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3 Generations Were Asked The Same Question- What The Youngest Generation Answers Is Troubling

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    • 3 Generations Were Asked The Same Question- What The Youngest Generation Answers Is Troubling


      As part of a campaign hoping to inspire the rediscovery of nature (#RediscoverNature), Nature Valleyasked three different generations the same question: What did/do you like to do for fun as a kid?
      All three generations took the time to answer the question, with the two older generations offering relatively similar answers to one another. The difference came in the answers given by the youngest group. We all know we live in a world overrun by technology, but hearing it firsthand, especially in comparison to another, more connected way of being, is quite the profound experience.
      Check out the video and see what you think about the generational difference:

      Having grown up in an era where a great deal of the technology available today was either just being developed or already available (though not nearly as impressively as it is now), this was certainly interesting to watch. As much as television, video games, and other digital forms of entertainment played a prominent role in my life, I’m incredibly grateful for the amount of time I spent away from the digital world.
      Playing sports with my friends, building snow forts, and lazily spending time at the local park were a big part of my childhood and the thought of it no longer being as prominent in children’s lives is scary. Especially when we remind ourselves of studies such as this one, which revealed that cell phone use in children and teens translates to an increased risk of brain cancer development.
      Even though these testimonies seemed rehearsed, the message behind them is undoubtedly accurate, and the intention behind the video, I felt, was worth sharing. If you have children, don’t just encourage them to connect with the outdoors. Spend time with them out there. Show them rather than telling themhow great it is and how much you enjoy it, share with them what you once did for fun and give them the opportunity to make it their own.
      its all good
    • Interesting, depressing but interesting. I have a 9 year old son who is growing up in the digital world. He has a Ipad and a Iphone. The Iphone was my idea since I'm paranoid and when he has it with him I can track exactly where he is. I also have it linked to mine so I see his text messages without him knowing. He's my kid and I will do what I can to protect him. Like with so many other things in this world proper education, moderation and common sense and not too mention parental oversite make a huge difference. Parents should not be letting their kids play video games for countless hours on end, nor should they allow young children to play violent games like Call of Duty. Glad to say that my 9 year old has played 13 seasons of baseball, now also plays football, and has almost 100 miles on the AT completed. Its all about balance.
    • Rather bullsh!t video actually. Agendas, expected results and all of that...

      I tend to be of three thoughts on this --

      First off if one is concerned that their kids spend too much time in front of the tv, texting or playing video games, then stop using technology as a babysitter. A child's involvment in other activities is directly porportional to how involved a parent is with their kids.

      Second kids still have undeveloped brains and intellect. They are rather selfish, live in the now and lack any real concept of the past or the future. They are incapable of answering the such a question with any understanding of what it really means. Atleast the parents and the grandparents have time to reflect on as they answer the question. I do not expect thoughtful or insightful answers from kids.

      All this hand wringing over technology does get old and comes off more as whiny bitchy curmudgeons upset about the newfangled music. So on Friday camped somewhere south of The Priest Mt shelter I am going to play Missile Command, while listening to ABBA and laying in my hammock, just to piss someone off.
      Of course I talk to myself... sometimes I need expert advice.
    • I cant hear a whippoorwill without thinking about turkey hunting. I get out early enough that I can make coffee well before daylight. The whippoorwills always crank up while the water is heating. Sometime shortly after the plunger falls the cardinals start up and the gobblers fall in line right behind them.
      If your Doctor is a tree, you're on acid.
    • i remember when my own kids went through a phase when they were on line most of the night.i kept telling them to remember that while theyre on line, real life is going on. eventually they grew out of it. also living at the beach is conducive to spending a lot of time outdoors.
      but now my 3 yr old grandaughter fia can navigate a tablet better than i can. we take her to zoos, parks, the beach, and she gets plenty of exposure.my daughter limits her time with both tablet and tv.
      i worry that kids will not be able to open up their imagination while undergoing informational overload.
      video games allow us to live out a fantasy,creating those fantasies for us, but when we were kids, we created our own fantasies.
      its all good
    • We had 3 tv stations when mom bought our first television. One didn't come in well unless there was a hunderstorm between us and the station.

      What else... bicycle down to the park by the local creek. A movie theater with one screen, movie changed on Thursday.

      Town natatorium/swimming pool had some of the coldest water south of the Arctic Circle.

      Read books. Listen to the radio, about 4 stations in the day time.

      Too expensive to call a friend on the telephone.

      Help my grandmother, or help my grandfather. Or go to the library across town.

      Thats about it.

      Internet was decades later.

      I remember when my dad got transferred... the local cable tv, that had to be explained to us, had 12 channels ! Wowsers !
      "What do you mean its sunrise already ?!", me.
    • Tuckahoe said......." So on Friday camped somewhere south of The Priest Mt shelter I am going to play Missile Command, while listening to ABBA and laying in my hammock, just to piss someone off."

      Please, not ABBA. Go ahead and play any game you like, just don't listen to that PooFan
    • LIhikers wrote:

      Tuckahoe said......." So on Friday camped somewhere south of The Priest Mt shelter I am going to play Missile Command, while listening to ABBA and laying in my hammock, just to piss someone off."

      Please, not ABBA. Go ahead and play any game you like, just don't listen to that PooFan
      I love ABBA for some reason
      Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
      Dr. Seuss Cof123
    • I play Everquest, I play AD&D, I hike and go camping. One of the biggest disappointments I have had in Everquest is they didn't come up with constellations. Just put stars up in the game world's sky at random. I've been in the woods, the mountains, sea shore, and on the plains. Both in the real world and in game. I've read books, and watched documentaries, about excersions and adventures off the map and into the middle of no where. In different centuries and on different planets. But until a total virtual environmental suit is created, and it likely wont capture the feeling anyway, I prefer to go out yonder. To the lands beyong the city lights.
      "What do you mean its sunrise already ?!", me.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by JimBlue: typos ().

    • Dmax wrote:

      .............. I remember being gone all day as long as we were home before the street lights came on. We didn't even have to be "home". We just hit our block and hung out.
      For me it was be home for dinner or I wouldn't get dinner. Same for all of my friends.
      I don't know if our moms planned it that way, but we all had dinner at 5:30PM on weeknights.
    • Rasty wrote:

      LIhikers wrote:

      Tuckahoe said......." So on Friday camped somewhere south of The Priest Mt shelter I am going to play Missile Command, while listening to ABBA and laying in my hammock, just to piss someone off."

      Please, not ABBA. Go ahead and play any game you like, just don't listen to that PooFan
      I love ABBA for some reason
      I guess somebody has to. :D
      The road to glory cannot be followed with much baggage.
      Richard Ewell, CSA General