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  • What's your favorite power bar?

    Dan76 - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from max.patch: “i just got back from the gas station and on the counter they had a box of the biggest snickers bars i've ever seen. 2,160 calories. $15 i'd say one of those and a ramen and you're good ta go. ” A biking buddy was telling me how his convenience store sells a 1 lb Reese's peanut butter cup for nearly $20. Apparently 5 were sold in the past few days.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Dan76 - - General


    @9K, 14*F at 0400 hrs.

  • the football thread

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from meat: “I gotta wonder if Dak Prescott is gonna get a sweet deal from another team...he's hot and very marketable right now, I don't see Jerry Jones paying top dollar to have two starters. Every since free agency I rarely see any loyalty for team or players. "dollars, always the dollars" ~Joe Pesce-Casino ” The prediction among my crowd is Romo is going. Unfortunately most of the T-Day dinner conversation centered upon the Cowboys, except for the three hikers/bicyclists.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Happy Thanksgiving! I make cornbread dressing, not stuffing. My dressing recipe Cornbread A few hotdog or hamburger buns Diced boiled eggs, bell pepper, onion, and celery Poultry seasoning Sage Salt Pepper Garlic powder Crumble up the cornbread and white bread, mix together the rest of ingredients, taste it to make sure it's seasoned the way you want, then add enough chicken broth to make it moist, not soupy. Bake...350 ish until it looks done ” what? No oysters?

  • tacticalgear.com/ka-bar-tactical-spork-black

  • Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from jimmyjam: “proper trajectory and timing is everything with snotrockets ” I can blow perfect ones out of my left nostril but ones from my right end up on my clothes, shoes, or running down my face. ” You've not ambidextrous in this skill.

  • Cholesterol and hiking

    Dan76 - - Trail Health


    Quote from jimmyjam: “Well the results are in. And once again hiking has lowered my cholesterol. Down 32 points!! Proof that good old exercise is well, just plain good for you. So get outside people and do something. Go take a hike! Bbbbbllllllllrrrrrrtttttt!!!!!!! ” particularly on T-Day...when the Cowboys are playing.

  • Quote from jimmyjam: “Quote from AnotherKevin: “Quote from jimmyjam: “I read that as guitar snot guns ” Snotguns sound like something Rocketsocks would be interested in. ” And of course all hikers know how to do a snotrocket. ” As well as any competent bicyclist.

  • Quote from TrafficJam: “My beloved Casper can't stand or lift his head today and his breathing is labored. I think today is the day. He's getting lots of hugs and kisses from me along with lots of tears. 'This is really tough. ” A tough time for you. However from my experience, it was better to let a beloved dog go than to view the suffering. My condolences.

  • Quote from meat: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from LIhikers: “Quote from TrafficJam: “A Western Mountaineering sleeping bag. ” Good choiceI got their Puma model last year but haven't used it yet.It's rated at -25F and I'm looking forward to winter ” That will have to wait a year or two. My big purchase for 2017 will be a down coat. Also on my future wish list is custom-made down pants. ” good pick, I too could go for some down pants, those things are awesome! ” I had a pair of flannel lined je…

  • welcome to the cafe

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Astro: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Astro: “Anyone ever been to the American Museum of Science and Energy in Oak Ridge, TN? ” Yes. My impression was that it''s more for elementary kids. There was a small display of letters and photos on Hiroshima that I enjoyed. ” Downstairs was very interesting especially after reading multiple related books (such as Now it can be told by Gen Leslie Groves, Girls from Atomic City),as was the flat top house. Upstairs was…

  • Quote from LIhikers: “Yea, I know, but it bothers me that I can't read it. Guess I'm not liking getting old ” Anyone whom continues to wrench on not only helicopters but VW buses is not getting older but is staying young. And let's not forget completing lengthy section hikes in less than ideal weather conditions.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Dan76 - - General


    Quote from jimmyjam: “Quote from meat: “I'd just ran a string through the window till spring. ” me and a buddy in high school had to tie our shoe laces together for an accelerator cable on a beach trip. ” I've used modified panty hose as a fan belt on a Siat. Getting the passenger to donate the apparel was the interesting aspect.

  • gout

    Dan76 - - Trail Health


    Quote from Drybones: “After a suggestion from Scotty, I'm going to have a lyme test done. I've had two trigger finger surgeries (first one in the exact spot on my hand where a tick had me,bothered me for weeks), and my shoulder, thumb, groin, and now foot are bothering me, I've had xrays of the foot and shoulder and nothing showed mechanically wrong. ” I've spoken to a doc regarding carrying a antibiotic while on extended hikes to use when confronted with Lyme symptoms. She was adamantly opposed…

  • Hunting

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Drybones: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “Got into my stand for the first time this year at 3:00pm (a friend's private land). Yelled at two trespassing dirt-bikers who practically pulled up to my stand just after 4:00 and then gave up. Packed up my car but then decided to head back to the stand to grab my game camera and flushed two does on the walk there... So it goes... ” My father told me there's only one rule that holds true for deer hunting....you'll see a deer when you least expect …

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Dan76 - - General


    Currently light rain falling at mid 50s. Snow level is at 14k.

  • gout

    Dan76 - - Trail Health


    This thread is resembling a Dr Oz segment.

  • What Are You Reading?

    Dan76 - - Books


    Just completed 'Loon' by Jack McLean . An insight into an Army platoon leader during the height of Vietnam involment.

  • Glacial Drumlin State Trail, Wisconsin

    Dan76 - - Trip Report


    Quote from WanderingStovie: “Quote from Dan76: “You'd fit right in with the RAGBRAI crowd. Registration for 2017 is now open. ” I would rather ride twenty miles per day without a crowd. ” Roger that.

  • Glacial Drumlin State Trail, Wisconsin

    Dan76 - - Trip Report


    You'd fit right in with the RAGBRAI crowd. Registration for 2017 is now open.