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  • Olympics

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from OzJacko: “Too be fair, if you look at the climate of Canada, ice hockey is about the only team sport out there they can really get into. Stands to reason they're pretty good at it. (They suck at cricket which makes them losers in the eyes of other Commonwealth countries). gif.005” Yeah, we're now rooting for the Swedes to bring gold medals back to Detroit. We've got quite a few Red Wings on the Swedish team.

  • Olympics

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from CoachLou: “Connecticut has a number of surfaces, just for curling. My favorite olympic event is the 100 meter anything! But, I see the skill in it..............wasn't bowling an olympic event once :)” Since I was a sprinter, I agree with 100 meter dash (speedskating).

  • Re:First annual stalk Hikerboy hike

    Trillium - - General


    Quote from rocksNsocks: “ Batman had Robin Ralph had Alice Johnny had Ed” And Ed had Trixie.

  • Re:Re: You Just Can't Go Another Mile

    Trillium - - General


    Quote from jimmyjam: “OMG i am closing my eyes” jj, when I see your avatar, I think you are singing Junior Birdman, fun summer camp song.

  • Olympics

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from OzJacko: “Seen Cool Runnings several times. None of their training sillier than our guys. Same problem. Our athletes do spend a lot of time in northern hemisphere, but we don't have olympic type toboggan runs etc, so even in our own snow season, only the skiers can really practice here. And we have no hope of ever getting a curling rink!” Curling is NOT a sport and does NOT belong in the Olympics!

  • Favorite campsite

    Trillium - - General


    Since the title of the thread is Favorite campsite and doesn't specify the AT, I have to go with Long Key State Park. We have camped in the Keys at least 8 times I can remember in 5 different locations but our favorite that we've been to 3 times is Long Key State Park (although not in August!) Just steps from the Atlantic, close to snorkeling and the Dolphin Research Center. On the AT I loved the campsite at Bly Gap.

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    Trillium - - General


    Quote from Mountain-Mike: “Quote from Astro: “MM, how were you watching Jeopardy up there 25 years ago?” Two hikers I was with were basketball fanatics. NCAA finals were playing. One of them bought a sony watchman. Had about an 1 1/2" square screen. Other than ball games we would try to catch weather & every night watch Jepordy. The guy that owned it at first didn't want to stop at Cheoh Bald since it was still early. Went on about how many more hours we had to hike & we could make it to Low Gap…

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    Trillium - - General


    Quote from TeamDakotaJoe: “Quote from TrainWreck: “Christine, I've been offline for a couple of days so I'm out of the loop. Did Joe receive the gaitors I sent him?” Dakota Joe informed me that they did arrived late on Saturday after he had already left for the trail. But they will be dropped off to him by his mom when he gets to Erwin, Tn. #KeepTheDreamAlive” That kinda really sucks. He will need them much sooner. At a minimum I would suggest that she mail them to him at the NOC.

  • Re:where is dakota joes thread today?

    Trillium - - General


    Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from Trebor: “Quote from ChinMusic: “Just noticed that WhiteBlaze has a temporary ban on discussion of Dakota Joe” . Which thread?” duh, the dakota joe thread? dr phil was at it again.accusing joe of looking for attention, along with an in depth analysis of dj's psyche.” methinks dr. phil was looking in a mirror.

  • Quote from BirdBrain: “I would make this a poll, but can't figure it out. Who wins? Broncos? Seahawks?” Who cares? I just want to know if Edith is pregnant. (watched Downtown Abbey this evening)

  • Punxsutawney Phil

    Trillium - - General


    Quote from rocksNsocks: “Quote from OzJacko: “He lied through his hairy nose last year. I don't expect him to get it right this year either...... gif.011” Big shake up comin in Gobblers knob this mornin, Ole Phil's job is on the line...folks are postin recipes.” And Phil Robertson is just the one to cook that sucker up. heehee. :lol:

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Well, it's been fun catching up. I'm off to hit the rack so that I am feeling rested enough for a snowy hike tomorrow. G'night all.

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from Trillium: “Quote from LoboSolo: “den mommy is at it http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php?101260-Responsible-Posting-Do-you-care” Saw that. Biting my fingers to keep from typing any comment.” take a gander at this one http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php?101303-Chat-room-on-the-AT” Holy Toledo: Quote from "HM": “Towards the end tho, it had problems with drama. It really did. Friends turned enemies & individual post counting problems/confusion.”…

  • Re:welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    So, I've been over there reading HM's thread and just busted a gut reading the following from Aficion, particularly the last line: "Having answered thusly, I would like to add a few cogent thoughts. I do not come here to try and make others feel good about themselves. I come to learn, to laugh, to share, and to enjoy the company of people who share a passion for the outdoors in general and the AT in particular. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do....but if you don't...It is your own damn fault."

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from LoboSolo: “she was abducted and murdered. my opinion” oh heck, I was hoping for abducted and being held prisoner in some remote cabin for some backwoods guy and that she would be able to escape in the spring. shucks, shucks, shucks. so what kind of a person do you think would do that? a backwoods guy? why in the world would someone abduct a 66 yr old woman and murder her in that remote part of the world? I just can't wrap my head around this.

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from CoachLou: “If I was a poster from Colorado, and said that I have a bowl in the morning with my coffee, would I be talking about illegal drugs. Being from Colorado...i would NOT be posting about something illegal, so I shouldn't get deleted..........your thoughts! :P” You are such a troublemaker

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from rocksNsocks: “That's really pretty TJ, one day I'll have me a kilt...in merino wool. Them that like can call it a skirt...don't care, suits me fine.” My first thought when I saw those pictures was the looms in Edinburgh, Scotland. RS, Perhaps I should consider getting back to my Scottish roots and getting a kilt also.” Would love to see you gents in kilts.

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from TrafficJam: “It's not hiking related but if you insist.” Wow; that is so cool. gif.014

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from LoboSolo: “den mommy is at it http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php?101260-Responsible-Posting-Do-you-care” Saw that. Biting my fingers to keep from typing any comment.

  • Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from LoboSolo: “Quote from LoboSolo: “Quote from Rasty: “I see they closed the Lone Wolf thread at WB.” what is the thread title?” i found it.” forget about socks, i think it was teacher who asked me with such great concern whether she should be worried about you, and then mentioned "the other site"(here).all she had to do was read my first response-he's fine.” oh yeah, I saw that thread. at first I was concerned when I first saw it, particularly since I had just seen…