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  • Long Island Sound to Canada

    IMScotty - - Other Trails


    The 'Friends of the Coos Trail' on FB mapped out an interesting way to walk from New Haven, CT to Canada utilizing the Coos Trail and other existing trails. Here is their post in case any of my New England friends want to take a walk... TRANS-NEW ENGLAND TRAIL ROUTE (LINKING RAGGED MOUNTAIN TO THE COHOS TRAIL SYSTEM TO CREATE A MAJOR THRU-TRAIL FROM LONG ISLAND SOUND TO QUEBEC, CANADA) SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND (existing trails) Start: Long Island Sound at New Haven, Connecticut New England Trail to …

  • Pop Muzik

    IMScotty - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox


    Oh, I love Melanie. She wrote that song after and about Woodstock. We were so close there was no room We bled inside each others wounds We all had caught the same disease And we all sang the songs of peace Some came to sing, some came to pray Some came to keep the dark away Look on Youtube for the version she sang live in the Netherlands.

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    I do like photography, although I suck at it. Just wrapping up the last of the photos from my Hawaii trip. I did like this one. I call it 'The Source' Just channeling my inner Georgia O'Keeffe appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…38258ab2540d3f5af36fc4fdb

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    IMScotty - - General


    Nene, Big Island: The world's rarest goose and Hawaii's state bird. In 1952 there were only 30 Nene left in existence. Conservationists saved the birds from the brink of extinction, and today over 3000 Nene live in the wild. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…38258ab2540d3f5af36fc4fdb I asked Nolan what he wanted to do in Hawaii, and his answer was to see a Nene. We went on a birding safari and finally found our quarry in Volcano National Park. This is my favorite photo of the trip because it made m…

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    IMScotty - - General


    Also from the Hawaii Trip, Northern Pintail (Anas acuta) appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…38258ab2540d3f5af36fc4fdb

  • Took a walk today

    IMScotty - - General


    Quote from hikerboy: “Yesterday I hiked in a park I'd never heard of. I'd seen it mentioned in a FB group so I decided to check it out, and I'm glad I did. It's called Trail View State Park. Turns out it's got some fun trails, not too challenging, and a lot of possible loop variations. It does share some of the trails with mountain bikes, but yesterday I was mostly alone, no hikers and one mountain biker. I'll go back again. I couldn't believe I'd never heard of it before. appalachiantrailcafe.n…

  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    IMScotty - - General


    I wonder if anyone ever took him up on an AT guided tour?

  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    IMScotty - - General


    Followup article on the Rafiki, the Triple Crowner who died in the Whites. Sadly, he was the father of a young boy to bostonglobe.com/2024/01/20/met…n=breakingnews:newsletter

  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    IMScotty - - General


    The mountains will humble you, whether you accept it, or not.

  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    IMScotty - - General


    Quote from StalkingTortoise: “Quote from IMScotty: “Triple Crowner dies in the White Mountains... boston.com/news/local-news/202…ns/?p1=recirc_mostpopular ” Just sad. At least his two partners turned around and didn't suffer the same fate. ” Quote from his mother "And he was never really a turning-back kind of kid.”

  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    IMScotty - - General


    Triple Crowner dies in the White Mountains... boston.com/news/local-news/202…ns/?p1=recirc_mostpopular

  • whats the weather where you are?

    IMScotty - - General


    Quote from hikerboy: “About an inch or so of snow in island Park.First measurable snow in almost 2 years. ” Time to dust off the old Snowshoes


    IMScotty - - AT Specific


    Quote from max.patch: “Since the ATC is attempting to change the definition of a thru hike to "hike the trail in 12 months and it doesn't matter how you do it" and there's a "hostel" at every road crossing, I'm looking forward to reaching age 84 and cheesing my way up and down the trail one more time ” Yes, might as well go for the age record.

  • Places of Power on the Trail

    IMScotty - - AT Specific


    BT, The Penobscot consider Katahdin to be a sacred place, the home of the God Pamola. Pamola was an angry God, and the summit was considered taboo for mortals. Henry David Thoreau wrote a book about his exploration of Katahdin and the Maine Woods called 'The Maine Woods.' It was both a physical and spiritual journey for Thoreau.It is worth a read for its depiction of nature as a spiritual salve. Completing 2000 miles to get to Katahdin will certainly amplify the spiritual and transformative powe…


    IMScotty - - AT Specific


    Read every word...

  • National Parks and Lands:

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from IMScotty: “Quote from max.patch: “I gotta ask the obvious question...why are they sometimes dressed and sometimes not? ” Looks like they have grown more modest with time. ” Being red, thought it might be some kind of Christmas decorations. ” OK, now you have me researching this, and I have learned some things I did not pick up on when I was at the park. The Ki'i (Tiki) represent Gods, but also seem to play a role in family heritage and genealogy. The NPS allows prac…

  • National Parks and Lands:

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “I gotta ask the obvious question...why are they sometimes dressed and sometimes not? ” Looks like they have grown more modest with time.

  • National Parks and Lands:

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Pu'ukoholā Heiau National Historic Site: Does not look like much, but this sacred site is very important to the Hawaiians. This is the last Hawaiian temple built by King Kamehameha and helped him fulfill the prophecy that he would unify the Hawaiian Islands. The NPS has an excellent interpretive movie that tells the story. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…38258ab2540d3f5af36fc4fdb appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…38258ab2540d3f5af36fc4fdb

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    IMScotty - - General


    Bluestripe Snapper (Lutjanus kasmira) appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…38258ab2540d3f5af36fc4fdb I think this is a Sleek Unicornfish (Naso hexacanthus) appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…38258ab2540d3f5af36fc4fdb Manta Ray (Mobula alfredi). They were about ten feet across. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…38258ab2540d3f5af36fc4fdb

  • National Parks and Lands:

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park: This was a place of refuge for Hawaiians sentenced to death for breaking one of the many 'Kapo' laws. Of course to live, you had to reach this place. Today it is still considered a sacred place by the Hawaiians and is a very nice park to visit. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…38258ab2540d3f5af36fc4fdb