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  • One of the things I love about this site is that I can say what I am thinking... I would love to respond to the Inchworm thread over at TOS, but if I respond today, my words would most likely just incite someone over there who is just looking to stir the pot. The sad thing is that my words have nothing to do with that person, but because they want to take it that way, there is nothing I can do/say. It is better to just sit in silence. I want to commend BirdBrain for his awesome post this morning…

  • welcome to the cafe

    WaterRat - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Drybones: “Quote from max.patch: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “I just want to say how excellent I think it is that so many people have dog avatars at the moment! ” i agree ” I was walking Ruger one day and heard two young girls say "It's Scooby Doo!", never realized until then how similar they were. ” That's awesome! Does he say "Ruh roh Raggy!" and eat Scooby Snacks?

  • welcome to the cafe

    WaterRat - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from OzJacko: “When you have a dog for 17 years you never forget it. Bawled for a week when I lost this one. ” I wanted to "like" the first part where you say that when you have a dog for 17 yrs you never forget. Absolutely! But, I didn't want to "like" the second part where it made you sad. I have totally been there. It will devastate me when I eventually (140 human yrs from now!!) lose the two pooches I have. They bring so much joy to my life.

  • welcome to the cafe

    WaterRat - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Foresight: “Odd ” Hmmm... Is that dog in cat's clothing?

  • Record Attempts?

    WaterRat - - General


    Quote from Dmax: “I think Doyle and Baltimore should go for a new record. It could be feed by a live stream for everyone to watch. ” That sounds like a brawl waiting to happen...

  • welcome to the cafe

    WaterRat - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “I just want to say how excellent I think it is that so many people have dog avatars at the moment! ” i agree ” I was noticing that... Has this place gone to the dogs? Bah-dum-bum!

  • Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “I prefer not to speculate about real life tragedies in a public forum. Her family and friends can easily stumble across what is written here if they were to do a google search. ” THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! The thread over at TOS made me want to scream - Gerry Largay is not a story for the purpose of entertaining peoplle. She was a daughter, a wife, a mother, and she had friends. In addition, everyone seems to forget she made her way all the way to Maine - that does not happ…

  • welcome to the cafe

    WaterRat - - Coffee Talk


    That is truly awesome!

  • Clarity on an AT thru-hike

    WaterRat - - Trip Report


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from A.T.Lt: “When I left her she had 6 bottle of beer in her pack! LOL ” No wonder her pack is so heavy I love the cafe, everyone is so supportive. ” It'll lighten up in no time. And, with each beer...she won't notice how heavy the pack is! I call that a win-win situation.

  • welcome to the cafe

    WaterRat - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “Quote from WaterRat: “I just had total GB disease over on TOS... Totally unintentional, but it was awesome that it happened in a thread about poop. Still cracking up! ” I may have quoted it in it's entirety just to help the thread along... ” Ummm... I would say "thanks" for that, but then I would just start cracking up again. Oh, the timing!

  • welcome to the cafe

    WaterRat - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “did you read the article? baxter had a pamphlet that talked about "defecation" and had to dumb down the language to "poop" because peeople didn't know what defecation meant - they were asked it that meant someone died. lol ” I read the article and had to roll my eyes at that... Though, I do have to say it doesn't surprise me. I have met some of the people at Baxter who clearly had trouble with the nickel words. My favorite response is that the park needs to build more faci…

  • welcome to the cafe

    WaterRat - - Coffee Talk


    I just had total GB disease over on TOS... Totally unintentional, but it was awesome that it happened in a thread about poop. Still cracking up!

  • Clarity on an AT thru-hike

    WaterRat - - Trip Report


    Quote from A.T.Lt: “When I left her she had 6 bottle of beer in her pack! LOL ” By Jove! I think she has this backpacking thing down!

  • Record Attempts?

    WaterRat - - General


    Quote from max.patch: “Quote from hikerboy: “11137109_10153605532795329_1429720945282268167_n.jpg Krissy Moehl ” well, that'l give dr. doyle and his clones something to talk about. ” I had the same thoughts... Much as I am a fan of JPD, I really do not think a record is worth dying for. There is a reason why they have the ferry system in place.

  • welcome to the cafe

    WaterRat - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from hikerboy: “youtube.com/watch?v=B76ysGuyi7M ” Wouldn't it have been easier to just use the door?

  • Blogs for women

    WaterRat - - Women's Threads


    I also liked Clever Girl's (Kit McCann) blog. She hiked the AT in 2013 and then kept blogging until recently. While not so educational for gear advice, it was hilarious! trailkit.blogspot.com/2012_04_01_archive.html

  • Quote from hikerboy: “venus and jupiter will appear to be one star tonight, which hasnt happened in about 2000 years.think star of bethlehem. is there a new savior on the way? cbsnews.com/news/jupiter-venus…star-of-bethlehem-moment/ ” Odds are pretty good that someone, somewhere...will give birth tonight. I bet there are lots of parent that claim their child is the savior. Oh, wait - Maybe they think their child is angelic? Hmmm.... I always get those confused.

  • I am at a loss for words...

    WaterRat - - General


    Quote from TrafficJam: “I really want more details. She should have been able to walk out on Friday. The whole thing is weird. And where was the placenta that it was attracting bees and biting them? Still attached to the baby? ” Trust me - Your brain will cramp if you try and ponder this one too long.

  • I am at a loss for words...

    WaterRat - - General


    Quote from Rasty: “My wife was shopping at Wal-Mart 5 hours before going into labor ” I think a forest would have been a better choice... Even with the meat bees! Can you imagine the story she has for her child? I'm sorry, kid. I could have sent you to college, but I opted to start a forest fire the day you were born and we are still paying for it. I think my brain is cramping after that story... I mean, I know labor moves along fast for some women and things just happen. However, this woman mad…

  • What's your favorite piece of gear?

    WaterRat - - Gear


    Quote from Dmax: “appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…66d4a0bbdedac6144e737c58e ” Wow... For that very reason alone, I guess I will never be ultra-lite.