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  • MLK IV

    rafe - - Trip Planning


    Quote from A.T.Lt: “Hope you feel better. There is an impending snow storm coming our way this weekend. All the hype we will probably only get a dusting ” And for once it looks like we in Boston *won't* get the worst of it. Mid-Atlantic will. Nyah nyah.

  • MLK IV

    rafe - - Trip Planning


    Merry had a cold brewing the whole time we were out hiking. So of course I caught it right away when I got home. A day and a half for symptoms to peak, another day and a half to recover... It hasn't helped that these last two days were the coldest we've had so far this winter. Or the 4" of snow I got to shovel and rake off the roof on Monday morning. Eh, I'm starting to dislike winter.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    rafe - - General


    Arrived home Sunday early evening... snowed about 4" Sunday night, our first significant snowfall of the season. Merry has a nasty cold and I'm busy fighting off cold symptoms. Temp in the teens, and wind is blowing. Winter is here. Ugh.

  • welcome to the cafe

    rafe - - Coffee Talk


    Re: McLean: one-hit wonder from 1971, not exactly a role model. Cute tune but after that, nuttin.

  • MLK IV

    rafe - - Trip Planning


    Couple of shots from Stockbridge shelter (Sat. AM) and sunrise from near Fingerboard shelter (Sun. AM).

  • MLK IV

    rafe - - Trip Planning


    Waiting for Elf's "yer doin it wrong" photo...

  • MLK IV

    rafe - - Trip Planning


    Elf and Lazarus and LIHikers are out in the woods tonight still, not sure where. The rest of us had a great buffet brunch and were on our way home after that.

  • MLK IV

    rafe - - Trip Planning


    Anyone from Boston area heading that way? Willing to share a ride?

  • Recipes

    rafe - - Site Information


    Why not just a general Recipes thread or forum, without the fancy forms? It was the forms that put me off.

  • MLK IV

    rafe - - Trip Planning


    Quote from CoachLou: “Friday night at Stockbridge Shelter, which is on the Long Path. You can park at Silvermine Rec area, or Turkey Hill lot on Rout 6, west of Bear mtn. proper. Saturday night at Fingerboard Shelter, which is east on AT from Elk Pen, or sobo on AT from Tiorati Circle on Seven Lakes Road. Sunday Night................proposed to be at Bald Rock Shelter which is west of Lake Skannatati , also on Seven Lakes drive ” OK, I see a Silvermine Parking area a couple miles off the AT. It …

  • MLK IV

    rafe - - Trip Planning


    I hear references to Stockbridge shelter and Bald Rocks shelter, neither of which is on my AT maps or my AT Guides. Give us a hand here, please -- for those lacking in-depth knowledge of the local trails. (It could be my maps and guides are just old. The AT map is 2004, the ALDHA guide from 2006.) Thx in advance...

  • MLK IV

    rafe - - Trip Planning


    Someone please recap the latest official plan. Best (most recent) I found is from Msg. 108. Also maybe Route numbers for the trailheads. I'm going to have to dig out my NY AT maps ?!? From before the stone age.

  • 2016 Appalachian Trail Festivals

    rafe - - AT Specific


    There's always Trail Daze (Damascus VA.) There's usually a thing at Beartown State Forest in MA in mid-June or so... And a music festival in Rutland, VT. They still doing that?

  • Aussie Bites from Costco

    rafe - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from WanderingStovie: “Nearly everything we ingest is organic (contains carbon), with the exception of salt and water. I was born in North America, so that makes me a native American. As a kid, I sang a Scout song about being happy go-lucky carefree and gay. Give me back my language, damn it. ” That's a rather narrow definition and by no means the only definition of the term. The term "organic" has a specific meaning as far as the USDA is concerned, so it's not all hokum. I'm sure the OED …

  • Chick Peas

    rafe - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Hummus makes you fart, just sayin'. ” Of that, there is no doubt. But true of many other hiker foods as well -- nuts, dry fruit, GORP, etc.

  • Springer to Reliance

    rafe - - Benton MacKaye Trail


    Quote from Rasty: “Quote from rafe: “Road walks in Georgia? I don't remember that. A number of road crossings, but no road walks. ” BMT (Going south) 1. 1) Around US76 there is a 2 + 2 mile road walk with some trail in between. 2) After US76 there is a 1 mile road walk leading up to Laurel creek 3) A 4.5 road walk leading up to the shallowford bridge Plus a few short pieces ” Ah, my bad. I thought we were talking 'bout the AT. Reliance didn't sound right either, should have been the tip-off.

  • Springer to Reliance

    rafe - - Benton MacKaye Trail


    Road walks in Georgia? I don't remember that. A number of road crossings, but no road walks.

  • Aussie Bites from Costco

    rafe - - Trail Chefs


    I'm guessing the "Aussie Bites" from Costco are the same thing, or a facsimile thereof.

  • Chick Peas

    rafe - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from max.patch: “Quote from rafe: “Peel off the skins? You've got to be kidding. No. Never gave a moment's though to doing that. Never heard of it. ” i never heard of it either, but i did a google search and a lot of people say to do it and there are a lot of techniques out there on how to do it.i'm fine with whatever sabra does. ” Sabra? MP you had me doing another Google search (broadening my horizons I guess). But this one was all over the place. I assume you meant th…

  • Chick Peas

    rafe - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from sheepdog: “Quote from Dan76: “Quote from sheepdog: “chick peas are nasty....it had to be said ” But hummus is tasty. ” It's a gateway to guacamole which is really nasty ” Just whipped up guacamole-inspired hummus. Yum. Cilantro, jalapeños, garlic, cumin, and salt (plus the basics). (We need some food smilies) ” yer doin it wrong