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  • thanks all. very helpful. fontana dam sounds doable. cell is ATT which sounds like there is not as good of coverage. Nice to have much flexibility.

  • great help from astro and maxpatch. seems like there is cell contact along most of the route which allows much flexibility. Only had cell contact on jmt at the resupply stops. that is when i did laundry - overnight stops with hot meal, shower. two places along the trail and once by jumping off trail to a town that caters to jmt hikers. have hike lots in colorado, glacier, alps but no long distances along the AT and so trying to get a sense of reasonable daily mileage expectations.

  • I am looking for mileage advice on hiking a section of the AT this spring in late April to early May. Have about 12 days that I can hike. Would like to go from Springers to Clingmans Dome where my wife will pick me up. That would be 199 miles or an average of 16.6 miles/day. Will resupply by stores along the way and/or a hostel or two. Planning to carry 4-5 days of food at a time. I am an experienced 62 yr old hiker who did a solo 251 mile / 17 day hike on JMT and HST a couple of years ago, whic…