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    max.patch - - AT Specific


    I noticed that too, great clue.


    max.patch - - AT Specific


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from max.patch: “What is "Serendipitous"? ” I assuming that was phrasing a response in a Jeopardy question format to OMO. ” lol, yeah, seemed appropriate.

  • Corona Virus and the Trail

    max.patch - - Trail Health


    I drove GA-AZ last fall and just returned from doing it again. I was amazed at the dramatic decrease in mask wearing at the truck stops and rest areas. And to be totally honest, I found myself several times in those locations where I had forgot to put on a mask. I don't think I've ever done that since I started to wear a mask back in 2020. I just got back from Costco today and noticed that they put a new sign at the entrance recommending that everyone wear a mask in accordance with the CDC recom…


    max.patch - - AT Specific


    What is "Serendipitous"?

  • welcome to the cafe

    max.patch - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from odd man out: “ So basically all these "Everest equivalents" are bogus. ” Quote from LIhikers: “It wouldn't surprise me if some of us have climbed 29000 feet over the years. 500 feet here, a 1000 there, and it all adds up. What's the difference if you do it in 36 hours, days, months, or years. Well there is a difference, but so what, hiking doesn't have any rules. ” So I really didn't climb Mt. Everest the equivalent of 16 times on my thru? Reference from REI: How many times would a th…

  • welcome to the cafe

    max.patch - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from LIhikers: “Hike the mountain. Ride the gondala down. Repeat until you've climbed 29,029 feet -- the equivalent of Mt Everest (17 trips at Stratton for 22.4 miles). 36 hours to do so. I don't have that much ambition. I guess I'm just a lazy SOB ” Putting aside the fact that I'd never pay $4,500 to do this... 30 years ago this would be intriguing. Today it's an immediate hard pass.


    max.patch - - AT Specific


    I immediately knew the answer to the AT question becasue there was a non AT trail on the sign. Although I'm pretty sure if I had to I would have gotten the answer by process of elimination. One state to me was obviously not correct. ETA: Well this interesting -- I just went back to look at the sign again (this time on my laptop) and the answer choices are different. I looked again and got different answers again. The trail I mentioned starts in one state and ends in another. When I answered the …


    max.patch - - AT Specific


    I slept there; it's a really nice spot.

  • welcome to the cafe

    max.patch - - Coffee Talk


    WOW! For our northern friends -- Stratton Mtn is one of the locations this year. Hike the mountain. Ride the gondala down. Repeat until you've climbed 29,029 feet -- the equivalent of Mt Everest (17 trips at Stratton for 22.4 miles). 36 hours to do so. Already sold out. But wait list available. $4,500 but that includes food and lodging so totally worth it. If I tried this I'd be a statistic. 29029everesting.com/


    max.patch - - AT Specific


    Quote from rhjanes: “Today's actually is, according to the National Park Service, an incorrect answer. Off by 1 foot, but still the only multiple choice answer that was close. Maybe it's like Mt Everest and still changing ever so slowly (as all mountains actually do). Everest used to be thought to be 29,029. Better measurements showed it's 29,035. ⛰️ AT Question Of The Day – May 20, 2022 ⛺ My answer today was – CORRECT Total questions answered – 77 Total answers correct – 69 Percentage answers c…

  • welcome to the cafe

    max.patch - - Coffee Talk


    OK, so I googled (just got back from AZ so my mail is still at the PO) to see why in the world SI would do this. And I came across this cover she did when she was 63. I'm not gonna google any more. I don't want to know. i.pinimg.com/originals/87/50/9…4744b7f57013b40511ba2.jpg

  • welcome to the cafe

    max.patch - - Coffee Talk


    Whatta ya doing, Sports Illustrated? A 74 year old on the cover of the swimsuit edition? imagesvc.meredithcorp.io/v3/mm…aye-musk_SI-SWIM.jpg&q=60

  • Quote from max.patch: “ I like Thorlo socks and also wore them for hiking and casual wear. But I stopped buying them about a year ago for hiking as they just wear out too fast ” Well, I was obviously confused when I wrote this. Cross out "Thorlo socks" and substitute "Wright socks" the above post is 100% correct. Back to Thorlo socks... I wore Thorlos for 10-12 years and loved them. No blisters, and they fit my foot/boots perfectly. About halfway thru my thru my wool ragg socks were becoming "co…


    max.patch - - AT Specific


    Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.

  • Doyle Hotel

    max.patch - - General


    Quote from Astro: “I will always be able to say I stayed there when "it was the Doyle". The only time I had to seriously consider if I should sleep in my hiking clothes and take a shower in the morning afterwards. ” People who don't know the Doyle will think you're trying to be funny.

  • Quote from LIhikers: “Quote from max.patch: “I'm guessing the consensus will be yes. I like Thorlo socks and also wore them for hiking and casual wear. But I stopped buying them about a year ago for hiking as they just wear out too fast............. ” Mine must be in the 8 to 10 year old range.I'm cheap and use things until I just can't any more. I've definitely gotten my money's worth. ” You bought em before they improved em. They used to last a lot longer than they do now.

  • Doyle Hotel

    max.patch - - General


    I'm going to make a prediction. Remember what a lightning rod Wingfoot used to be? Everyone knew who he was, and everyone had an opinon. TOS was even started because of him. And now...when was last time he was the subject of a lively internet discussion? I think in 10 years the Doyle will be the same. With rooms $75, discontinuing holding hiker boxes, it's clear the new owners are pivoting away from the hiker trade. Which is understandable if they put a bunch of money into renovations. And hopef…

  • Doyle Hotel

    max.patch - - General


    The gentleman from NH over at TOS gave a disappointing review of the renovated Doyle. After seeing some photos of the new and improved Doyle I was actually planning on staying there (never thot I'd say that -- I've always said everyone should stay there once, nobody should stay there twice -- next time I found my way to PA. Lets hope it's a case of newly opened hiccups. Certainly not worth the $75 a room costs. I'll be interested in others reviews in the coming months ahead.

  • I'm guessing the consensus will be yes. I like Thorlo socks and also wore them for hiking and casual wear. But I stopped buying them about a year ago for hiking as they just wear out too fast. For hiking I get wool socks from REI or their outlet when they go on sale. Many times this ends up being REI brand, although once I snagged a discontinued Darn Tough. I'm not brand loyal; if I can find a relatively thin quarter high wool sock I'm satisfied.

  • Baseball Thread

    max.patch - - Coffee Talk


    Reds pitch a no hitter! And lose.