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  • Naughty or Nice?

    LIhikers - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from IMScotty: “Thanks for the tip LI Hikers ”

  • Naughty or Nice?

    LIhikers - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from IMScotty: “So my gifts were only peripherally hiking related. This canvas mushroom bag my wife got me for my mushroom forays, but it should be handy for grocery shopping to... appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…39fb290f88ee52d1e6a66742f and this metal enameled bird cup... appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…39fb290f88ee52d1e6a66742f Only problem with the bird cup is that it is for European birds. So it is not going to up my birding game unless I travel to Europe. Come to think of it, not a bad…

  • Happy Holiday

    LIhikers - - General


    Here's wishing each and every one of us a healthy and happy 2021. May the coming year be better than the one going out !

  • And In Other News

    LIhikers - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “Interesting debate about how to best distribute the Covid vaccine. Right now the Govt expects to have 40 million doses of vaccine by the end of the year. They plan on vaccinating 20 million people, and holding onto the remaining 20 million doses and giving them to the same people in a month. But a Pfizer Board Member says to vaccinate 35 million people immediately, and assume that enough vaccine will be made to give to these people in a month. He says in makes sense to get…

  • Knead Bread

    LIhikers - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “ ...............I wish I had the drive and brains to make it a business but don’t. I also think it would take the joy out of bread baking so I’ll stick with giving it away. ” Smart lady.

  • "Where am I Now?"

    LIhikers - - General


    I don't have a clue as I've never been south of Harper's Ferry, on the trail. I guess I could throw a dart at a map of the trail and guess where ever the dart lands. Oh wait., I don't have any darts.

  • Naughty or Nice?

    LIhikers - - Coffee Talk


    Astro and Jimmyjam have good suggestions !

  • Naughty or Nice?

    LIhikers - - Coffee Talk


    I don't really participate on gift giving or encourage others to do it since all the kids in our extended family are adults. Back when I used to give gifts I always felt under tremendous pressure, it ruined the whole holiday for me. So one year I announced to everyone that I was done giving gifts, yes I still love you but I won't be giving you anymore gifts and suggest you don't get me anything. For a couple of years I still got stuff but eventually everyone realized that I was serious. Doing th…

  • A New National Park (and Preserve)

    LIhikers - - General


    nothing critical actually shuts down and all government employees will get paid, not to worry. The older I get the more I think we're better off the less they do, with-in reason.

  • New Year Goals

    LIhikers - - Coffee Talk


    I like your idea about goals better than resolutions. It seems much more doable to have a set of goals rather than 1 big resolution.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    LIhikers - - General


    Quote from IMScotty: “Here in Boston the plan is for pouring rain and wind gusts up to 65 mph on Christmas morning. They are expecting plenty of power outages from this. I do pity the socially isolated elderly sitting home alone this Christmas. ” Ditto to all IMScotty said above

  • welcome to the cafe

    LIhikers - - Coffee Talk


    the cafe is running at full speed..........

  • DIY

    LIhikers - - General


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “I haven’t done any DIY lately, at least nothing related to hiking, but I’m about to start a repair job on my hiking pole, does that count? Wish me luck. ” Sure it counts as long as you DIY.

  • New Year Goals

    LIhikers - - Coffee Talk


    Loosing weight is my resolution. I've gained about 12-13 pounds since the summer and they've got to go.

  • Christmas 2020

    LIhikers - - General


    I want to wish a happy and healthy and blessed Christmas to those who celebrate the holiday.

  • Ozark Highlands Trail

    LIhikers - - Trip Report


    Astro, sorry to hear about your loss.

  • DIY

    LIhikers - - General


    I think you just started the DIY section.

  • A New National Park (and Preserve)

    LIhikers - - General


    I bet there's all sorts of things buried in the covid relief bill that we're not being told about.

  • Took a walk today

    LIhikers - - General


    Karhy and I have been to Newport. The "cottages" are amazing are amazing. Did you find the part of town where the houses are from the 1600s ?

  • welcome to the cafe

    LIhikers - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from IMScotty: “Opening the Cafe web site has been painfully slow for me today. Other sites seem fine. Have the Russians hacked our little operation here too? ” been slow for me too, but worth the wait !