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  • Idaho Centennial Trail

    hikerboy - - Other Trails


    Well my bucket list hike is once again on my radar and I hope to finally do it next year. I had met triple crowner and multiple FKT holder Heather Anderson in Fe Quote from Astro: “Quote from Traffic Jam: “Wow! You’re good friends with Heather Anderson!!! I don’t revere celebrities but I admire her the way some people admire Tom Cruise. You will be spectacular on the ICT! ” I personally would also rate her and her accomplishments higher than his. I have bought a book by her. Never even considere…

  • Idaho Centennial Trail

    hikerboy - - Other Trails


    The ICT is once again back in play for 2024. While I had planned on doing it with Mountain Mike a few years back, life got in the way of both of our plans and had put it on the back burner. I met Heather "Anish" Anderson at the ALDHA Mid-Atlantic Ruck in February, and we've since become good friends. Anish holds the FKT for unsupported female SOBO for the AT, as well as a number of FKTs, and is one of the few people to complete a calendar year Triple Crown.SHe hs over 40000 miles under her belt.…

  • ALDHA Gathering 2023

    hikerboy - - General


    Quote from rhjanes: “Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from rhjanes: “995.....14 hours and 15 minutes....tolls included. ” Is that a "yes" ” That's more a "I doubt it" ” youtu.be/GcCNcgoyG_0

  • ALDHA Gathering 2023

    hikerboy - - General


    Quote from rhjanes: “995.....14 hours and 15 minutes....tolls included. ” Is that a "yes"?


    hikerboy - - AT Specific


    Quote from Astro: “Darlington Shelter always reminds me of the Bruce Springsteen song Darlington County. But that was in South Carolina, so no help for today's question. ” Springsteen's Darlington County is in, of course, New Jersey.


    hikerboy - - AT Specific


    Quote from BillyGr: “Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from Astro: “Quote from IMScotty: “That map sure did not look like Florida. ” I spent the first 20 years of my life there, and I certainly do not remember those mountains. ” I'm pretty sure the only mountain in Florida is Space Mountain. ” Uh, isn't there at least one other one in the same park? ” I couldn't tell you. I haven't been there in over 30 years, and have nonintention of going back.

  • ALDHA Gathering 2023

    hikerboy - - General


    This year, the 41st annual ALDHA Gathering will be held in Abingdon, Va. Oct 6th -9th. Our keynote speaker this year will be Scott Benerofe (Aquaman) whose life-changing 2022 Southbound Thru-Hike brought him snow, cold, and solitude through the northern sections of the AT. In early May of 2022 Scott completed his dangerous and inspiring hike and will share the how and why behind his journey. It's always a great time, and I hope to see some of you there. aldha.org/gathering


    hikerboy - - AT Specific


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from IMScotty: “That map sure did not look like Florida. ” I spent the first 20 years of my life there, and I certainly do not remember those mountains. ” I'm pretty sure the only mountain in Florida is Space Mountain.

  • AT Vista 2023

    hikerboy - - General


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from hikerboy: “Come to the ALDHA Gathering on Columbus Day weekend. This year it's in Abingdon, Va. aldha.org/gathering ” I am already signed up.Sorta neat seeing my and your pictures in the Blaze and event picture rotation. ” It'll be good to see you again.

  • AT Vista 2023

    hikerboy - - General


    Come to the ALDHA Gathering on Columbus Day weekend. This year it's in Abingdon, Va. aldha.org/gathering

  • Bluegrass

    hikerboy - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox


    I've been groovin on Billy Strings . His live shows have been on nugs.net. Amazing guitarist with an incrdibly talented band. youtu.be/r3rM0X3ayTg

  • BSP Question

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning



  • BSP Question

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    Quote from odd man out: “Quote from hikerboy: “If the weather is good do knife edge, otherwise take the Cathedral. You should absolutely not do Knife edge with a full pack. But if you campat Chimney Pond, you won't be able to borrow a day pack. It shouldn't be too hard to hitch a ride if necessary. ” I am going to see my dad on Monday. I'll have to ask him if they did the knif edge with packs. Why Cathedral over Saddle? Just curious. ” Cathedral is a little more direct route to Baxter peak, But …

  • BSP Question

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    Quote from odd man out: “Quote from hikerboy: “You could go up Hunt and take the Abol trail down, a bit easier, but would require a bit of a road walk on the tote rd to get back to the trail. I did knife edge in the 80s and probably wouldn't do it again. It's very exposed the whole way, and you'll need a good weather window. Chimney Pond is a beautiful site and you can take the Cathedral Trail instead of knife edge, then come down the Hunt Trail. Blueberry ledge trail will get you out of the par…

  • Netflix

    hikerboy - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “Must be the Netflix effect. I am sure Coach Lou and Elf wiil appreciate this. explore.com/1352167/surprising…ation-connecticut-hiking/ ” Connecticut has some beautiful trails, but it is most certainly not the "best state in the country" for hiking.

  • BSP Question

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    You could go up Hunt and take the Abol trail down, a bit easier, but would require a bit of a road walk on the tote rd to get back to the trail. I did knife edge in the 80s and probably wouldn't do it again. It's very exposed the whole way, and you'll need a good weather window. Chimney Pond is a beautiful site and you can take the Cathedral Trail instead of knife edge, then come down the Hunt Trail. Blueberry ledge trail will get you out of the park faster.You should be able to leave your full …


    hikerboy - - AT Specific


    Kristian Morgan used a kayak a few days ago in his FKT attempt appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…2028a6c58855ba9d813e88bae

  • welcome to the cafe

    hikerboy - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from LIhikers: “Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from rhjanes: “Quote from IMScotty: “Jester and I did a hiker feed at Fahnestock State Park last week,. Fed over 60 hikers and 150,000 mosquitos. ” ” appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…2028a6c58855ba9d813e88bae ” That's a lot of hikers, was it for 1 day? ” We were there Sunday and Monday. Hikers from all over the world. Germany, Canadia, Netherlands, Switzerland, Great Britain ,ireland, Australia,Japan, Belgium, and the US. We had a great time, and a…

  • welcome to the cafe

    hikerboy - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from rhjanes: “Quote from IMScotty: “Great satire has an ounce of truth. This is funny, funny stuff. nighthikingtomars.blogspot.com…crease-of-crusty.html?m=1 Thanks to HB for sharing on the ALDHA FB page ” Jester....He's funny. His videos on his hikes on the AT, CDT and PCT are good. ” Jester and I did a hiker feed at Fahnestock State Park last week,. Fed over 60 hikers and 150,000 mosquitos. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…2028a6c58855ba9d813e88bae

  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    hikerboy - - General


    Sad news out of Vermont, the body an AT hiker, that went missing after the floods has been found. He had started NOBO from Bear Mtn. wcax.com/2023/07/29/state-police-locate-body-missing-hiker/