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  • Took a walk today

    Ewok11 - - General


    My husband, a friend and I went exploring today. I've been trying to get out more and more to see new trails or walks. For the most part, they've just been short, easy walks. Today, we walked, ran, hopped, creek jumped, scree slid, bouldered and post holed around at Hatcher Pass. The pictures below are from different parts of the trek, that I couldn't even begin to put a distance on since it was in fits and starts up and down mountainsides. July in Alaska and there's still a good six/seven feet …

  • Let's meet!

    Ewok11 - - General


    I haven't met anyone but then again, I'm up here in the land of the midnight sun for the time being

  • Took a walk today

    Ewok11 - - General


    Took a "walk" today. It was a beautiful, really sunny, really warm day in South Central Alaska. My husband and I drove up to the Matanuska Glacier and did a little ice climbing (LOT of trekking around to find good ice). My feet a killing me (new boots). My calves feel like I was in high heels most of the day and I'm a little bit wind/sun burned. Aside from that it was an AWESOME day. I cringed when I paid the retail price for my Julbo spec 4 sunglasses but my eyes aren't hurting and I didn't fee…

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    Here are a few pictures from the Running of the Reindeer event that pretty much closes out the last weekend of the Fur Rondy. I wish I could have gotten a better angle but if I zoomed out any more, I got a bunch of people's heads in the pics. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…9eed0cf1176892491fc032b8d appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…9eed0cf1176892491fc032b8d appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…9eed0cf1176892491fc032b8d appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…9eed0cf1176892491fc032b8d appalachiantrailcafe.net/inde…

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    After a train load of snow was brought in from Fairbanks for the ceremonial start of the Iditarod, Mother Nature decided to have the last laugh and dumped three inches of fresh powder on top of all of it. The temps were much cooler this morning than the past week, so I'm sure the dogs were happier than they would have been. I still have to go back downtown later today to see the Running with the Reindeer foot race but here are a few pics from this morning. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…9eed0cf1…

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    The weirdness that is the winter continues. Most of the snow has melted. The only thing remaining is a thick (about eight inches in some places) layer of ice on side roads. My driveway is clear and dry but I basically have to 4-wheel to get to it. The Fur Rendesvous is in full swing with the culmination being the ceremonial start of the Iditarod, this Saturday. There is a freight train on the way from Fairbanks down to Anchorage packed full of snow just for the race. Yes, really. I'm hoping to g…

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Ewok11: “Well, after reading through this whole thread my "hobbies" seem so mundane. My husband is the thrill seeking, death defying, adrenaline junkie in the relationship. I mainly just watch and pray to anyone or anything listening that he doesn't get hurt. 1. Mountain Biking (I'm mediocre at this.) 2. Skiing (I've tried exactly once so far and I was terrible but that just makes me want to try again.) 3. Rock Climbing (Another mediocre rating.) 4. Ice Climbin…

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    Well, after reading through this whole thread my "hobbies" seem so mundane. My husband is the thrill seeking, death defying, adrenaline junkie in the relationship. I mainly just watch and pray to anyone or anything listening that he doesn't get hurt. 1. Mountain Biking (I'm mediocre at this.) 2. Skiing (I've tried exactly once so far and I was terrible but that just makes me want to try again.) 3. Rock Climbing (Another mediocre rating.) 4. Ice Climbing (Still learning.) 5. Weight Lifting (I've …

  • Took a walk today

    Ewok11 - - General


    The stars and weather and work schedules finally aligned and we were able to take a walk. We've tried to get down to Byron Glacier at least three times before our successful weekend venture. It's approximately 45 minutes south of Anchorage but the weather in the Portage Valley is unpredictable and often nothing like the weather in the Anchorage Bowl. The last three times, we left our house on sunny days only to arrive at the trail head to gale force winds and pounding rain. Saturday, we finally …

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from LIhikers: “I'd love to live in Alaska for a year or so to see what it's like. But, alas, I can't get my wife, Kathy, to move away. She provides help for her elderly mom and won't go anywhere, and I'm not going anywhere without Kathy. ” Now that I've been here for a winter, a summer and now a second winter (because there aren't any other seasons) it's definitely not like any place I've been. For a person who likes the outdoors, even just casually, there's a never ending supply of adven…

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    The earth shaking is a pretty regular occurrence up here. Usually, you hear it coming, which is easily mistaken for a jet buzzing the tree line until it shakes. Normally, they only last a few seconds. The one last night shook, then rolled for about two minutes. It felt like I was on a boat. The original damage assessment of house and possessions revealed one bottle, one cup and one crutch that had fallen over. However, after getting some sleep and then checking a little more thoroughly, we have …

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    It's currently 24 degrees and warming. We've had approximately 3.5 inches of new snow in the bowl since November and since that all melted when the temps shot up to and stayed in the 40's in late December; we have approximately 3.5 inches of snow, total. Forecast calls for ice off and on the rest of the week. Alaskans are overly prepared for snow but pretty ill equipped and inept with ice. Earthquake last night/this morning.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    I haven't posted in a while since I've been busy trying to live up the Alaskan non-winter we've had so far. I made one attempt at skiing and only fell down several times. My husband is a terrible instructor, so if we ever get some snow (sorry East Coasters), I'll try again and pay someone to take a vested interest in my learning. Ice climbing has been pretty non-existent so far without making the 2-3 hour drive north or south to a glacier and the roads have just been too icy for that, along with…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    Quote from LIhikers: “Quote from Ewok11: “It's currently 24F with mostly clear, star filled skies. All things being relative, I tell myself I could be in Fairbanks where it is currently -13F. This will be my first Winter commuting to my job on foot. I've started carrying an extra bag just to store my layers of clothing. ” Ewok, I envy you!And I wish my job were close enough to get to on foot. I'd even settle for a bicycle commute, or a car ride under an hour each way (sigh). When I got laid off …

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    It's currently 24F with mostly clear, star filled skies. All things being relative, I tell myself I could be in Fairbanks where it is currently -13F. This will be my first Winter commuting to my job on foot. I've started carrying an extra bag just to store my layers of clothing.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    Quote from Foresight: “Quote from Ewok11: “The weather here is Alaska. It's reached the time of year where it doesn't really matter what time of day or day of the week it is, the answer will be: Dark, Snow, Cold until sometime around April or May. ” I would not cope well there.... ” It's actually not so bad because the state embraces the dark. Of course, I say that knowing full well that if I lived in the northerly part of the state where the sun really does disappear almost completely for days/…

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Trebor: “Played hookey on Friday and headed to Raven Cliff Falls for a quick day hike. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…9eed0cf1176892491fc032b8d This was my view as I laid in my hammock for a afternoon nap. ” That's my hometown/county/area. Beautiful place to visit!!

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    The weather here is Alaska. It's reached the time of year where it doesn't really matter what time of day or day of the week it is, the answer will be: Dark, Snow, Cold until sometime around April or May.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from hikerboy: “maybe bear spray isnt a good idea youtube.com/watch?t=3&v=nU5cMZymSr0 ” A friend shared this before it blew up to viral status. My comment was something along the lines of: I would have just eaten her. I do feel somewhat bad for her because she was obviously trying really hard to hold it together but her voice alone would have caused me to bite her, had I been the bear. My friend said: Obviously, his name isn't Bear. Maybe she should have tried Frank and clearly he didn't e…

  • Lucky To Be Alive

    Ewok11 - - General


    Quote from Dan76: “Quote from Ewok11: “ ” Strategically place a game camera where you can monitor it regularly in your housing area. Wager you'll record interesting wildlife video within a few nights, especially on the nights preceding trash collection day. ” I usually just have to walk or drive around. I've seen the neighborhood moose (plural) on several occasions and one of the yearling black bears decided he would try to share a burger with one of my neighbors and almost made it through a win…