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  • Duct Tape! Repair a jacket, a torn tent, cover a blister - you only need a little - wrap it around something on your pole or bottle. Might not work if you split your pants. youtube.com/watch?v=lwTFQfbBho4

  • Quote from JimBlue: “Some years ago I knew a woman who had a Civil War cannon and her and her crew participated in reenactments.I bet s ” I bet she was explosive to hang out with. More fun than July 4th!

  • Hmmm stop leading the newbies astray!

  • Well I will share this with you, He has really good ideas. I find fault with two weak areas of the Swiss, the blades do not hold an edge, the pin that supports the blade is too small, and can be bent, or broken. keep in mind this again is opinion. A good knife should be part of your kit, Mora or something that holds an edge. I have owned Hercules and Wave, I only go with Wave and now I own two. 1. You do not need a survival knife 2. You do not need a hollow handle 3. I would recommend from my ow…

  • Quote from Dan76: “Has anyone mentioned using the brain as a survival tool? ” Don't take this the wrong way - but most readers here will, the average human lately is not up to the Macgyver task. I got my butt handed to me on several embarrassing occasions. Unless you have done woodsman-ship all your life, you and myself are clearly unprepared. Daniel Boone and others at the time carried long rifles and could live off the land in that time period. The bulk of the animals are gone, Back in that ti…

  • Yes I really enjoy seeing the re-enactments! We have battles here at Chadds Ford around 9/11/1777 and others that are wonderful. I also like the American Indian and French/Indian Rondevous. ( cant spell it )

  • Quote from chief: “should be entitled: DNA says, it's a just bear, dumb ass. ” Yea I get it, the 2nd show was about Siberian School kids following tracks with a cell phone and guess what they ran into... something far larger and walked on two legs. Clearly huge. I was frustrated as the video was edited and arousing suspicions. However 8 year old's wouldn't know how to fabricate their enthusiasm or video.

  • Well what I have blown off as a hoax has been confirmed by DNA samples of hair and foot prints. Yeti is an ancient high altitude "almost" Polar Bear. It isn't a modern polar bear, but a big bear that walks on fours and can stand up, like other big bears. Thought to be extinct, Two hair samples have been found 800 miles apart in Nepal. The DNA matched a jawbone in Sweden that was 100,000 years old found in the mountains. If you have Nat Geo - there is a repeating 2 shows on evidence, both Nepal a…

  • Dad with Daughters at Harriman. youtube.com/watch?v=I52dfiqaXDg

  • Esbit or Coglans Firestarter. One or two in your kit, UL and easy to light. if it has been raining for days and you need a fire, strip the wet bark off the twigs with a knife and use this to get it going, once going you can boil water for tea or coffee and get warm. This is better than Fatwood, vasaline balls, birdnests, as it continues to burn 5-8 sometimes 18 minutes. If you like those ideas that's fine. youtube.com/watch?v=EfvbfTsuhrM

  • A small selection of pre- tied hooks, lead weights, two flies, a spinner and a two thin Bobbers. I own, but never used a 4 piece backpack ugly stick. I will have to break it out sometime.

  • A good start, I hope the Mah is higher than 6000 on the pocket juice. What did you add or take away from the FA kit?

  • OK I hope we eliminated the toys from what we may carry. And to be honest there really wasn't a "right" answer. So this thread is about better ideas - keep in mind your best survival tools is what is in your head and what you are carrying. In short if you are carrying a tent - you don't need a survival tube. I am looking for discussions here and to add things that work for you. - Shelter -- For protection from wind, rain, insects and sun. - Water -- Carry water. Carry provision for water filtrat…

  • Quote from JimBlue: “There is a Dick's. Sporting Goods store close enough I can try there for white gas. ” They don't carry White gas or MSR Super Fuel

  • MLK 2017 get together weekend

    Wise Old Owl - - General


    Approximate Friday 48° / 34° cloudy Sat 36° / 25° Cloudy and 11 mph wind Sunday 34°/ 27°Winter mix rain/sleet/snow maybe colder depending on wind.

  • Quote from CoachLou: “appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…32dde72e9580c8ec480707684 ” Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from jimmyjam: “Quote from TrafficJam: “I got a test strip bottle, now what survival essentials go in it? ” But seriously I guess some matches, maybe cotton balls with vaseline, needle & thread, crazy glue?, duct tape on the outside........ I dunno.... shot whiskey is sounding good to me right now as I have been out shoveling snow. ” didn't someone post that they carried fish hooks, lin…

  • MLK 2017 get together weekend

    Wise Old Owl - - General


    Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from Wise Old Owl: “Found this interesting... wrong time of the year of course. Hike the Island Pond Area of Harriman The Island Pond area of Harriman (northern section) is a favorite with stealth campers and “lake baggers”* alike, as you can hike in to lovely, grassy, lakeside campsites and hop in for an unsanctioned swim in beautiful Island Pond. And, not far from Island Pond is the Lemon Squeezer and Fingerboard, one of the Appalachian Trail’s historic stone lean-t…

  • Quote from LIhikers: “Quote from JimBlue: “My whisper light clogged up last camping trip. That's why I was thinking of a second stove. ” Doesn't it have the shaker jet to unclog it? Reread the instructions if you have them, and if you don't, they are HERE Quote from JimBlue: “ I want to find a local source of white gas other than Walmart to check this theory. ” I get the quart of the fuel from a local REI for winter use in our MSR Simmerlite stove ever since I bought a gallon of Coleman fuel yea…

  • MLK 2017 get together weekend

    Wise Old Owl - - General


    Found this interesting... wrong time of the year of course. Hike the Island Pond Area of Harriman The Island Pond area of Harriman (northern section) is a favorite with stealth campers and “lake baggers”* alike, as you can hike in to lovely, grassy, lakeside campsites and hop in for an unsanctioned swim in beautiful Island Pond. And, not far from Island Pond is the Lemon Squeezer and Fingerboard, one of the Appalachian Trail’s historic stone lean-to shelters — the perfect place to overnight and …

  • Going Hiking

    Wise Old Owl - - General


    too cold for my blood, even with the best gear. thanks for the Pics