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  • BMT>AT>Cohos Trail

    Rasty - - Trip Planning


    Quote from hikerboy: “Apparently a horse died and the Enloe Creek Trail is currently closed, which means my BMT segment is now over. I'm currently in Cherokee figuring out the next move. I may hop up to Hot Springs. ”

  • BMT>AT>Cohos Trail

    Rasty - - Trip Planning


    it's very nice this time of year on the Idaho Centennial trail.

  • @'hikerboy "Is one of those people". I don't know what that means but I fully support the statement.

  • Quote from Sarcasmtheelf: “Quote from Rasty: “Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from Sarcasmtheelf: “Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from odd man out: “Quote from rhjanes: “I'd like Matt-C to post links to these videos he references. I'd like to see the links to where the "thousands agree with me". I'd like to see links to back up all his assertions. I was going to Reply with Quote and interject on all the facts he lists, asking for references. I decided I'd spent enough time reading it the first few time…

  • Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from Sarcasmtheelf: “Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from odd man out: “Quote from rhjanes: “I'd like Matt-C to post links to these videos he references. I'd like to see the links to where the "thousands agree with me". I'd like to see links to back up all his assertions. I was going to Reply with Quote and interject on all the facts he lists, asking for references. I decided I'd spent enough time reading it the first few times. ” Cite references in an on line discussion?…

  • I reverted the original post just for shits and giggles. Quote from Matt_C: “WARNING THIS TOPIC CONTAINS A VERY HARSH TRUTH PEOPLE WILL NOT LIKE OR WILL WANT TO ARGUE AGAINST, WHICH PROVES THE POINT TO THIS POST I'm not here to argue or debate with people, this post outlines a major problem with 2000 milers that more and more people are getting sick and tired of seeing. So this topic isn't from one person it's fom thousands and thosands of people. This is something I've been making videos about …

  • I see this clown has made 31 edits on this so far.

  • Who is this clown?

  • Camping Apps

    Rasty - - General


    Does anyone have any recommendations on a camping app or website for free car and/or dispersed camping sites? My daughter is getting ready to go semi-nomad and do gig jobs while traveling in her Subaru with a Roof Tent.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…0278e2887488fb949549cdad3 @CoachLou

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Rasty - - General


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from Rasty: “Warm and Sunny today in Brasilia, Brazil today. 27°Celsius ” Helps to be on the flip side of the equator this time of year. I once played Papai Noel (Santa Claus) in Brazil. With the big red suit and white wig and beard, it actually was pretty hot in a church building with no AC. ” It's really nice here, so much better than the redneck riviera

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Rasty - - General


    Warm and Sunny today in Brasilia, Brazil today. 27°Celsius

  • Packing Time Line

    Rasty - - Gear


    I forgot my tent stakes due to packing while drinking. I left them with my other tent. I made due with string and rocks.

  • Tent suggestions

    Rasty - - Gear


    Quote from LIhikers: “while we're talking tents, does anyone here use a Tarptent Double Rainbow? My wife thinks that's what we should get next. Any opinions on that tent? ” I love mine. Perfect 3 to 4 season tent for a couple. Or luxurious for a single sleeper.

  • Introduce Yourself

    Rasty - - General


    Quote from odd man out: “...and thread drift is tolerated. (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) ” actually it's mandatory. It's in the cafés charter.

  • Tarptent Double Rainbow

    Rasty - - Tents & Shelters


    I think you will be very happy with the Double Rainbow.

  • Donation Time

    Rasty - - Site Information


    Hey all. Let's help out donate a few bucks if you can to keep the cafe going. IMScotty is taking care of stuff around here so we need to give him a bit of support.

  • Corona Virus and the Trail

    Rasty - - Trail Health


    Quote from IMScotty: “On a lighter note, these two guys found a way to continue their hike... appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…0278e2887488fb949549cdad3 ” That's a serious case of swamp-ass happening

  • Working for the AMC?

    Rasty - - General


    Quote from LIhikers: “sounds like a good deal, the work load may be seasonable. Can the vacation be taken any time of the yea ” I'm not sure on that. I assume you can't take vacation July 1 to Labor Day.

  • Working for the AMC?

    Rasty - - General


    Quote from Astro: “That would be awesome, as I might actually get to eat something you prepared in July! As for the AMC my guess is that it would rate higher on the atmosphere, but probably lower on pay. But you shouldn't be working 7x24, and you will already be in a great place anytime you get a day (s) off. ” My thoughts exactly. It looks like a 40 hour per week job with two days off, 3 weeks vacation per year to start, etc. Living in Gorham doesn't sound too terrible.