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  • Crotch Pot

    Sarcasmtheelf - - Gear


    Is crotch pot use out of control on the trail?

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    Sarcasmtheelf - - Coffee Talk


    I like that in a single page of comments we went from quivet yarn to sweet potato pie to maim rather than kill

  • "Where am I Now?"

    Sarcasmtheelf - - General


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “My turn, my turn! ” Quote from Astro: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “Quote from Astro: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “My turn, my turn! ” Start of NY between NJ and the ice cream/hot dog places where I met up again with HB and Coach Lou.Unfortunately I missed a blaze leading to that and went to right and was climbing up limbs hanging out of rocks. I just knew it was too hard. ” A couple of states farther North. ” Then it is one in VT just a little north of…

  • Trail Sign Vandalism

    Sarcasmtheelf - - AT Specific


    When I was hiking a sobo section in VT this July I diplomatically reminded the nobos that A.T. Hikers often get spoiled by the ease of following blazes and that NH and ME were different beasts that made maps quite worth it. Whether or not they took my advice they were at least given fair warning.

  • Quote from AnotherKevin: “Uh-oh... Are these pants green or grey? (As I said, I'm color-blind.) 14735260721_610a8a7457.jpg[ ” Wait a minute, did I take that photo?

  • "Where am I Now?"

    Sarcasmtheelf - - General


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “Quote from Astro: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “My turn, my turn! ” Start of NY between NJ and the ice cream/hot dog places where I met up again with HB and Coach Lou.Unfortunately I missed a blaze leading to that and went to right and was climbing up limbs hanging out of rocks. I just knew it was too hard. ” A couple of states farther North. ” Then it is one in VT just a little north of the Long Trail Inn and south of the Lookout. ” Correct! Just a ha…

  • "Where am I Now?"

    Sarcasmtheelf - - General


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “My turn, my turn! ” Start of NY between NJ and the ice cream/hot dog places where I met up again with HB and Coach Lou. Unfortunately I missed a blaze leading to that and went to right and was climbing up limbs hanging out of rocks. I just knew it was too hard. ” A couple of states farther North.

  • "Where am I Now?"

    Sarcasmtheelf - - General


    Quote from Rasty: “appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…5ab33d1c88fb0574faa60d17f Good Luck ” I know where you are. You're under the rainbow!

  • "Where am I Now?"

    Sarcasmtheelf - - General


    My turn, my turn!

  • Quote from IMScotty: “Sometimes I log on here and feel like I've stumbled into the 'Island of Misfit Toys.' And for some reason it feels like home ” So we've succeeded! Quote from AnotherKevin: “Quote from odd man out: “I married a librarian. We have a rule that no electronic devices are allowed at the dinner table UNLESS you are Googling information that pertains to the conversation. ” I married a history/English teacher. The same rule prevails in our household. ” I married the woman that was w…

  • Seems fitting since most of us are three year olds at heart. Thanks for all your work on the site over the last three years.

  • Quote from TrafficJam: “No one has commented on OMO's self-evaluation but I will have to agree. Another Kevin belongs in that group, IMO. He is way too humble. ” I think I missed it, do you have a link?

  • Quote from Foresight: “This is cute, y'all have a poll to see which one of ya gets a title shot. Pfft, I scoff at thee.....Bring it on. ” I still want to know where your avatar photo came from

  • Quote from Drybones: “I thought being a prick or asshole was a requirement for membership here....have I logged onto the wrong site? ” I think there are a lot of people who mix up being an asshole and just being blunt. I consider myself to just be blunt on occasion, but that's for others to decide.

  • Quote from chief: “i've been called prick and asshole by two of the more "esteemed" members of this forum. that should count for something. ” There must be some mistake. We don't allow esteemed members here.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Sarcasmtheelf - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from IMScotty: “One year we had Thanksgiving dinner over my sister-in-laws. After the dinner I saw her take the carcass and just dump it in the trash. It was a crime against humanity. I cannot abide that kind of waste. I have not eaten over there since. ” Any ideas what to do with leftover mashed potatoes? ” Eat them

  • The Wild Life

    Sarcasmtheelf - - General


    Not the best photo, but this guy walked around my stand for a while on Tuesday. Big guy probably 30-40lbs, I think he (she?) may have walked past my stand last year in the same spot. "Is that a bobcat?" "Yes, it's a cat Bob." appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…5ab33d1c88fb0574faa60d17fappalachiantrailcafe.net/index…5ab33d1c88fb0574faa60d17fappalachiantrailcafe.net/index…5ab33d1c88fb0574faa60d17f

  • welcome to the cafe

    Sarcasmtheelf - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from meat: “Time to make the doughnuts ” 31 people at my aunt & uncles today. My contribution to the table was a dunkin doughnuts box of joe That and I also brought the only great-grandchild in the family, so I get a pass on almost everything else.

  • Hunting

    Sarcasmtheelf - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “i almost always see a deer on the 5 or 6.5 mile kennesaw mountain loop hike. if i go at dusk i'll see at least a dozen. ” A little known fact among non-hunters is that deer can read and are well versed in their local hunting laws, particularly the legal hunting hours and the areas where hunting is allowed. They purposely congregate just outside of hunting areas in order to taunt hunters that are on their way in and out and they make a regular practice of showing up mere mo…

  • Hunting

    Sarcasmtheelf - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from jimmyjam: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “I had a near perfect day first in the treestand and then in my new ground blond after the wind picked up The only thing that could have made it better is if I had seen a single frikkin deer... ” Ground blonds always make my day. ” I'm getting real sick of this iphone suggest/autocorrect.