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Maine SoBo trip report rated G

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    • Maine SoBo trip report

      milkman wrote:

      BirdBrain wrote:

      milkman wrote:

      Somewhat off topic question but I thought I might get your attention here better. Feel free to answer in another thread and direct me there. How are you getting the pics to load here? I keep getting errors. Simplistic step by step if you don't mind.

      Thread drift is allowed in my thread.
      Under the message area there is an attachments section.
      Click the Add File box. This will open another window.
      Navigate to compatible file. I only upload jpeg.
      Double click on desired picture (or single click and select open).
      File should now be listed in Attachments area.
      Click on Insert box. This will put file in Message box.
      Add caption under file in Message box.
      Repeat for more pictures.
      When done, click on Submit box and wait.
      Be patient after this step. it may take time.
      Works for me.

      I'm trying this in a second window. I've tried it exactly this way to no avail except for adding caption. I wait and wait as you say but I always get error message. I will try again with caption.

      It's a problem with the size of the pictures. You need to get the pictures to be around 100kb. I'm working on it.
      Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
      Dr. Seuss Cof123
    • Maine SoBo trip report

      Rasty wrote:

      milkman wrote:

      BirdBrain wrote:

      milkman wrote:

      Somewhat off topic question but I thought I might get your attention here better. Feel free to answer in another thread and direct me there. How are you getting the pics to load here? I keep getting errors. Simplistic step by step if you don't mind.

      Thread drift is allowed in my thread.
      Under the message area there is an attachments section.
      Click the Add File box. This will open another window.
      Navigate to compatible file. I only upload jpeg.
      Double click on desired picture (or single click and select open).
      File should now be listed in Attachments area.
      Click on Insert box. This will put file in Message box.
      Add caption under file in Message box.
      Repeat for more pictures.
      When done, click on Submit box and wait.
      Be patient after this step. it may take time.
      Works for me.

      I'm trying this in a second window. I've tried it exactly this way to no avail except for adding caption. I wait and wait as you say but I always get error message. I will try again with caption.

      It's a problem with the size of the pictures. You need to get the pictures to be around 100kb. I'm working on it.

      Okie dokie. Ranks Thasty!
      Changes Daily→ ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫ ♪♫♪♫♪♫ ← Don't blame me. It's That Lonesome Guitar.
    • Maine SoBo trip report

      BirdBrain wrote:

      Rasty, I thought you fixed it. I am not resizing anything and it works fine here. I must be doing something wrong. gif.001

      What browser are you using BB?
      Hey Rasty - do you think it has anything to do with browsers? I noticed GB was able to upload pics and Coach and others are not. I'm using IE11 - ELEVEN I say - ELEVEN!
      Changes Daily→ ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫ ♪♫♪♫♪♫ ← Don't blame me. It's That Lonesome Guitar.
    • Maine SoBo trip report

      milkman wrote:

      BirdBrain wrote:

      Rasty, I thought you fixed it. I am not resizing anything and it works fine here. I must be doing something wrong. gif.001

      What browser are you using BB?
      Hey Rasty - do you think it has anything to do with browsers? I noticed GB was able to upload pics and Coach and others are not. I'm using IE11 - ELEVEN I say - ELEVEN!

      FireFox 25.0.1
      Non hikers are about a psi shy of a legal ball.
    • Maine SoBo trip report

      BirdBrain wrote:

      milkman wrote:

      BirdBrain wrote:

      Rasty, I thought you fixed it. I am not resizing anything and it works fine here. I must be doing something wrong. gif.001

      What browser are you using BB?
      Hey Rasty - do you think it has anything to do with browsers? I noticed GB was able to upload pics and Coach and others are not. I'm using IE11 - ELEVEN I say - ELEVEN!

      FireFox 25.0.1

      BB, when I use Firefox I can't view videos on this website. I'm having to view the café using IE. Do you have this problem?
    • Maine SoBo trip report

      TrainWreck wrote:

      BirdBrain wrote:

      milkman wrote:

      BirdBrain wrote:

      Rasty, I thought you fixed it. I am not resizing anything and it works fine here. I must be doing something wrong. gif.001

      What browser are you using BB?
      Hey Rasty - do you think it has anything to do with browsers? I noticed GB was able to upload pics and Coach and others are not. I'm using IE11 - ELEVEN I say - ELEVEN!

      FireFox 25.0.1

      BB, when I use Firefox I can't view videos on this website. I'm having to view the café using IE. Do you have this problem?

      No problems viewing here.
      Should I be posting another day yet?
      Non hikers are about a psi shy of a legal ball.
    • Maine SoBo trip report

      BirdBrain wrote:

      TrainWreck wrote:

      BirdBrain wrote:

      milkman wrote:

      BirdBrain wrote:

      Rasty, I thought you fixed it. I am not resizing anything and it works fine here. I must be doing something wrong. gif.001

      What browser are you using BB?
      Hey Rasty - do you think it has anything to do with browsers? I noticed GB was able to upload pics and Coach and others are not. I'm using IE11 - ELEVEN I say - ELEVEN!

      FireFox 25.0.1

      BB, when I use Firefox I can't view videos on this website. I'm having to view the café using IE. Do you have this problem?

      No problems viewing here.
      Should I be posting another day yet?

      You might want to wait one more day so everyone can get a chance to view the last post. In my opinion, that set of photos and your account are some of the best yet, and I'd hate for them to get overlooked by accident, if someone sees another entry too soon and doesn't look back.

      Take the day off ;)
    • Maine SoBo trip report

      TrainWreck wrote:

      BirdBrain wrote:

      TrainWreck wrote:

      BirdBrain wrote:

      milkman wrote:

      BirdBrain wrote:

      Rasty, I thought you fixed it. I am not resizing anything and it works fine here. I must be doing something wrong. gif.001

      What browser are you using BB?
      Hey Rasty - do you think it has anything to do with browsers? I noticed GB was able to upload pics and Coach and others are not. I'm using IE11 - ELEVEN I say - ELEVEN!

      FireFox 25.0.1

      BB, when I use Firefox I can't view videos on this website. I'm having to view the café using IE. Do you have this problem?

      No problems viewing here.
      Should I be posting another day yet?

      You might want to wait one more day so everyone can get a chance to view the last post. In my opinion, that set of photos and your account are some of the best yet, and I'd hate for them to get overlooked by accident, if someone sees another entry too soon and doesn't look back.

      Take the day off ;)

      Okay. I will. I hope that Trillium is keeping up.
      By the way, I think the pictures taken in the Mahoosucs are the best. Those will be attached to the final two days.

      Off to see a Hobbit battle a dragon.
      Non hikers are about a psi shy of a legal ball.
    • Maine SoBo trip report

      July 26

      We were headed into the mountains. Up until now, we had seen about 25,000 feet of ups and 29,000 feet of downs. From here to the Maine border we would face about 30,000 feet of both in 11 days. We were carrying 9 days of supplies. the Mahoosucs would have to wait to later. But I am getting ahead of myself.

      In all my planning, the Crockers scared me the most. Our packs were going to be heavy as we climbed over 2 more 4000' hills. But we were ready. We were no longer scared. The first 1.5 miles were steep, but manageable. The next 2 miles looked fine. They were not. For what seemed like forever, we were walking on a path that slanted hard to the right. I would take any up or down over that section. The next 2 miles were very steep again.

      Were we not tired as we reached the peak of North Crocker. We looked for a view, but none was to had. This was in part due to the trees and in part because of the cloud we were in. Next up was a short steep down. I was in trouble when we reached the bottom. My left quad was killing me again. A redhead woman passed me on the next up. I made the mistake of mentioning my agony. More on that later. The up to South Crocker was steep, but again manageable. The down was another matter.

      As we descended, I told my partner that I would meet him at Crocker Cirque Campground. I cannot describe the pain of that down. I was shaking like a leaf and sweating bullets. I tried to put on a happy face as hikers breezed by me in both directions. Happily at the campsite, we set up on the best platform. As you arrive at the campsite, turn right and cross the brook. That is by far the best site. We set up camp just in time for a downpour. Timing is everything and it was perfect again. I took a quick nap and let me leg rest.

      The brook next to our platform was incredible. I have never see clearer water. It almost look like it was not there. We filtered it anyways. Having had the bug once, I have no intentions of getting it again. Overkill? Absolutely. But hey, I'm carrying the filter anyways and I am in no hurry.

      This day like the next two were difficult. Not because of the terrain, but rather because of the plight of InchWorm. I grilled every person I met. I went into this day telling myself she would be fine. Our expectations were a quick happy resolution. I was fully expecting to see her with a twisted ankle or taking longer than she hoped. I did not look at where I was walking much. Instead I scoured the trail for fall hazards and gear. This is not a good plan. I fell more times, looking elsewhere over these 3 days, than I did on the entire rest of my walk.

      I met the redhead several times over the next few days. She was taking in all the 4000' hills in Maine. I gave her as much good information as I had. I also mentioned my leg too many times. The result was I became two separate people in her journal. I was a talkative but helpful SoBo. I was also a complainer. Oh well. I should heed her criticism and not dwell on the ache in my leg that persisted for several more days. Therefore I won't. Tomorrow would feature 2 more 4000' hills and the steepest half mile on the AT in Maine.
      Non hikers are about a psi shy of a legal ball.
    • Maine SoBo trip report

      Astro wrote:

      BB, you realize you have set the standard so high with your pictures and post, that the rest of us are going to feel really challenged with posting a trip report.

      It is my intent to challenge. However, I have little doubt others will be able to meet or exceed the standard I have set.

      By the way, I was dismayed when I thought you were gone. This place needs all its Café members and more.
      Non hikers are about a psi shy of a legal ball.
    • Maine SoBo trip report

      Astro wrote:

      BB, you realize you have set the standard so high with your pictures and post, that the rest of us are going to feel really challenged with posting a trip report.

      I know, I'm getting stage fright just thinking about following his act. Must concentrate...I know I can do this....ok, deep breath....here goes. My first draft!

      Train Wreck go hiking in New Hampshire. White Mountains are big big mountains. Me fall down go ouch. Me have beer with OzJacko and friends. Me hike more. Stay at big lodge on top of mountain. Me have more beers with Oz. Me like beer. Me not like rocks and roots. Me climb more rocks. Ride in big van see mooses. Me decide Oz doing it right Train Wreck doing it wrong. Me order another beer.

      What do you think? Feel free to critique. Just remember, I got your karma :evil:
    • Maine SoBo trip report

      TrainWreck wrote:

      Astro wrote:

      BB, you realize you have set the standard so high with your pictures and post, that the rest of us are going to feel really challenged with posting a trip report.

      I know, I'm getting stage fright just thinking about following his act. Must concentrate...I know I can do this....ok, deep breath....here goes. My first draft!

      Train Wreck go hiking in New Hampshire. White Mountains are big big mountains. Me fall down go ouch. Me have beer with OzJacko and friends. Me hike more. Stay at big lodge on top of mountain. Me have more beers with Oz. Me like beer. Me not like rocks and roots. Me climb more rocks. Ride in big van see mooses. Me decide Oz doing it right Train Wreck doing it wrong. Me order another beer.

      What do you think? Feel free to critique. Just remember, I got your karma :evil:
      it sucks.
      its all good
    • Maine SoBo trip report

      hikerboy wrote:

      TrainWreck wrote:

      Astro wrote:

      BB, you realize you have set the standard so high with your pictures and post, that the rest of us are going to feel really challenged with posting a trip report.

      I know, I'm getting stage fright just thinking about following his act. Must concentrate...I know I can do this....ok, deep breath....here goes. My first draft!

      Train Wreck go hiking in New Hampshire. White Mountains are big big mountains. Me fall down go ouch. Me have beer with OzJacko and friends. Me hike more. Stay at big lodge on top of mountain. Me have more beers with Oz. Me like beer. Me not like rocks and roots. Me climb more rocks. Ride in big van see mooses. Me decide Oz doing it right Train Wreck doing it wrong. Me order another beer.

      What do you think? Feel free to critique. Just remember, I got your karma :evil:
      it sucks.

      I'd like a second opinion!
    • Re:Maine SoBo trip report rated G

      TrainWreck wrote:

      BirdBrain wrote:

      TrainWreck wrote:

      hikerboy wrote:

      Okay it really sucks

      sent from the seat of. my pants

      Holding out for a third!

      Best report I have ever read.

      Why thank you!
      I don't know which is harder, fishing for compliments or trolling for truth! :unsure:

      I was doing neither. I was trolling for thank you's and karma and cookies.
      Non hikers are about a psi shy of a legal ball.
    • Re:Maine SoBo trip report rated G

      BirdBrain wrote:

      TrainWreck wrote:

      BirdBrain wrote:

      TrainWreck wrote:

      hikerboy wrote:

      Okay it really sucks

      sent from the seat of. my pants

      Holding out for a third!

      Best report I have ever read.

      Why thank you!
      I don't know which is harder, fishing for compliments or trolling for truth! :unsure:

      I was doing neither. I was trolling for thank you's and karma.

      "And you shall have them both", she quoth
    • Re:Maine SoBo trip report rated G

      Not sure if interest has waned. It appears we have more to do on this site. That may be what is happening. Either way, I am going to knock out the last few days as I have time. Days will stack up. I need to get this trip report done though. :dry:
      Non hikers are about a psi shy of a legal ball.
    • Re:Maine SoBo trip report rated G

      July 27

      Hiked to Spaulding Lean-to and took in 2 more Blues Blazed 4000' hills. The weather continued to be good but with passing low clouds. Living on the coast all my life, I never realized how low these things were. Many times on our walk, we would walk into a cloud at about 2000' and out of it around 4000'. Maybe it was just the weather pattern we were in.

      The walk down from Crocker Cirque to Caribou Valley Road and the South Branch of the Carrabassett River was okay. One note on the Carrabassett River: I have heard many people talk about the difficulty of crossing this spot and that InchWorm could have fallen there. I suppose anything is possible. I saw no such danger when I crossed it. It was one of our easier crossings and the conditions would have been similar to when she crossed (if she made it that far). Furthermore, there would have been debris somewhere.

      On the way down we crossed paths with another NoBo. Of course I grilled him. He said he believed she was on the hill he just came down. He seemed very sure of this. It was his opinion that what he just descended represented the greatest fall hazard with the densest landing area of any spot she could possibly encounter. After climbing the first ascent up Sugarloaf, I had to agree with his assessment of the hill. In this spot you climb about 1000' in less than a half mile. If a person was to fall here, they could easily roll over the top of jammed packed short firs for several hundred yards and settle into a spot where you might not ever be seen. I would learn later that it was very unlikely that she made it that far though.

      The short steep scramble up to the saddle of Sugarloaf represented our only challenge of the day. The rest of the walking was relatively easy. At the Blue Blaze to the summit of Sugarloaf we stowed our packs only feet from the trail. The firs were so dense, it made for an easy concealment. The climb up Sugarloaf is only about 0.6 miles. It is a very easy detour when you are not carrying a pack. This is the 2nd highest peak in Maine. I highly recommend it.

      We lingered on top of Sugarloaf, explored the vacant deserted building, and headed back down. In about another 2 miles we took the "0.1" mile detour to Spaulding Mountain. Given the supposed short distance , we kept our packs on. The distance was much further than the advertised distance. I would estimate at least 3 times what was suggested. There is no view from the top of this "4000'er". It is only 3988' high. Somehow that is high enough for the AMC to count it as a 4000' hill. A short detour from the peak does offer a good view of Sugarloaf.

      Finally after taking in the views, we were at Spaulding Lean-to. There we met Good News Tom. Tom is a Gideon in his late 60's. A very pleasant man. We walked with him for a few days. We took so many Blue Blaze detours, our schedules matched for a while. That night I introduced him to my campfires. I would haul wood for a half an hour or better and break it up for another 15 minutes or so. I love a good campfire. Given that we were not swimming of late, I needed all the hiker deodorant I could get.

      All day long we watched the white helicopter search for Inchworm. All day long our hopes diminished. I was certain a happy ending would have occurred by now. It did not. Tomorrow we would walk through the area she probably when missing in.
      Non hikers are about a psi shy of a legal ball.
    • Re:Maine SoBo trip report rated G

      July 28

      As usual, we were up early and gone while others were just rolling out of tents and lean-to. Several of the late arrivers the night before were complaining about Lone Mountain. Looking at the elevation profiles, I thought they would going to love the Crockers. But before we experienced Lone, we had to take another Blue Blaze.

      The Blue Blaze to Mount Abraham is only 0.9 miles from the Spaulding Mountain Lean-to. The path to this next 4000'er is 1.7 miles one way. Again, without a pack it is a piece of cake. Hiding a pack here proved more difficult. The woods are no where near as dense as on Sugarloaf. We loitered at the first peak we came to. There was a small town below. I think it is Philips. Kingfield is visible from the main peak. After a while I asked my partner where the sign was that marked the peak. Turns out we were not there yet. The real peak was in the distance. It was obscured by a large patch of bushes on the false peak.

      We made our way up to the real peak. Between the peaks is a small section of trees and bushes. I normally was the leader of late. One of the leader's duties is to catch all the spider webs in the face. I did my best to avoid them. In this small patch of woods, I saw a huge dense web about eye level. I ducked under it and waited for the results. The cursing and yelling from my partner a minute later told me my ploy worked. I asked him later about it. He said it wrapped around his face. Success.

      Mount Abraham is covered in huge boulders. The footing is not great. However, the view is fantastic. Once again we were treated with clouds pouring up and over hills. This slow motion spectacle never gets old. After an hour of gazing and a short call to my sister, it was time to head down.

      The two downs to Orbeton Stream were steep, but not as bad as the Nobo's had made them out to be. Of course they were going up at the end of a day. We were headed down at the beginning of a day. It is all relative. We passed 2 search parties on the way down. One was headed for Spaulding Lean-to. The other was spread out sweeping along Sluice Brook. My partner was ahead of me. We filled our water bottles at the bottom and headed up.

      Almost immediately we ran into a youth group coming down to the stream. I motioned them by, but the leader would have none of it. He insisted that we pass. A word of advice to the leaders of such groups. It is easier for one or two people to find a place to get out of the way than it is for 25 to find such places. Please let the small group allow you to pass. It is so much easier. We ran into several of these polite groups on our walk across Maine.

      Half way up the first climb to Poplar Ridge, we passed Good News Tom. He was doing fine, but going slow. I hope I do as well at 68 as he was doing. All the way up we were being buzzed by the white helicopter. It is a gratuitous thing, but on the second hill I started seeing inchworms (the real creatures) hanging from limbs. Perhaps I had not noticed them before. But now they seemed everywhere. I am not saying anything here other than that I had not seen them until then. The timing was sad and seemed a bit curious.

      Today's forecast called for rain. It did not. We had another great campfire. The helicopter buzzed it several times. The lean-to ended up being full that night. That's okay. We don't do lean-tos. I am leaving a few details out about people I met and things that were said. It would take to long to explain all that I heard and the groups I met. We all know the results. InchWorm was not found. Tomorrow we would head south of where she was last seen.
      Non hikers are about a psi shy of a legal ball.