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  • Darwin should have fun with this...

    Dan76 - - General


    Quote from WanderingStovie: “Quote from meat: “I never licked my external pack much, it was stiff and swung from side to side leaving chaffing where it rubbed. ” So it did not taste good? ” now recorded for posterity.

  • By objecting, some hotels will waive the resort fee.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Dan76 - - General


    First snow at my elevation (5k) is gone due to 50* temps. Rain forecast for Monday on.

  • Whiskey Thread

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Drybones: “Anyone here tried Four Roses bourbon? I recommend it, made a run to Total Wine & Spirits the other day, was looking for something new to try, couple of guys recommended it....would like to hear a professional review by TJ. ” Friends tell me it's a premium bourbon at a good price. One said she likes a splash of distilled water to add a bit of smoothness to the alcohol bite.

  • What Are You Reading?

    Dan76 - - Books


    Quote from montana mac: “Quote from Dan76: “Quote from montana mac: “Another book that I found interesting was The Last Season by Eric Blehm. It is the story of the disappearance of backcountry ranger Randy Morgenson, who disappeared in the California Sierra Nevada mountains ” 'Outside' magazine had a past article on his disappearance without reaching a conclusion. Does the book bring forth an explanation? ” Yes it does - don't want to ruin the ending if you plan on reading the book. If you are …

  • Knead Bread

    Dan76 - - Trail Chefs


    The nail clipping aspect reminded me of an incident occurring a while back. Two coworkers were intense rivals for the affections of a woman. She was successful in playing both like a violin, resulting in near fisticuffs several times. One day, one suitor was occupied with clipping his fingernails while on the phone. The clippings fell to the floor and while the call continued, his rival grabbed a broom and swept the remnants into a dustpan. Taking the dustpan to his work area, he commenced sorti…

  • Super moon tomorrow night.

    Dan76 - - General


    Quote from JimBlue: “I suggest an under 3 dollar sleep mask. Worked for me to keep the blink blink of an antenna tower warning light out of my eyes at Cheaha. ” An even more inexpensive remedy is duct tape.

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    Dan76 - - General


    I'd be tempted to have an onsite BBQ.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Dan76 - - General


    Last eve the area finally received the first snowfall, though below 5000' most likely warming temps will arrive tomorrow.

  • Knead Bread

    Dan76 - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from meat: “Check this fella out...he's a bad mofo m.youtube.com/watch?v=w1umy2ANfCg ” next time the neighbors fire their smoker..I'll give this process a try. Wonder how the baker 'seasoned' the steel pipe to prevent sticking?

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Dan76 - - General


    Quote from JimBlue: “Alaska crews have arrived in east Alabama to fight the wild fires here. ” Hopefully they'll have a break to sample an AYCE catfish joint.

  • Knead Bread

    Dan76 - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from Wise Old Owl: “Look I am all about the fun and I am not a Debbie Downer and the drift is so far from what is on the trail can we get a group hug and put this back on the turf? Honest _ I don't think I can make Naan Bread without a oven with a flat rock. ” I once knew a Debbie Downer, interesting woman... Many societies still make a naan like bread using nothing more than a hot flat rock.

  • Hunting

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Foresight: “Speaking of trees, I just had to get a picture of this one..... (Sorry for the poor quality. Even though I was on the coast the smoke from the fires made their way to us and filled the swamp) ” Cypress?

  • What Are You Reading?

    Dan76 - - Books


    Quote from montana mac: “Another book that I found interesting was The Last Season by Eric Blehm. It is the story of the disappearance of backcountry ranger Randy Morgenson, who disappeared in the California Sierra Nevada mountains ” 'Outside' magazine had a past article on his disappearance without reaching a conclusion. Does the book bring forth an explanation?

  • welcome to the cafe

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from jimmyjam: “The wife asked me last night why I hadn't eaten the bowl of left over snickers from Halloween. I reminded her I had just consumed about 60 full size snickers while hiking and didn't want to see another for a long time. ” Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from JimBlue: “I was looking at using flour trotillias and peanut butter for my lunches on trips. And if I go camping before the drought is over, for supper to. ” I've tried tortillas with tuna and also with pepperoni and chees…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Dan76 - - General


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Dan76: “With continued warm dry weather in eastern Utah, deer are moving to lower elevations in search of moisture. Of course more are hit by traffic as folks don't seem to slow. ” Do you know how the berry and acorn crop will be affected? Less food means more nuisance bears. I wonder if the drought this summer will mean less cubs in the spring to compete for food. ” Good question. Fortunately last winter's snowpack in this area was a just a bit below average. …

  • Songs of freedom

    Dan76 - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox


    m.youtube.com/watch?v=TZBTyTWOZCM Received this link last week. Particularly appropriate at this time.

  • 2017 - Hiking Plans.

    Dan76 - - Trip Planning


    Quote from twistwrist: “If I'm able to save enough leave by next summer, a friend and I are planning to hike the JMT! ” Recommend getting your permits early.

  • What's for dinner?

    Dan76 - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Around here, people talk about fried corn. It's not really fried but cut off the cob and cooked in a skillet with butter and milk to make it creamy. You can add onion and bacon. Has anyone else heard of that? I need to try it. ” Yes...quite tasty, particularly with diced onion. It's one of the dishes my late aunt lavished upon me.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Dan76 - - General


    With continued warm dry weather in eastern Utah, deer are moving to lower elevations in search of moisture. Of course more are hit by traffic as folks don't seem to slow.