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  • Corona Virus and the Trail

    odd man out - - Trail Health


    I can do it. I choose not to

  • What's for dinner?

    odd man out - - Trail Chefs


    Yes, I did not save any of the good first batch to innoculate the failed second batch. Then I gave up. We have several Asian grocery stores (Indian, Chinese, Korean) where you can buy spices, dozens of different types of curry powders, hot pepper flakes, etc... by the kg for about the same price they sell the little tiny jars at the supermarket. Rediculously cheap.

  • Ask a Chef

    odd man out - - Trail Chefs


    I have seen ready to eat chickpeas (not dehydrated) in pouches, probably in the Indian food section. Probably already seasoned. I wouldn't give up on dried chick peas. A 15 minute steep in a pot cozy after boiling my work. I have never tested this, but I think bringing foods like basmati rice and red lentils to a boil in a pot followed by a steep is more effective than freezer bag cooking which won't get the food as hot for as long. Another thing to test. BTW, basmati rice (the really good, real…

  • Day Tripping

    odd man out - - Coffee Talk


    Our colors are also delayed this year.

  • Whiskey Thread

    odd man out - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “I love the taste of peanut butter and always put PB2 in my protein shakes…bet I’d love the peanut butter bourbon (when my taste comes back). I think there’s a saying, “Stupid is thinking you’ll have a different result the second time” (or something like that). A few weeks ago, I tried Scotch again and it still tasted like glue. Blech. ” There are several foods I don't like but try every now and then to see if I still don't like them (mussels, okra, eggplant, come to mind…

  • What's for dinner?

    odd man out - - Trail Chefs


    I made kimchi twice. Once it fermented perfectly. Once not.

  • Ask a Chef

    odd man out - - Trail Chefs


    Are the sweet potato and veggies dehydrated? How will you do the lemon juice? You could throw in some sesame seeds too, maybe? If there isn't salt in the spice mix I would add that too. Rather than chick peas, how about red lentils. I find these to be the fastest cooking of the raw pulses (beans, peas, legumes, etc...). I cook them on the trail by bringing to a boil and then letting set in a pot cozy for 15 minutes. Lentils would be appropriate for Moroccan stew, which is what this recipe seems …

  • Darn Tough

    odd man out - - Gear


    Darn Tough was featured last night on the "Made in America" segment of the ABC Evening News. No mention of their dominance among backpackers.

  • Corona Virus and the Trail

    odd man out - - Trail Health


    odd woman out got her booster last week. No real side effects. I am due in a few weeks.

  • Whiskey Thread

    odd man out - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from jimmyjam: “Anybody tried Screwball? It's a 70 proof peanut whiskey. I like it. The clerk at the store says to mix it with chocolate vodka for a Reese's taste or strawberry vodka for a PB and J. ” I am trying to think of a beverage description I would find less appealing.... ...Nothing is coming to mind.

  • Hiking AT in 5 sections

    odd man out - - Trip Planning


    Thinking outside the box, if you want a trail with lots of water, resupply and transportation options, people to network with, huts if you want them, other options if you don't, check out the Kungsleden in Sweden.

  • Baseball Thread

    odd man out - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “ ...And using technology to steal signs goes back at least to Hank Greenberg's rifle scope and the Giants buzzer at the Polo Grounds that decided the pennant with "the shot heard around the world" against the Brooklyn Dodgers.... ” and don't forget the guy running the manual scoreboard in center field. As for runners at second, I always knew about that. But what do the rules say it. Is there a rule against a player on the field stealing signs? How about base coaches at first a…

  • Baseball Thread

    odd man out - - Coffee Talk


    Ok, so if this is in extra innings, the visiting team must have scored a couple in the top half of the inning. Plus the same situation would come with a lead off double in the bottom of the 9th, before the rule change. So why has this not been a thing before this?.

  • Baseball Thread

    odd man out - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “lol, baseball now puts a man on second in extra innings. So the pitchers do the next logical thing -- the intentional balk to move em to 3rd. Check out the several videos on the webpage for examples of these obvious intentional balks. If baseball is going to keep this silly rule (man on second) they oughta let the pitcher just wave the runner to 3rd without going thru the balk nonsense. ftw.usatoday.com/lists/mlb-int…DTpl1YUo3aPWwgF9CIXZKrrDU ” I'm missing something here. …

  • Whiskey Thread

    odd man out - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from StalkingTortoise: “Well hot damn! I just received notification that I won the right to purchase a bottle of W.L. Weller Single Barrel through the Ohio's Bourbon Lottery. And on an unrelated note, I picked up a bottle of Jefferson's Ocean over Labor Day. The premise of Ocean is that the constant movement of an ocean vessel translates into the bourbon stored in a barrel that is in the cargo hold. The typical bourbon barrel is only occasionally rotated during the aging process. Sloshing …

  • Corona Virus and the Trail

    odd man out - - Trail Health


    Quote from max.patch: “Makes sense...this would validate the saying that those that have a PhD suffer from Permanent Head Damage. ” Hey, I resemble that remark.

  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    odd man out - - General


    The closest I ever came to being involved in a recovery was when hiking the Mist Trail at Yosemite. Earlier that spring, several people died after deciding that it would be fun to go for a swim in the river above the falls. We were there later in the summer, and their bodies had not yet been found. But I knew that as the water levels dropped in the summer, victims tended to be revealed. So, I kept looking at the river, thinking that maybe I don't really want to be looking at the river (but human…

  • the football thread

    odd man out - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from StalkingTortoise: “Much happiness in Porkopolis AKA Cincinnati after the win over despised division rival Pittsburgh. Above .500 going into October for the first time in... a long time. ” As I recall, Cincinnati came in second place in the suckiest sports teams rankings (behind Detroit, of course).

  • the football thread

    odd man out - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “lol, I've been waiting for your take on this. ” and there's more. Replay shows in the last seconds the Ravens were guilty of a false start and delay if game. Either would have ended the game but neither were called.

  • the football thread

    odd man out - - Coffee Talk


    Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory! The Lions were losing the whole game to the Ravens, but late in the 4th Q, they score a TD to pull within 2 pts. They get the ball back and drive into FG range. They take the lead with a short FG with 1 min to play. The Ravens lose 9 yds and most of their time in 3 plays. It's 4th and 19 but complete a pass to mid field, but the clock is still running. They spike the ball with 7 seconds. They try a quick out pass to get into FG range which fails. With j…