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  • Record Attempts?

    Mountain-Mike - - General


    I think it all comes down to numbers. They are getting to bigger than some places can asorb. Look at spring at the start. Numbers overweal shelter space & camping around them. But it comes down to a small percentage of bad people. With largerer numbers of people you get an higher amount of mor bad people. When there were only a few someone might overlook a bad hiker as someone uncommon. When hit with it more and more the tollerance goes down. hen we add the hikers that fell they are entitled bec…

  • My Next 8-10 days

    Mountain-Mike - - Trip Planning


    Quote from JimBlue: “Quote from max.patch: “everybody at whiteblaze is an expert -- just ask em! ” They certainly seem to argue a great deal. I prefer this, the happy forum. ” We have no reason to argue. We all know we are doing it wrong & admit it. They say admitting it...wait I goofed up again... wrong forum...

  • Give us links & an instructon post/vidio on how you do this.

  • Clarity on an AT thru-hike

    Mountain-Mike - - Trip Report


    Was just thinking State park wasn't free but very cheap $5 I think. Other places in VT. Goddard Shelter/Glastonberry MT PlAN A STAY HERE IF YOU CAN. I was on an epic slackpack & wished I had brought my pack. I would have stayed. Stratton Pond. Great sunset over the pond! But it's a busy & charged site. Clarendon Gorge. Camping no longer allowed there but plan time for a swim & get a water massage under one of the small waterfalls.

  • Your fee campsite is a very plasible route, Many have great sunrise/sunset great pic potential. I'll PM ypu a link to legal stealh sites. They are few and far between in the Whites unless yo speend some time searchinhg

  • When frieds sy they are to old to hike I always think of a conversation I had with Brice. He's a double Triple Crowner. Hiked all three twice, I met him & hiked with him some on the PCT. Last time I saw him at an ALDHA-West meeting in OR I asked what he had hiked that summer. He told me what he did, & shrugge & said it really beat him up! He couldn't do any more long distanec hikes at his age. Nothing over 500 miles! I hope I can hike like him! He was 84 at the time!

  • Clarity on an AT thru-hike

    Mountain-Mike - - Trip Report


    When I stoped their bailing from the Long Trail I had their Irish Stew...Devine! With a room you got a free breakfast in their rock dining room. Something you must see!

  • Clarity on an AT thru-hike

    Mountain-Mike - - Trip Report


    I'm sure you heard of Jeff's place by now in Manchester. I never got to stay there but had planned to a few times & like his attitude from emails we exchged. When you get to RT 4 in VT I recomend the Inn at the Long Trail & their Pub. They do offer free camping on the rass lot across the road from them but it can be a bit noisy with trucks crawling up the mountain. Another option close by is the State Park. Discounted thru hiker spots, coin showers & just 1/2 mile to great store/deli/liquor stor…

  • Record Attempts?

    Mountain-Mike - - General


    I hope BSP fines Kyle for sneaking his dog ino the park. Proof should be in his book. Other websites have posted celebration pics & said why him. I think BSP just said enough is enough. He broke the rules & got fined. Kinda lke speeding. A lot of us do it but only a few get caught. To condone breaking the rules & possibly risking other hiker chance to end their hike at Katahdin is just very selfish as far as I' concerned. I think the ATC & ALDHA should step up & teach LNT & hiker abassador train…

  • welcome to the cafe

    Mountain-Mike - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Grinder: “youtube.com/watch?v=styiDn7YKhE ” It's an awesome hike & terrain is easier than AT allowing for higher milage depending on snow year. You do have lond section without water, but that has chsned a lot due to trail angels.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Mountain-Mike - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from hikerboy: “youtube.com/watch?v=i42cfuc4jW4 ” Does he get another run or extra points for it?

  • I consider chances of getting bit by a snke about nil while hiking. I have walked by several rattlesnakes tht I never whould have known agout if not for other hikers. The few times I was rattled at was because I stopped in what they considered their danger zone. A step or two aside averted all danger even though I was initially in striking distance. I've even had two encounters with the "Agressive" & highly tocix Green Mojave Diamondback. Just leaving it alone prevnted a bite. Unless you mess wi…

  • welcome to the cafe

    Mountain-Mike - - Coffee Talk


    I thnk you have your bases covered!

  • Health

    Mountain-Mike - - General


    I know the feeling. Just everyday life on Fort Bastion means cuts & abrasions on the arms & normally some poison ivy someplace. Life was easier when I was pretty much immune to it & healed quicker.

  • Record Attempts?

    Mountain-Mike - - General


    When the former govener donated the land it was more for a wilderness preserve. Humans were to come 2nd. Their land, their rules. Play by them or stay home. To me it's just that simple. To put Scott's fine in perspective: When I was doing property management a resteraunt had a used grease barrel outside. It is considered hazardous waste (unknown to us & many others from what I have seen). As property owner we were fined & had to build a shelter & containment system for it. We had a Enviromental …

  • welcome to the cafe

    Mountain-Mike - - Coffee Talk


    Without dogs on the property wildlife has climbed. Barley a day goes by that I don't see a deer within 50 feet of me, Even when I don't it's nawings are evident. I have a bear I have seen once & smelled a few time on the property. Mostly peacefull with too many songbirds chirping all the time.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Mountain-Mike - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from Mountain-Mike: “WTF happened? did the new grolla scare thr polar bear awy. I'm lost been spending my time at Fort Bastion ofline, get me up to date! ” you still at fort bastian? ” Yes. still working on the cabins. I had wanted to finish Nigels cabin with homegrown stock. Got some lumber cut & chainsaw siezed up. Need a bigger saw. Off to prepping for Sturgis now. When I retun it will be with materials for roof on Nigels cabin. He said make it my own. but it will …

  • welcome to the cafe

    Mountain-Mike - - Coffee Talk


    WTF happened? did the new grolla scare thr polar bear awy. I'm lost been spending my time at Fort Bastion ofline, get me up to date!

  • Yogiing

    Mountain-Mike - - General


    Shush your mouth woman! I've spent decades building my hiker & biker facades

  • Yogiing

    Mountain-Mike - - General


    To me Yoging is to get help without diretling asking for it. It can be food at a barbeque, thus the name. I have mostly ben BOO BOO, My hiker companions (usually female) have alway surpassed my skills, On my attemped thru of the PCT when most were pushing ahead a few days I decided since my back was hurting I was going to bail where I was at a FS car campground & look for a ride. Cindy, a social butterfly I had been hiking with for a few hundred miles came back to me within two hourss & had me a…