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  • More questions about Amicalola SP

    Rasty - - AT Specific


    It's a pleasant stroll going downhill

  • Quote from sheepdog: “Quote from Rasty: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “Quote from sheepdog: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from sheepdog: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from sheepdog: “Quote from Drybones: “Quote from sheepdog: “Healthy people are going to feel foolish; laying in bed dying of nothing. ” Healthy people don't die lying in bed. ” that's an urban myth ” I could care less if I die healthy or unhealthy.But I plan on living healthy because my life is so much better when I can do the thing…

  • Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “Quote from sheepdog: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from sheepdog: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from sheepdog: “Quote from Drybones: “Quote from sheepdog: “Healthy people are going to feel foolish; laying in bed dying of nothing. ” Healthy people don't die lying in bed. ” that's an urban myth ” I could care less if I die healthy or unhealthy.But I plan on living healthy because my life is so much better when I can do the things that I love. ” I like to joke around..w…

  • It's Only a Matter of Time, Or is it?

    Rasty - - AT Specific


    Quote from max.patch: “i'd say the "at specific" idea is a failure. perhaps a different background color would help. ” This and will always be the cafe.

  • Best Job on Earth?

    Rasty - - General


    Quote from twistwrist: “I found out today my station for the first half of the season (7 weeks) is at Amicalola State Park. Eighty percent of my time will be spent at the visitor's center, 20 percent on the bottom half of the approach trail. I'll be getting hikers registered, helping them with pack shakedowns, whatever they need. Cool stuff is that I'll have a staff heated bunkroom and wifi. My last 8 weeks will be on trail as a roving ridgerunner north of Neel's Gap. Sweet. ” that's really cool…

  • Quote from rafe: “Quote from TrafficJam: “I haven't found evidence that designating new wilderness areas under the Wilderness Act will displace people. If anyone can cite sources, please let me know. ” I've said it before but in my opinion, one of the most valuable functions of the trail is simply conservation -- quite independent of any hiking that takes place on it. To me, simply designating a piece of land as "thou shalt not build a mall or housing development or office park here" is well wor…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Rasty - - General


    Quote from socks: “edit sucks my @$&%# round here! ” must be a user error

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Rasty - - General


    Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from AnotherKevin: “There's probably something I'm not seeing, but he looks to be a long way above his nearest protection. ” Yea, at first I thought they were top roping ” the type ends at the top climber

  • Travel Outside the US

    Rasty - - Trip Planning


    Quote from Tuckahoe: “At the risk of revealing how dumb I really am... This is my battery pack -- amazon.com/EasyAcc-10000mAh-Br…Smartphones/dp/B00Y03M2XQ It's kosher for my carry-on, right? united.com/web/en-US/content/travel/inflight/devices.aspx united.com/web/en-US/content/t…e/dangerous.aspx?Mobile=1 ” I flew 30 flights in three years with a 7500mAh battery. They are allowed and completely normal on flights.

  • Quote from max.patch: “Quote from Astro: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “Quote from Drybones: “Quote from Da Wolf: “for most thru-hikers it is ” I suppose you're right.....get to the next camp spot before dark. ” That's because most of the fools never figure out how wonderful night hiking is. ” What is so wonderful about night hiking?I usually only do it when I am trying to get a head start in the morning or it ends up taking me longer than expected in the evening. ” night hiking is inefficient; you…

  • Quote from Wise Old Owl: “I am beginning to guess now have the life of the party when hiking with a war hammer on the trail. This being acknowledged, where is the rest of the uniform? would this be a good choice for a hike? chaos_warrior___warhammer_larp_costume_by_krushak_dagra-d7dqhif.jpg ” As long as he's wearing 0% cotton everything is OK

  • Western Mountaneering Bags

    Rasty - - Gear


    Quote from AnotherKevin: “Quote from CoachLou: “Nice, good test. I've been in mine in the single digets, but I can't say in the minuses. I would have to say, at 3am on MLK2 at Brien shelter camp....that was probably the coldest I've been in it. When the wind picked up and I zipped it almost all the way up, I was feeling sorry for all you folks out there without a Puma. I didn't feel that bad for you Paul.....with the tent, Kathy and Tora! ” I was toasty in my Marmot Never Summer on both MLK2 beh…

  • Quote from JimBlue: “I've watch 'How It's made' and there are only a few hundred possibilites for key locks. I think it makes it too easy for criminals to open key locks. That axe certainly did a number on that lock. ” I haven't meet a masterlock except those round locks that can't be broken into with a nail puller bar and a hammer.

  • Do you make a aluminum or titanium version?

  • Clarity on an AT thru-hike

    Rasty - - Trip Report


    Quote from max.patch: “Quote from twistwrist: “Check it out! ” congrats! they've really changed the appearance of the certificate. mine has an old timey looking font, doesn't have the hiker on it -- which i really like -- and has no trail name. does anyone else find the wording "certificate of congratulations" odd? the phrase 2,000 miler is nowhere on the certificate; i'd prefer "2,000 miler certificate". ” I thought yours was carved into stone tablets

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Rasty - - General


    Quote from Drybones: “Interesting how we get re-calibrated to what's considered cold after living there a while...MS/AL, 32*...VA, 10*...NY, 0*....MN, -20 is just another day. ” At 55° Florida is frigid

  • the football thread

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Did Manchester United win?

  • welcome to the cafe

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Trebor: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from socks: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Drybones: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Trebor: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Trebor: “I saw on Facebook yesterday that Dakota Joe (now known as Joey Bags) somehow managed to get himself shot. I, along with many including DJ, had hoped his AT hike would of changed him. It appears that it didn't. ” Is he okay? It's all very sad.You never know what will trigger someone to make permanent, l…

  • Bug spray on tarps

    Rasty - - Tents & Shelters


    Quote from JimBlue: “I have some Permethrin spray. I was thinking about spraying just hiking shorts and boots. Deet for the mosquitoes on shirt and hat. ” Spray all clothing with permethrin. Ticks can climb trees.

  • Bug spray on tarps

    Rasty - - Tents & Shelters


    The rule about bug spray is for insect repellant like "Off" which would ruin the waterproof coating on nylon tents that were coated. Permethrin is fine on coated fabrics.