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  • infrared and daylight trail camera ?

    Foresight - - Gear


    Quote from Drybones: “Great shots...and nothing died...what's that in the third photo down? ” Groundhog.

  • infrared and daylight trail camera ?

    Foresight - - Gear


    I've left this camera out since February (still at 62% battery (uses 8AA's)) and it had 1800+ pictures on it, but this is the most eclectic assemblage of pics I've ever gotten in one haul..... 2422-cc92c564-medium.jpg2424-9c667506-medium.jpg2426-d7a76430-medium.jpg2428-7f5bd387-medium.jpg2430-ab7753c3-medium.jpg2423-c8b7f268-medium.jpg2425-d22d73e1-medium.jpg2427-1cc450ca-medium.jpg2429-1f650cce-medium.jpg2431-ec1e1baf-medium.jpg

  • infrared and daylight trail camera ?

    Foresight - - Gear


    Quote from muddywaters: “i used to run 4 on my lease a few yrs ago, still have them. The most important things are speed, and battery life. If camera is slow to power on, you will miss many pics . built all mine with the best camera available at time for doing this. Far superior to anything comnercially availble then . Basically, a camera stays off to conserve battery. Then it has to turn on and get ready to take pic. If it takes it a few sec, its near useless. Mine are about 1/4 sec. Check out …

  • Quote from ScareBear: “For trout, I prefer to gut them and insert a stick from tail out the mouth and roast over the fire like It's on a spit. At an angle so the stuff in the head runs down and flavors the meat.... ” I've done this a few times, but it's hard to find sticks small enough for the fish I catch

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    Foresight - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Astro: “Quote from TrafficJam: “My terribly, screechy student violin is no more. I purchased one of better quality, it's still considered student level but it sounds much better. It only has one fine tuner on the E string so tuning has been hard...and it constantly needs tuning, I assume due to the strings being new? After a month of fiddle lessons, I can sight- read music and have worked on 10-15 easy songs. The challenge is playing fast, which I can't do. In …

  • Wild Edibles

    Foresight - - Trail Chefs


    Nonsensical nonsense.....who would do such a thing?

  • Wild Edibles

    Foresight - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from IMScotty: “Foresight, what kind of tree was that you found your morels under? It looks like an Oak, but I don't think morels are usually associated with Oak? ” That's a big White Oak. I normally find mine in moist bottom land which around here is going to be predominantly hardwoods. I have friends in Missouri that find them more on the sides of ridges. They also say theirs are associated most often with a particular downed hardwood which I believe they said was Beech, but I don't reme…

  • Wild Edibles

    Foresight - - Trail Chefs


    Morels are hard to mis-identify if you ask me. Training your eye to see the first one is the tough part. After that they normally just start appearing right in front of you. The ones in the picture above were the anomaly. I was easing along frustrated because I had been searching for an hour or so real slow (turkey hunting) when those fools just jumped out at me....couldn't not see them. Morel camouflage would be the cat's ass.

  • Wild Edibles

    Foresight - - Trail Chefs


    Lol, I forgive ya.

  • Rock and Roll

    Foresight - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox



  • Wild Edibles

    Foresight - - Trail Chefs


    Ran across these little lovelies not long ago..... 2421-0ac7b377.jpg So I gathered 'em up, sauteed in butter then made some gravy and tossed them in some grits.... 2420-73a6ddf6.jpg

  • New here!

    Foresight - - Coffee Talk



  • Prayers?

    Foresight - - Coffee Talk


    So sorry to hear.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Foresight - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Grinder: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Well, I hit 5-0 today. Guess it's time to grow up. ” A much-belated happy birthday to you, and I have good news: appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…bdad1f5cba156e616f1fb8810 ” Hot Damn! Summer in the City!

  • Road trip sights to see

    Foresight - - General


    Quote from SandyofPA: “Well, last July I had to move my 84 yr. old Mom from Goldendale, WA to Spokane, WA and she wanted me to bring my van to take some things back east to my sisters. So on the way back, Yellowstone(hike up My. Washburn), Jewel cave tour, soak in the hot springs in Boseman,MT, Pryer Mt. wild horse preserve and Bighorn Canyon, Devils Tower(take the longer walk around), Custer State park(rode a horse thru the Ponderosa), drive the Needles highway, Badlands National Park. I did go…

  • Road trip sights to see

    Foresight - - General


    I would make it a Reds fest by going to all the minor league affiliates, starting with low A and working my way up to a series in Great America Ballpark.

  • Thank you, sir.

  • I can't disagree with that. My help took the day off and went to Boone for the weekend so I'm stuck inside drafting today. Well, I put a pot of crowder peas on last night before I went to bed and I eased in there about an hour ago to check on them and realized I didn't have any butter milk OR corn meal. Can't eat crowder peas without cornbread so I filled up the water bottle, tossed it into the daypack and did the 2.8 round trip to the dollar store and back. Got me out of the office and the oven…

  • So I was sitting here Tuesday afternoon.... 2401-09454d81-medium.jpg .....eating some chicken alfredo for lunch.... 2402-03db98da-medium.jpg ....when I got to thinking, "I really hate broken shoe strings". Well, my gaiters (OR brand) have a metal hook that connects to the shoestring near the toe. This is rough on the string so I had an idea and finally thought to take care of it just now. Gaiter loops! 2400-bec48463-medium.jpg I sealed the square knot with super glue so we'll see how it hold up.

  • 2017 - Hiking Plans.

    Foresight - - Trip Planning


    Quote from meat: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from JimBlue: “I remember getting an Atlas book about 12 X 18 inch pages. I spent hours looking at it and looking up real places mentioned the black and white movies from the 1940s. I was supposed to be using for homework... but 8 was looking up Hawaii. Shangri-la. Etc. ” I'd like to find Shangri-La. ” I often go on google field trips, last week I was on Everest, this week I'm headed to the fertile lands of southern Italy. ” I road walked Cades Cov…