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  • Whiskey Thread

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    While perusing this site, found a few potential gifts for folks with upcoming anniversaries, birthdays, and a soon-to-be first time dad. But alas, Utah doesn't allow free enterprise regarding liquor purchases from out of state sources.

  • Going Hiking

    Dan76 - - General


    Bet you two were the folks in Campmor whom had most recently used outdoor equipment in such a setting.

  • Is cooking on the trail almost dead?

    Dan76 - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from SandyofPA: “I campfire cook only when car camping and I have my big cooler to keep things fresh. Camping and backpacking are two completely different ways to enjoy the outdoors in my opinion. When joining my husband on a HAM radio field day excursion he is totally amazed at what comes out of foil on the fire. It gives me something to do after I hang all the antennas in the trees for him! ” Fellow antenna hangers need to unite and demand better food. Usually what I find at such events …

  • 8 American Trails

    Dan76 - - Other Trails


    Jan-'17 Backpacker [/i]magazine contains a US map illustrating most major trails. Worth a look.

  • Naughty or Nice?

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Trillium: “TJ, Did you get a zipper pull thermometer? If so, do you like it? If so, manufacturer, price, link? ” sorry, just saw this. I have an inexpensive one from REI. Not sure if it's accurate but it's nice to have. It lives attached to my pack. Ive thought about smashing it...it pisses me off when I'm cold and shivering and it says 40*. ” Just consider this a sign to eat a Snickers.

  • Knead Bread

    Dan76 - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from Grinder: “I made bread on Thansgiving and it turned out PERFECT! I didn't think of this thread to pop in and post photos or anything. Just saw it in the "unread threads" pile and thought I'd mention it. I bought myself a KitchenAid stand mixer, with a dough hook. Followed the bread recipe in the user's manual. I'll have to gain some more confidence to venture beyond that, but I was VERY happy with the result. P.S. - I think I posted here before that I have had next to zero success wit…

  • The link didn' t mention the ten essentials, though most of us probably routinely carry the items.

  • Whiskey Thread

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from odd man out: “I just realized my 1792 Ridgemont reserve is almost gone. Talisker is running low. Time to go shopping. At least the Kazakhstan Cognac is still full (long story on where that came from). ” Having seen the near fatal results from imbibing concoctions created by folks in this region, I'd be leary of the cognac.

  • Is cooking on the trail almost dead?

    Dan76 - - Trail Chefs


    The Jan17 issue of Backpacker magazine carried a piece by a PCT hiker whom elected not to carry a stove thereby replying mostly on rehydrating rice and beans in a water bottle. At the article's conclusion, a stove was requested in the next mail drop.

  • Knead Bread

    Dan76 - - Trail Chefs


    pioneerbrand.com/biscuit-baking-mixes/ I've used this mix for biscuits...works well for drop biscuits, but I've not used a cutter. Can't find the mix in Utah and my supply from the last trip to TX is scant.

  • Self acquired a new pair of Keen boots.

  • Hiking Nightmares

    Dan76 - - General


    My best sleep pattern is usually during a backpacking camp out. Stealth camping allows more security and quiet than within a campground. The exception is of course when I'm out with the Scouts.

  • New Years Revolution

    Dan76 - - Hiking Humor


    Quote from CoachLou: “Please..... I am fatter today than any time any of you folks have seen me..... I am a slimey fat body of the worst order. I often wonder if I could survive one day on Parris Island, or suffer the only infarction in my families history. I have a stack of pants that I refuse to give to goodwill. This year I will be 60....... by the time that day arrives I will wear those trousers again! ” One of the methods used by Weight Watchers Is to have members weigh weekly and announce …

  • So what did Santa bring (hiking related)?

    Dan76 - - General


    Quote from meat: “Quote from max.patch: “i'm gonna enjoy using this thing. i set it up 2 nights ago, so yesterday was the first time i used it. i don't have a clue yet as to all it can do, but on day 1: when i got up as i walked from the bedroom to the kitchen: "whats the weather?" "read sports news" i then started cooking oatmeal: "set timer for 5 minutes" oatmeal finished: "add cinnamon to shopping list" got out the laptop to read the news: "play taylor swift" this is all in the first 15 minut…

  • The Christmas Roast

    Dan76 - - Trail Chefs


    Just completed a day late Christmas dinner for special folks. Thanks for the advice on the roast. Used the mustard rub with a garlic enhancement.

  • Frankly for the price, the above kit is almost worthless. My neighbor gives me his empty large scrip medicine bottles. As they are golf ball diameter, (not the pills) I can fit more hooks, fifty feet of fishing line, split weights, sewing kit, a couple of impregnated cotton balls in a small zip lock, ferrous rod, and H2O purification tablets with a bit of room remaining. Pouring wax into the lid just prior to sealing provides water proofing for long term storage. The final touch is a couple mete…

  • Quote from Wise Old Owl: “Hey that is really helpful but my plan incorporates a twig fire and Qwiz's Ti wood stoves as I have two. I like the bricks - might use the 1" flats for a hearth. I go to different islands each time. ” A hearth will enable a site to remain stealthy.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from sheepdog: “Quote from Grinder: “Seriously? smile.amazon.com/dp/B01DRD060A/ref=strm_sub_nad_7_4 ” I will wait until they have a hammock for my tablet. Oops you beat me to it..8-) ” While in Barnes&Noble recently, viewed a pillow like device with a kangaroo style pocket thereby allowing a tablet user to rest the device comfortably while reclining. Quote from IMScotty: “Quote from LIhikers: “Quote from IMScotty: “My daughter was the Tech. Crew director for her High School theatre group. …

  • WOO: After viewing the referenced video, may I recommend the following? From past observations of stills in action (locations remained undisclosed), suggest inclining the condensing coil at an upwards angle by placing the collection container higher than the boiling container. Thereby escaping H2O droplets will return to the heat source, revaporize, and further reduce potential contamination of the collection vessel. Additionally this procedure will allow more rapid boiling thereby decreasing th…

  • The Christmas Roast

    Dan76 - - Trail Chefs

