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  • Quote from Astro: “Way this thread is going, I am going to have to buy some more popcorn. ” It's rare I come across someone so stubbornly ignorant.

  • Quote from Matt_C: “Quote from max.patch: “POINT 1. The ATC definition of a 2000 miler is someone who has hiked the ENTIRE trail -- passing all the white blazes. Period. They don't give a fat rats azz if someone spends every night in a tent or every night in a hostel. They don't care if you start in Georgia and hike continously to Maine in 5-6 months or if you take a section at a time and do it over 20 years. You can backpack every single day or day hike every single day and never spend a night …

  • Quote from Matt_C: “Quote from max.patch: “lol 1,298.4 2000 miler ” FYI Despite the AT's mileage is really 2,198.4 minus the approach trail, the 2000 miler is the official name the AT conservancy calls it.What I find funny is people who claim to have all this knowledge don't even know the proper name for what I've been talking about! ” I have no patience for stupidity. It's been entertaining watching you dig yourself into a deeper hole. But you really need to keep proofreading and editing your p…

  • Quote from Matt_C: “Quote from hikerboy: “Get back to us after your hike in 2 years and let us know how that worked out for you. You're either trolling, or you have a great deal to learn about long distance hiking. ” Gotta love the ignorance of the subject matter, once again no one is talking about distance hiking, this is about cheaters claiming yet they didn't do it You don't get to talk to me about something none of you have done yourselves so don't even come at me with that. ” I hope you are…

  • Get back to us after your hike in 2 years and let us know how that worked out for you. You're either trolling, or you have a great deal to learn about long distance hiking.

  • "Here is how to reset the trail back to the original way it is supposed to be done" What a joke. You know nothing about the origin and history of the trail.

  • Quote from Matt_C: “3 things 1. The original use for the hostels and shelters were for the forest rangers and the like so they could respond to things quicker. 2. Don't try and make this about me. You read the issue and everyone that has any form of common sense knows what I explained is a problem. With all due respect, anyone that doesn't get mad at yellowblazers, really don't have any business involving themselves in this type of conversation. So again, please don't try and make this about me.…

  • Frankly, hostels are part of the experience. My time at Kincora with Bob Peoples is still a great memory, listening to he and Seiko trade stories. And the AT was never originally intended for 2000 milers until Earl Shaefer decided it was a good idea. The AT is a narrow corridor , and is far from a wilderness, never more than a few miles away from a road crossing and civilization. It's also the most heavily used trail in the east, attracting millions of visitors a year. Thru hikers number a few t…

  • ALDHA Gathering 2023

    hikerboy - - General


    It was good to see you again, Astro. It was also good to see Mountain Mike and Lone Wolf, who I haven't seen in a while. Next Year, the Gathering will be back in Abingdon.

  • ALDHA Gathering 2023

    hikerboy - - General


    Heading down to Damascus tomorrow to visit Crazy Larry. Wednesday I'm going to hike a few miles and overnight along laurel creek. Thursday I'll hike back to the car and head over to Abingdon to help set up. I'll be camping on campus for the weekend.

  • ALDHA Gathering 2023

    hikerboy - - General


    Hey Astro, it looks like you're doing a couple of workshops this year. That's great!


    hikerboy - - AT Specific


    Check out the Google search bar today. google.com/?fpdoodle=1&doodle=258248615&hl=en&gl=US

  • Took a walk today

    hikerboy - - General


    Quote from IMScotty: “HB, That park looks beautiful. Site of future MLK weekend perhaps? Would work for me. ” No camping in Minnewaska State Park,unfortunately.

  • Stoves

    hikerboy - - Gear


    Quote from LIhikers: “A question for those who use canister stoves. My wife is wondering if that type of stove is able to simmer. I don't know so I told her I'd ask you folks. So what say ye ? And is there a make and model of canister stove that's considered better than most others ? ” Pocket rocket deluxe. rei.com/product/148209/msr-poc…CDL4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

  • Took a walk today

    hikerboy - - General


    Quote from LIhikers: “Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from LIhikers: “That's a great park, I'm glad you had a good day to enjoy it. ” I've been going up there since the '70s, it's where I first went rock climbing, before we found out rock climbing was an actual sport, and you were allowed to use ropes.WE just loved to climb stuff. But I hadn't been up there since before the pandemic, as it became so popular, it was getting too crowded for my liking.Yesterday, I met only one other hiker the entire da…

  • Took a walk today

    hikerboy - - General


    Quote from LIhikers: “That's a great park, I'm glad you had a good day to enjoy it. ” I've been going up there since the '70s, it's where I first went rock climbing, before we found out rock climbing was an actual sport, and you were allowed to use ropes.WE just loved to climb stuff. But I hadn't been up there since before the pandemic, as it became so popular, it was getting too crowded for my liking.Yesterday, I met only one other hiker the entire day. Perfect.

  • Took a walk today

    hikerboy - - General


    Yesterday I went up to Minnewaska State Park and had a perfect day for hiking-temps in the mid 60s, sunny and breezy. I hiked part of the Long Path, which has a few nice scrambles and beautiful views, including a nice panorama of the Catskills.It also goes past Rainbow Falls, but no rainbows today. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…78d0ffc1f60e5d9647560c41aappalachiantrailcafe.net/index…78d0ffc1f60e5d9647560c41aappalachiantrailcafe.net/index…78d0ffc1f60e5d9647560c41aappalachiantrailcafe.net/index…7…

  • What Are You Reading?

    hikerboy - - Books


    I take Tang on hiking trips sometimes. I don't care for the taste of aspartame or stevia, which come in most drink mixes these days.Tang is loaded with sugar, gives a nice burst of energy in the morning.But I can dilute it if I don't want that sugar spike. And it tastes delicious.

  • Bluegrass

    hikerboy - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “My daughter is seeing Billy Strings this weekend. Did she invite me? No! Instead, she invited me to cat sit. I better get a tee shirt. ” I've never seen him live, but he's been streaming many of his live shows this summer on nugs.net. "Oh, yeah, the boy can play."

  • Idaho Centennial Trail

    hikerboy - - Other Trails


    Quote from odd man out: “Quote from Astro: “Quote from IMScotty: “Sounds like great fun HB. Glad it is back on your radar. For a second I was worried that your post was saying you were gonna hike it with Amish. Ha, ha. She would kill us all. ” Only way we would have a chance of keeping up would be with like a relay against her doing it solo, and I still doubt we could keep up. ” if we were to race her up and down Angel's Landing and I took the "short cut" down, I would still lose ( in more ways …