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  • Quote from Traffic Jam: “I’ve got some White Lily but don’t use it much. I’ll have to try it in my scones. Obviously, I have a baking problem. ” yeah, but I bet your house smells wonderful from the baking.

  • Quote from max.patch: “Quote from Grinder: “Just busting the "Yankees cain't cook nuttin' raht" mentality. ” next time i find myself in columbus, ohio i doubt that i'll catch a football game* -- but i'll make the short drive to the small town of waldo which has a "sports bar" named the g & r tavern that makes the best fried balogna sandwiches you're gonna find anywhere. those things are thick -- this ain't your store bought sliced balogna you find at the grocery store. *becasue southern superior…

  • My daughter and her husband are up for the weekend so I cooked a big breakfast this morning with Pillsbury biscuits, egg beater scrambled eggs, turkey sausage, and sweet potato hash. Fresh ground coffee and OJ. Yummy.

  • welcome to the cafe

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “got an email from one of my deal sites; 32 pairs of boxer briefs for $30 at target. my first thot was who in the world needs 32 pairs of underwear -- but then i realized it's a great first step towards moving to doing laundry on a monthly basis. in the comments section someone wrote that "if your're eating at taco bell -- and you crap your pants while you're there -- at that price ya just throw the underwear away and don't worry about it". i just avoid eating at taco bell …

  • What Are You Reading?

    jimmyjam - - Books


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “Quote from jimmyjam: “Just finished "Badlands" by Peter Bowen. Really enjoyed it, suspense, action and humor. Thanks TJ for the recommendation. I've had a nasty upper respiratory infection/sinus infection all week so I've done a ton of reading. Worst sore throat I've ever had and constantly coughing up crap kills my throat and I can't sleep so I read. Can't wait to be rid of this URI!!!!! ” I hope you are feeling better! Do you use a humidifier? ” No humidifier, maybe I …

  • Knee injections

    jimmyjam - - Trail Health


    Quote from max.patch: “Quote from jimmyjam: “Pre knee surgery they injected me me with a blend of cortisone and something else. I felt like I could dance down the stairs when I left. ” i know; i was surprised that the effect of the shot was almost instantaneous. ” just like oiling a squeaky hinge!! The size of the needle used is a little scary.

  • What Are You Reading?

    jimmyjam - - Books


    Just finished "Badlands" by Peter Bowen. Really enjoyed it, suspense, action and humor. Thanks TJ for the recommendation. I've had a nasty upper respiratory infection/sinus infection all week so I've done a ton of reading. Worst sore throat I've ever had and constantly coughing up crap kills my throat and I can't sleep so I read. Can't wait to be rid of this URI!!!!!

  • Knee injections

    jimmyjam - - Trail Health


    Pre knee surgery they injected me me with a blend of cortisone and something else. I felt like I could dance down the stairs when I left.

  • Sleeping Bag

    jimmyjam - - Sleep Systems


    I've tried the foam pad on top and under my inflatable, and for me it's definitely warmer and feels better with the foam pad on top. However sometimes I bring the foam along in the summer and I'll put it under the inflatable because it will keep it from sliding around.

  • welcome to the cafe

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=Tcz3VTe_9Xk ” Now that's just plain wrong.

  • Sleeping Bag

    jimmyjam - - Sleep Systems


    Quote from odd man out: “Quote from jimmyjam: “What are you using for a pad(s)? This time of year I always add a foam pad to my inflatable and Mai use a space blanket under all that ” I have one of those Dollar Store car windshield sun screens that are a thin layer of polystyrene with silver Mylar coating on both sides. I've wondered if something like that would do the same thing. The insulation is very thin, but as a supplement with the Mylar coating a heat reflector on both sides, I thought ma…

  • Sleeping Bag

    jimmyjam - - Sleep Systems


    What are you using for a pad(s)? This time of year I always add a foam pad to my inflatable and Mai use a space blanket under all that

  • welcome to the cafe

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “1958 mccalls article for women -- "129 ways to get a husband". number 4 is "join a hiking club." interesting reading! ” where did you get a 1958 McCalls??

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    jimmyjam - - General


    We took a short loop hike around Black Rock today and saw a doe and her babies on the way back.appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…18c314541bccf8009a6ee8dc8appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…18c314541bccf8009a6ee8dc8appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…18c314541bccf8009a6ee8dc8appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…18c314541bccf8009a6ee8dc8appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…18c314541bccf8009a6ee8dc8appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…18c314541bccf8009a6ee8dc8appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…18c314541bccf8009a6ee8dc8

  • welcome to the cafe

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “a record low tonight -- the doorbell rang only once with 3 kids (and mom) outside. that was it. ” We had a dozen or so. And I scared the dickens out of several with my glow in the dark hooligan mask ($3 dollar general). Locked the door at 8:30 and enjoyed the mounds and almond joys.appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…18c314541bccf8009a6ee8dc8

  • welcome to the cafe

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Trick or Treat!!appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…18c314541bccf8009a6ee8dc8

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from chief: “Quote from jimmyjam: “Quote from chief: “Quote from jimmyjam: “Here's my new sexy beast.appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…18c314541bccf8009a6ee8dc8 ” lookin' good! funny, a buddy of mine showed up the other day in a white one. did you get one of those 10k off deals? ” I got 15k off. It's a 2018. And I got a 10 year 200,000 mile power train warranty. I am very happy with the purchase. ” outstanding! bet you felt like a thief in the night driving off the lot with that black beauty.…

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from chief: “Quote from jimmyjam: “Here's my new sexy beast.appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…18c314541bccf8009a6ee8dc8 ” lookin' good! funny, a buddy of mine showed up the other day in a white one. did you get one of those 10k off deals? ” I got 15k off. It's a 2018. And I got a 10 year 200,000 mile power train warranty. I am very happy with the purchase.

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    I went back to a truck, selling both Jeep's (the shame!), because I was having too much trouble getting my canoe (and kayak) on and off the roof of the Renegade. Arthritis is trying to throw a wrench in my fun and I refuse to let it.

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Here's my new sexy beast.appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…18c314541bccf8009a6ee8dc8