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  • Cumberland MD to Harpers Ferry WV

    Drybones - - Trip Report


    Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from CoachLou: “I would like to do this by bike..........which,I just happen to have.appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…49e96c405420a9803ce03e0a6 These girls were coming down stream on their bikes, I was heading upstream on the C&O/AT into Harpers Ferry. They looked like they were having fun. We have this set-up, but haven't done this in so long. They just hang in the garage rafters. All I could think about 'till HP was biking.......and ice cream!!!! I got there a few wee…

  • Cumberland MD to Harpers Ferry WV

    Drybones - - Trip Report


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from NoAngel: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from NoAngel: “yes the one in PA is bigger but was closed (Sunday) when I passed thru. The HF office is mostly administrative. But really nice people there. Did you meet Laurie P? ” I didn't meet Laurie. ” she's super nice and very helpful. ” I second that. She even stopped to offer me a ride when I was walking to the Tea Horse Hostel the evening "before" I met her. ” That's one hostel I wouldn't mind staying at again...about …

  • Beer

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    My best friend growing up called last night, hadn't heard from him in a long time, we were recalling old times...one was the best beer we ever had...we'd been sitting in the hot MS sun dove hunting for hours and couldn't take it any longer, we were walking up the fence row when we met a machinist from the factory we worked at sitting in the bed of his truck under a huge osage orange tree with an igloo cooler...we loved his greeting..."you boys want a beer"...the 16 oz Schlitz was sucked dry in a…

  • Quote from TrafficJam: “Once I get my tarp situated, I might try a trip using my small, golite backpack. I figured tarp, sleeping bag, pad, no-cook food, water, filter, first aid, hygiene kit, 1 extra pair undies and socks. Not having hot coffee in the morning will be the hardest part. ” Save a little of the bourbon from the night before to get you going next morning.

  • 2017 - Hiking Plans.

    Drybones - - Trip Planning


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from SandyofPA: “Quote from TrafficJam: “My plans fell through. Oldest girl got called back for a second job interview and cut short her visit. She and hubby just moved to PA so she's looking for a job. The nice thing is their move will open up more hiking opportunities for me. ” PA huh, we may yet get to hike together! Midstate trail anyone? ” Where do the PA rocks begin? ” West Virginia.

  • Took a walk today

    Drybones - - General



  • Wild Fire

    Drybones - - General


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Astro: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from chief: “OMG, son of a LEO! i'm gonna be nice and ask, what's your point? ” Don't be stupid, this is the south. It's not what you know, it's who you know. And if you believe otherwise, you're even more naive than I am. ” I would not associate that with the South more than any other part of the USA or world (and perhaps even less). ” Surprised. I guess you haven't had the same experiences that I have. ” I hate to say it,…

  • Took a walk today

    Drybones - - General


    I'm not into hot weather hiking but couldn't turn down a trip with some top notch campfire whisky sipping company, spent three days doing a loop hike in the Linville Gorge area, spent the first night at the Chimney, watched fireworks in the distance, second day we got rained on but it stopped in time to set up camp, eat, sip half our rations before the rain started again, was not bad laying back in the hammock to finish it off listening to the rain on the tarp, the rain on the tarp put me into a…

  • Hiking & Biking

    Drybones - - General


    Quote from uncle meat: “Quote from NoAngel: “Quote from uncle meat: “@jimmy, appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…49e96c405420a9803ce03e0a6there's the shifter. Love the ape hangers ” - thats mine except it was blue. ” Isn't that blue? ” youtube.com/watch?v=plxpY8KLA-Y

  • Hiking & Biking

    Drybones - - General


    Any of you guys flip the frame upside down and make a high rider?

  • The Pyschedelic Years

    Drybones - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox


    Quote from chief: “I think it was in '69, but could have been '71, don't quite remember ” Many of us have a problem recalling those years.....and many others are trying to forget.

  • Hiking & Biking

    Drybones - - General


    Quote from NoAngel: “Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from Drybones: “Looks like I have to get another mt bike, crank bearings are shot and teeth are worn badly or missing....I believe I've gotten my $230 worth out the old Trek and it's time to put it out to pasture. ” My 'Fishing' mtn. bike, was put together from 3 bikes out of the transfer station. It looks like hell, but the nuts and bolts are prime. I ride it down the river roads or trails and just dump it in the weeds.....no one would give it a …

  • Hiking & Biking

    Drybones - - General


    Looks like I have to get another mt bike, crank bearings are shot and teeth are worn badly or missing....I believe I've gotten my $230 worth out the old Trek and it's time to put it out to pasture.

  • Hiking & Biking

    Drybones - - General


    I'm beginning to understand the significance of seat design, my buddy that did the 48 mile ride with me weighs 313 lbs and was sitting on a banana with no padding, my butt was sore and he said he could go 100 miles and would be fine, I'll try something different next time out.

  • Beer

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    I drive two hours to do my grocery shopping, a bottle of Jim Beam is $10 cheaper, more expensive stuff a lot more, we buy in volume when we go.

  • Took a walk today

    Drybones - - General


    Quote from ScareBear: “Quote from NoAngel: “Took the missus for s walk around the hood. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…49e96c405420a9803ce03e0a6 ” Is that a.....leash? Nah.... ” I wonder who's neck the other end is around?

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    Drybones - - General


    Quote from sheepdog: “Saw a big bobcat run across the road yesterday. Right in the middle of the day. We have a lot of them in the area but you rarely see them. ” Cutest animal I've ever seen was a little bobcat kitten, you'd need full armor to play with it, this little kitten I have is killing me, arms and legs look like I ran through a briar patch.

  • Quote from montana mac: “I work with a guy who claims he remembers his entire life, including being born. He can describe it in detail. I on the other hand can't even remember what I did yesterday ” I have a great memory............it's just short.

  • Beer

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Dan76: “Utah tightly controls consumer access to adult beverages. Therefore wine, liquor, and 'strong' beer are only sold in state owned beverage stores. However 3.2 beer is allowed for sale in grocery and convenience stores. However with Oklahoma and a couple of states now about to allow public access to beer with a higher alcohol %, most western breweries are planning to either greatly reduce or cease production of 3.2. As Utah accounts for less than 5% of 3.2 beer sales, the market…

  • Hiking & Biking

    Drybones - - General


    My sexy new bike, kinda fits my personality, I once paid an extra $100 to get the same truck without the fake mud splashes they charge extra for and wouldn't buy a Maxima until they took the pin strips off, guess I'm what you'd call a bland person...$300 for the bike, aluminum frame, disc brakes, rides well...which reminds me of a story...sister-in-law was buying a dog and was concerned about the drive home with the dog and asked if he road well...owners reply....he's sired three litters.