... ” Yeah and those of us who grew up in the 50's and 60's should be dead by now, so who cares... ” in case of a medical emergency just press the red onstar button

  • life lessons ruined by technology

    hikerboy - - General


    Quote from chief: “Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from chief: “Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from chief: “Friday night I brought home a brand new 2016 GMC Canyon pickup (to replace my funky xterra). It does not have a radio, it has an "Infotainment System" complete with an 8" touch screen and a users manual that will take me months to get through. Back in the day, when someone swiped your radio, it was gone. Apparently now it's just a screen gesture. Huh? I guess I could have saved a bunch of money (…

  • life lessons ruined by technology

    hikerboy - - General


    the harry potter series was great for teens to get into reading. for us growing up , id say it was the hardy boys.i think i read every one of them. i read to my kids every night(for years it was the lord of the rings). it inspired their imaginations, and they still both read when i first met my exwife, she told me she didnt like to read because she was a slow reader. i told her she missed the point, which was to immerse yourself in the book, not caring about how much time it took to finish, and …

  • welcome to the cafe

    hikerboy - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from hikerboy: “look for vegan eggs.no cholesterol ” thevegg.com/

  • she did provide a disclaimer, which i quoted.

  • life lessons ruined by technology

    hikerboy - - General



  • life lessons ruined by technology

    hikerboy - - General



  • Posted by: Carlie Gentry March 31, 2014in Thru-Hiking Culture To be honest, anyone who has done a sizable chunk of any long distance hiking trail will be very familiar with many of these, but for the sake of avoiding an overly wordy title, I only mentioned thru hikers and I only mentioned the AT. Don’t feel left out if you have experienced these things as a section hiker on another trail! Add on your own ideas into the comments section!! appalachiantrials.com/33-thing…lachian-trail-understand/

  • life lessons ruined by technology

    hikerboy - - General


    I learned much more outside of school than in school I did have some teachers that at least pointed me in the right direction I've always had a curious mind and still to this day I'm trying to figure out how Donald Trump is leading the GOP

  • life lessons ruined by technology

    hikerboy - - General


    Quote from AnotherKevin: “Quote from socks: “What I notice from a lot of kids is they don't ask the next pertinent question, when they hit a road block by say investigating a problem with a computer program and are told no at some point...they just stop as if that is the last word, crazy what a little common sense will do and how far it will take you. ” We carefully train any independent inquiry out of them. The schools get more tight-arsed with every generation, and you had better do it just as…

  • life lessons ruined by technology

    hikerboy - - General


    Quote from chief: “Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from chief: “Friday night I brought home a brand new 2016 GMC Canyon pickup (to replace my funky xterra). It does not have a radio, it has an "Infotainment System" complete with an 8" touch screen and a users manual that will take me months to get through. Back in the day, when someone swiped your radio, it was gone. Apparently now it's just a screen gesture. Huh? I guess I could have saved a bunch of money (did pay cash) with a base truck with just…

  • life lessons ruined by technology

    hikerboy - - General


    Quote from socks: “Quote from hikerboy: “i remember when scientific calculators came out, yo werent allowed to use them in school at first, but eventually, you were allowed to use them on tests(high school). one of the cool things about doing research was finding out about things accidentally while doing the research.kind of like only listening to cds or record albums but never listening to the radio. you dont get accidentally exposed to new things. i hated school for the simple reason very few …

  • life lessons ruined by technology

    hikerboy - - General


    Quote from socks: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “I am part of a generation where a large portion of people got screwed by being overpraised, overprovided for, overcoddled and overprotected as children. I was lucky to go to a great public school but still be raised in a blue collar home. A lot of my classmates were never allowed explore in their own, to learn anything the hard way, were never denied something they wanted badly enough for them to actually go out an earn it, heck, most of them wouldn'…

  • welcome to the cafe

    hikerboy - - Coffee Talk


    look for vegan eggs.no cholesterol

  • life lessons ruined by technology

    hikerboy - - General


    i remember when scientific calculators came out, yo werent allowed to use them in school at first, but eventually, you were allowed to use them on tests(high school). one of the cool things about doing research was finding out about things accidentally while doing the research.kind of like only listening to cds or record albums but never listening to the radio. you dont get accidentally exposed to new things. i hated school for the simple reason very few teachers inspired critical or analytical …

  • life lessons ruined by technology

    hikerboy - - General


    Quote from chief: “Friday night I brought home a brand new 2016 GMC Canyon pickup (to replace my funky xterra). It does not have a radio, it has an "Infotainment System" complete with an 8" touch screen and a users manual that will take me months to get through. Back in the day, when someone swiped your radio, it was gone. Apparently now it's just a screen gesture. Huh? I guess I could have saved a bunch of money (did pay cash) with a base truck with just a radio, but then I wouldn't have the co…

  • welcome to the cafe

    hikerboy - - Coffee Talk

