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  • 2017 I will be 60

    OzJacko - - Continental Divide Trail


    Quote from CoachLou: “I spoke with my pal Skinny today. Lots of snow in the Big Sky! He has actually started to walk, and told his siblings that July '17' someone needs to come stay with Mom. And, Guido/Clif will be joining us. I haven't seen Guido since the last time we walked into the 'Bob'........I'm psychedappalachiantrailcafe.net/index…9de2f1ca32fe3e472c94077b3 ” Very happy for you Coach. Looking forward to seeing your photos and comments. I will get there one day.

  • Anti-fogging paste for glasses

    OzJacko - - Gear


    Quote from rhjanes: “Spit and rub to "Squeak" works also. I've not tried that product. I had thought to have lasic before I retire and do more long distance hiking. My eye doctor smiled, recommended which place to use. Then smiled again and reminded me..."You are in Tri-Focals for a reason......they CAN fix your long distance, and I understand when you are no longer staring at a computer for 9 hours a day.....but you will still need reading glasses......" My thoughts were "well, that would be fi…

  • Trailplace 1997-2014 ???

    OzJacko - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Rasty: “Quote from rhjanes: “Yeah, but note that it is an AND condition. "Post Count = 0 AND not logged on for a year" that doesn't "delete" the lurkers, as they still logon. And, I don't know how many users are on here. Mostly what I saw was stuff like...well....WB......25000 "users"....but if they'd run the query, it would be 11000!!!! ” I can prune those that have never posted and not logged in in the last 12 months. We would cut about 60% of the "users". ” You would probably delet…

  • 2017 I will be 60

    OzJacko - - Continental Divide Trail


    I liked that but I wish the accordionist kept her mouth shut. Her voice grated.

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    OzJacko - - Coffee Talk


    It used to be golf before hiking. Missus never liked it so ditched that as too selfish. Promptly left her for 6 months hiking in a foreign land. Not a lot of time for much beyond maintaining the house and yard at the moment. Building vegetable garden and chicken coop. Building trail in my own forest. Basically becoming a professional trail angel. I don't consider the paid for bit being trail magic but I do lots of extras for free. Getting into bird watching - have identified about 25 species in …

  • the football thread

    OzJacko - - Coffee Talk


    I am not so benevolent towards Peyton. He annoys me to be honest. Go Panthers. By the way, it doesn't make news here until the day. Where is the Super Bowl being played this year?

  • 2017 I will be 60

    OzJacko - - Continental Divide Trail


    Quote from Drybones: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Y'all are making me feel better about turning 50 (in a few more years) . ” I'm glad for you, but they're not helping me much, I turn 67 in a few days ” Quote from JimBlue: “Quote from Drybones: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Y'all are making me feel better about turning 50 (in a few more years) . ” I'm glad for you, but they're not helping me much, I turn 67 in a few days ” Not by much Drybones but I'm older than you. ” Yeah but you guys make me feel bette…

  • Trailplace 1997-2014 ???

    OzJacko - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from LIhikers: “Quote from OzJacko: “Quote from odd man out: “Which got me to thinking, how many people are on this site? There are 280 members listed, but only 175 have actually posted. And of those, only a small fraction are "regulars". The top 8 posters account for 50% of the posts. The top 20 posters account for 82% of the posts. The top 28 posters account for 90% of the posts. The top half account for 99.81% of the posts. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…9de2f1ca32fe3e472c94077b3 ” This…

  • Trailplace 1997-2014 ???

    OzJacko - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from odd man out: “Which got me to thinking, how many people are on this site? There are 280 members listed, but only 175 have actually posted. And of those, only a small fraction are "regulars". The top 8 posters account for 50% of the posts. The top 20 posters account for 82% of the posts. The top 28 posters account for 90% of the posts. The top half account for 99.81% of the posts. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…9de2f1ca32fe3e472c94077b3 ” This is probably normal for most forums. You wo…

  • 2017 I will be 60

    OzJacko - - Continental Divide Trail


    I am 60 in 3 months. I am here.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    OzJacko - - General


    Quote from Foresight: “Yesterday I had the AC on in the truck as it was high 60's with bluebird skies and the sun was cooking the inside. I got out to topo a mountain side lot with 6" of snow still on the ground. Weird day with treacherous footing. ” I live in Australia. I nevet turn my aircon off. Even on wet days you use aircon with a bit of heat added. The aircon dehumidifies the air and demists the windscreen faster.

  • Mind you having said all that I would seriously consider a southbound hike next time. But I find Springer less than inspiring as a finish point. Harpers Ferry likewise. Some sort of flip flop using Mt Washington could inspire me. Start my hike with a cog railway ride up and finish with another down. I could moon it twice from the inside.

  • Quote from Astro: “Quote from PaulMags: “THere are some people who geniunely love winter backpacking. It can be great. I do it myself.. But most thru-hikers would be better off waiting until at least March, or better yet, April, and then start. A five month thru-hike will get you to Maine by mid- September. ” In the back of my mind in the future I wold love to do an AT Thru (need to finish the last 751 miles of my section first and get the rest of the boys into college). While I would love to st…

  • the football thread

    OzJacko - - Coffee Talk


    Go Panthers. Time for Peyton to cop the hits....

  • By the way I wasn't suggesting TW was preaching. To be honest I haven't even read the articles yet (it's been a busy week), but LW's response highlighted that one person's complete conviction (i.e. treating water in this case), is not necessarily a fact for one and all. I love her writing style and wish I could lock her up for 3 months to help me write my book.

  • the football thread

    OzJacko - - Coffee Talk


    I reckon Blue Jay will at least be happy over the number of times Brady was hit. Belichek will tweak the team for next season and we'll be back.

  • the football thread

    OzJacko - - Coffee Talk


    Still reigning champs for a couple of weeks. I'm wearing the cap. Almost looked like overtime was going to happen. Can't win 'em all. Always next year. First game of our football season in 2 months. Go Dockers!

  • Anti-fogging paste for glasses

    OzJacko - - Gear


    I'm serious though. Try it. It works.

  • Anti-fogging paste for glasses

    OzJacko - - Gear


    I spit on mine. Works well.

  • Why I don't backpack in Africa

    OzJacko - - Hiking Humor


    Quote from Mountain-Mike: “PooFan ” Perhaps this is a factor in the low numbers of black hikers?