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  • National Parks and Lands:

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    A petroglyph of turtles in Volcanoes National Park.appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…4cbe71c74cf8a8742c8a1613a

  • National Parks and Lands:

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    The Kilaeea Caldera, Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii. You cannot hike down there, it is too dangerous. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…4cbe71c74cf8a8742c8a1613a

  • National Parks and Lands:

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Kilauea Iki Crater Trail Loop: Our six mile hike in Volcanoes National Park appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…4cbe71c74cf8a8742c8a1613a The Hike started n the Rim Trail with a rainbow. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…4cbe71c74cf8a8742c8a1613a And through a nice forest appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…4cbe71c74cf8a8742c8a1613a appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…4cbe71c74cf8a8742c8a1613a Despite the warnings from the ranger, the hike down to the crater was pretty easy. This is my daughter Rory contemplating…

  • Winter Layers

    IMScotty - - Clothing


    You must run cold TJ, that sounds like it should have been comfortable to me. I have a LS Merino shirt I wear as a base in the winter. It really helps. Most importantly, with wicking away any moisture from my body.

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    IMScotty - - General


    Shipman's Beach, Hawaii. The hike to get to this remote beach was a 5 mile RT muddy slog. It was worth it. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…4cbe71c74cf8a8742c8a1613a appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…4cbe71c74cf8a8742c8a1613a appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…4cbe71c74cf8a8742c8a1613a Photo Credit: Nolan Stimpson appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…4cbe71c74cf8a8742c8a1613a appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…4cbe71c74cf8a8742c8a1613a We saw at least 20 turtles in total. They all seemed to be Green Sea Turtles.

  • Hiking Difficulty Calculator

    IMScotty - - General


    I am all for a formula to try to quantify a rating, but there are so many variables that have left out. Astro correctly brings up one, Altitude. It makes a huge difference. I will bring up another, mud and roots! Try hiking the Northern half f the Long trail sometime OK Cafe members, what other variables are missing?

  • Bigfoot

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Merry Christmas My Friends appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…4cbe71c74cf8a8742c8a1613a

  • Quote from max.patch: “I'm amused by the people who for some reason think January 1 is a great time to start a thru. ” Their amusement typically ends by January 2nd.

  • Quote from odd man out: “Quote from hikerboy: “ ” interesting. People are obsessed with starting on the first of the month. ” Because March 1st sounds so much warmer than February 28th I am surprised March 4th did not get more love, because, well say it out loud.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    IMScotty - - General


    That rainstorm that came up the coast a few days ago was a doozy. I borrowed from the Interweb this photo of Jackson Falls in picturesque Jackson, NH so that you can see what it normally looks like... appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…4cbe71c74cf8a8742c8a1613a Now watch this video after the storm... youtube.com/watch?v=CsJuktXseAg

  • Poca, In terms of start times for a NOBO from Springer I know I would shoot for March - April. Sooner likely will be too cold and wet, later likely will be too hot and dry. Of course March and April could be and probably will be at times all of those things too. Of course the problem with March and April is that is peak NOBO season. Rather than trying to totally avoid the crowds, I would adapt to deal with the crowds. The best way to do that is not to rely on shelters. Even when hiking on high-u…


    IMScotty - - AT Specific


    Quote from max.patch: “That has to be in the top 10 of pictures aspiring thru hikers take. ” I'd guess the number one is the Approach Trail arch. A lot of NOBO's don't make it this far.

  • A place for jokes

    IMScotty - - Hiking Humor



  • Winter Layers

    IMScotty - - Clothing


    I do not do a lot of winter hiking, so I tend to rely on what I already have in my closet. For my upper clothing I tend to go with a merino long sleeve base and one of my hand knit Irish Wool sweaters. I know, there are not many hikers wearing heavy knit wool sweaters. But it keeps me warm - even when wet - which is huge. That and the T seem to wick away any perspiration. Not very wind resistant thought, so I like to wear a wind jacket as an outer layer. My wind jacket is water resistant, not wa…


    IMScotty - - AT Specific


    Astro, I had no idea the Mt. Greylock Memorial was so pretty when it was lit up at night. Now I'm going to have to return for a night time visit.

  • Quote from StalkingTortoise: “I'd pay to see his first experience with bear cables. And the subsequent berating of a ranger because there were no posted instructions. And has anyone really claimed they climbed Mount Washington 'on foot' after driving up in a car, golf cart, or hoverboard ” Bear cables would be cheating! And hey, I still had to climb that last 20 feet up from the Mount Washington summit parking lot!

  • Quote from Sarcasmtheelf: “Hmm, it wouldn't upload my attachments... ” Your 'This Golf Cart Climbed Mt. Katahdin' bumper sticker?

  • I did not know about this book. Great to see a new take for a trail book. I read the reviews on Amazon and one reviewer took off a few stars because the book did not mention any golf courses. They were serious. You cannot make this stuff up. Matt_C is gonna love this book

  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    IMScotty - - General


    Quote from IMScotty: “A local mystery... boston.com/news/crime/2022/04/…king-trail/?p1=hp_primary This is Concord, NH. Just a local walking trail. Defiantly an anomaly for the area. When I first heard this I thought it had to be a murder/ suicide situation. Apparently not. ” This sad story finally has a conclusion... boston.com/news/local-news/202…trail/?p1=hp_featurestack

  • Thanks for the information Max. Just another minor hassle for thrus. Looks like they allow a 'digital' permit so as long as your phone isn't dead it should not be too hard.