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    max.patch - - AT Specific


    Until it gets moved to AFSP.


    max.patch - - AT Specific


    lol, they're going to keep serving that question up until we accept it.

  • You mentioned you are not close to the AT. You can fly into Atlanta and get a shuttle to Springer. We can give you suggestions if this is what you want to do. If you drive to Georgia you can also park in the long term parking area at Amicalola State Park during your hike for (last time I checked) $50. The 8 mile approach trail starts here. If I was going to do a 500 mile or so hike I'd make it Springer to Damascus (470 miles). Damascus is a hiker friendly town, and while there is no public trans…


    max.patch - - AT Specific


    That has to be in the top 10 of pictures aspiring thru hikers take.

  • Winter Layers

    max.patch - - Clothing


    Quote from IMScotty: “I do not do a lot of winter hiking, so I tend to rely on what I already have in my closet. For my upper clothing I tend to go with a merino long sleeve base and one of my hand knit Irish Wool sweaters. I know, there are not many hikers wearing heavy knit wool sweaters. But it keeps me warm - even when wet - which is huge. That and the T seem to wick away any perspiration. Not very wind resistant thought, so I like to wear a wind jacket as an outer layer. ” I started off bac…

  • Is it cheating if you do the trail in a golf cart?

  • Are we doing Secret Santa this year? Cuz I got the perfect present... <snip> Platinum-Blazing the Appalachian Trail: How to Thru-hike in 3-Star Luxury When thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail, where can I find some fine dining or the best ice cream? After many nights in the woods, how can I add some "luxury" to my hike? And which are the very best hostels and other experiences along the AT? Which is the best Trail town for a visit? Platinum-Blazing the Appalachian Trail will point you to the very …


    max.patch - - AT Specific


    Fun size?

  • AT 2024

    max.patch - - AT Specific


    The AT just got easier for 2024 thru hikers. 2,197.4 1 mile shorter than 2023 appalachiantrail.org/news/appa…one-mile-shorter-in-2024/

  • Quote from LIhikers: “That was interesting. It seems there are very few hikers in my age bracket, 70s. That's too bad, those "old" people are missing out on something great. ” Sometimes the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

  • If you stop at a hostel in Waynesboro to apply and pay for the permit -- is that still considered cheating?

  • The SNP has joined the GSMNP in requiring a paid permit for all hikers -- including thru hikers -- who want to camp overnight in the park. Thruhikers, like in the GSMNP, do not have to specify where they will camp. They are given a 14 day window to get thru the park. This is a bit more hassle than the GSMNP for thruhikers. You can print out the GSMNP thru hiker permit before you leave home and you have enough time to start at Springer and get thru the GSMNP before the permit expires. This doesn'…


    max.patch - - AT Specific


    That was our favorite river to kayak/open boat. Also ate a lot of meals there.

  • You're planning on 2 years of hiking 60 days which works out to roughly a 4 month thru hike. I think it is much more likely your hike will take 3 years, not 2. If you start in the middle, say Harpers Ferry or somewhere in Pennsylvania, you run the risk of leaving an orphan section of 200 (plus or minus) miles. This would suggest starting at either Springer or Katahdin. I would suggest Springer as I'd hike Maine as late in the season as your schedule permits. Additionally, starting at Katahdin in…

  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    max.patch - - General


    A different kind of search (and hopefully) rescue... Ark the Emu ran away and is missing. Spotted yesterday by a trail runner where the AT (mile 12) intersects Cooper Gap Rd at (duh) Cooper Gap. Also spotted on Cooper Gap Rd by a UPS driver. Owner is asking anyone hiking in the area to keep their eyes open. ETA: Ark was found and is headed home.


    max.patch - - AT Specific


    Porno something or other.

  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    max.patch - - General


    Darn. North Korea and Iraq are high on my list.

  • Baseball Thread

    max.patch - - Coffee Talk


    This is what I would call a bad day a the office. All in the 5th inning. humorous commentary: youtube.com/watch?v=q4rPp3HxPFM serious commentary: youtube.com/watch?v=d_hR8nkhNa0

  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    max.patch - - General


    I don't use a Garmin. But if I did, and if I thot paying for the service was worth the expense, then I think getting the insurance is a no brainer given the cost/benefit. Some people spend more than that for an extended warranty on their television.

  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    max.patch - - General


    She rounded in her video. There is a copy of the bill on her GoFundMe page. It was actually "only" $59,973. Maybe a $50,000 policy doesn't cut it any more because of inflation. Facing an unexpected $10,000 balance due after insurance due immediately would be a stretch for many.